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  1. #301

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Woony
    I love how in TBC everyone was a Casual who flamed the nolife-hardcoreraiders, now suddenly everyone is a hardcore elitist who flames the Casuals-noobs.
    Most of the people doing the flaming now only think that they are good because of toc normal modes.

  2. #302

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Woony
    I love how in TBC everyone was a Casual who flamed the nolife-hardcoreraiders, now suddenly everyone is a hardcore elitist who flames the Casuals-noobs.
    Because content took more effort and time to raid.

  3. #303

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Revitalize
    Because content took more effort and time to raid.
    It took very little time and effort to down all the easy bosses in TBC, just like it takes little time to do the normal modes. Although one aspect of "time" means out-of-raid preperations, and im glad those are down. Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  4. #304

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by VonGimli
    It took very little time and effort to down all the easy bosses in TBC, just like it takes little time to do the normal modes. Although one aspect of "time" means out-of-raid preperations, and im glad those are down.
    That's what I meant, the out of raid preparations.

  5. #305

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    meh when the next wing comes out or a little later this encounters except for putricide will get nerfed and youl all get your sympathy loot. Everyone will be happy

  6. #306

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kärmä
    25man-Did everything perfectly and only got 11% before enrage
    Not to kinda be an ass, but if you were perfect, you would have killed him.

    The best way to maximize DPS is to work out the exact locations of where your ranged DPS should meet for every single group of spores. Remember, certain types of ranged dps will do better while moving than others, and you should choose which ranged DPS will get the privilege of standing on the 'meeting spot' and therefor never having to move, and which DPS (such as hunters) are going to take a smaller hit due to movement. There are always ways to improve, and since others guilds that are not overgearing it in togc25 gear - such as mine - are able to kill him, then yours likely should be able to as well.

    That said, it's a DPS race, and it's a very very tight enrage. If you're in 25ToC gear, it's still going to be a close call most likely, but it's very doable. If you're in mostly ToC10 gear, you're going to have a lot more trouble.

    EDIT: Oddly, by the way, the encounters seem to be reversed in difficulty from 25 to 10 man. In 10, Rotface seems to be the hardest, and in 25, Festergut seems harder of the two. Maybe it was just blind luck (OR TREMENDOUS SKILLLLL DAWG), but we 2-shot Rotface in 25 and had a lot more trouble with him on 10. Oh, and here's the homework for all of your raiders when you reach putricide... go pvp and learn how to kite, because those orange oozes HURT.

  7. #307

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Find this very funny.. Ppl complaining about content being too hard.. Ppl complaining about content being to easy...

    WE manage to kill Festergut today..
    Toc10m normal Geared group Except 3 dps. only 3 dps with GS over 5k. We did it with 4 secs left on timer.

    3 Healer: Shammy, Shammy and Druid
    2 Tanks: DK and Pala
    5 Dps: Hunter, Lock, Rogue, Rogue and Mage.

    not complaining.. we had like 5 whipes and then we killed him. funny when its accually a challange.
    since First wing is pretty much a faceroll.

  8. #308

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Revitalize

    God you guys think you can just run in your lol 232 gear from random heroics and down this shit.
    That is exactly what i did, he is really easy even in full raid of people with average ilvl of 232.

    This is supposed to be somewhat hard.
    But it's not.

  9. #309

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nardog
    Healing was tough, used 4 healers at first, got him to 4%.
    Went with 3 healers, wiped a couple of times, then downed him.
    Here was the recount for the fight.

    Oh, and we had 1:14 until enrage.
    Healing was tough? In that sort of gear? What?

    I'm pretty damn sure a 25man geared healer can solo-heal this fight just fine. Our first pull on an alt raid (with everyone in average 232 gear, 2x healer setup) the other healer died at the start and i solo-healed him down to around 40% before running oom.

  10. #310

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    killed him with 20 sec remaining at the second try in 25men, with a group from mixed guilds without vent//any sort of coordination..
    if everyone can do their job, this is just a gear check..
    i expect that as we get better eq the remaining time will get gradually higher and higher..
    lowest we got on putri 25 was 26%, but then again we just did 4 try and some ppls didn't even know the boss..
    so i guess the content is quite doable, but definitely it starts to ask to shape up any slacker healer//dps, for a dead weight in the first wing was nothing to complaing about, but 2 dps slacking big time or dieing like shit, well this might actually wipe you and it's a good thing..
    we lost several core players due to content being easy (10-men wise, our guild groups had 2nd and 4th realm-wise on 50try.. 25men-wise our progression sucks since we don't have 25 dedicated raider, we have like 15-16 dedicated raider and some "friends" willing to do their job in normals but nothing more), but i guess that if the trend with this wing continues with the next one, we may actually get some dudes back and fill again our rank for a proper 25-men progression...

  11. #311

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    mmm Festergut is a hard fight at first. Once you have the strat down and group can execute that strat almost perfectly then its alright. My guild had about 6 attempts before we downed him. we constantly got him to 50% and then would just wipe. we got down to 5% on our 3 or 4th attempt and then tanks just got annihilated. hit the enrage timer once and believe me, that wasn't pretty. But we eventually downed him with about 10 seconds left until enrage. Vent was just one big sigh of relief.... or triumph?
    Quote Originally Posted by Moar
    You should hear about the time I divided by zero.
    Long story short, I created physics.
    - 80 Rogue -

  12. #312

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by darkenrahl
    killed him with 20 sec remaining at the second try in 25men, with a group from mixed guilds without vent//any sort of coordination..
    if everyone can do their job, this is just a gear check..
    i expect that as we get better eq the remaining time will get gradually higher and higher..
    lowest we got on putri 25 was 26%, but then again we just did 4 try and some ppls didn't even know the boss..
    so i guess the content is quite doable, but definitely it starts to ask to shape up any slacker healer//dps, for a dead weight in the first wing was nothing to complaing about, but 2 dps slacking big time or dieing like shit, well this might actually wipe you and it's a good thing..
    we lost several core players due to content being easy (10-men wise, our guild groups had 2nd and 4th realm-wise on 50try.. 25men-wise our progression sucks since we don't have 25 dedicated raider, we have like 15-16 dedicated raider and some "friends" willing to do their job in normals but nothing more), but i guess that if the trend with this wing continues with the next one, we may actually get some dudes back and fill again our rank for a proper 25-men progression...

    i call bullshit on that first few lines

  13. #313

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Killed him tonight with 20 alts +5 mains who didn't fit into our main raid, none of whom were the tanks or healers. Died about 2 seconds AFTER enrage mostly due to dots. We then went onto professor putricide and got him down to 8.6% on the 9th try with the same group. Going back for a professor putricide kill on our mains on monday...

    Many of our members can play their alts fairly well but there are also some like me who have very little raiding knowledge of the alt they played and yet a kill was still possible...

  14. #314

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Ez moad boss. If you can't kill him then you need a cup of l2p and l2move.

    People just can't stop complaining..Back in the day when raiding was hard people didn't complain this much, and content was HARD *cough* M'uru pre 2.4.3 nerf *cough* talking by personal experience.
    Just play the fucking game. If you can't beat it, then you suck, plain and simple.
    Pre-nerf Battlemaster

    If you see me, run away, or it will be the last thing you'll ever see.

  15. #315

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    2nd try, nothing special, it just requires decent geared tanks, healers and dps (who are willing to learn their class if they are not aware of actual dps cycles etc).
    Putricide is whole another story.
    Feral dps :3
    Bring back ArP rating!

  16. #316

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    It has been said already but it needs to be said again, if you think that festergut or rotface are hard then putricide will ruin you.

    Great fight though, it's the first time we have had decent normal mode content since ulduar.

  17. #317

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Grob
    its rude
    but you are right
    we had 1 month to loot 264 gear.
    Exactly, you are suppose to have 4 weeks of loot which is superior to the loot the "hardmode guilds" got from ToC. If you don't have 4 weeks of gear for your raid (whether 25 or 10) go farm 4 weeks of gear and you will also probably not have problems.

    Yes 10ICC normal is the next raid in progression for 10ToC normal guilds (or same for 25), but the gating of ICC is there to slow guilds down. If you do not have the gear from the first 4 weeks, you should not expect to be able to finish this wing (easily). Thats the same as waiting till Feb. when Arthas is out and marching in with full 232 gear, no 251 gear, and expecting to full clear that week. You would have to be absolutely amazing (in which case you would have better than 232 gear in the first place probably).

    Also Nardog's pic that some one flamed him for out gearing the place. Can you count the number of high dps? Its four. This is not a 4 dps fight. Im guessing they 3 healed. I doubt they also 3 tanked, and even if they did thats useless. If they did it with 4 'real' dps, then even if you have far far less gear than they do, you can kill him with 6. And several 232 geared healers already posted saying they 2 healed, so don't say you cant bring 6 dps either.

  18. #318

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nardog
    Healing was tough, used 4 healers at first, got him to 4%.
    Went with 3 healers, wiped a couple of times, then downed him.
    Here was the recount for the fight.

    Oh, and we had 1:14 until enrage.
    We did it with altrun (so pretty much gear average of 232), 2 healer, but top dps was 5800, lowest 4400 (1 mage dead at 40% ish). Healing really wasn't the problem, your guild seems to have the pew, get better healers and you'll faceroll it

  19. #319

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    Quote Originally Posted by killarth

    i call bullshit on that first few lines
    check my alt char tavore, eu daggerspine..
    geared EXCLUSIVELY via pug, currently sitting on 4/5 toc 25 hc (we did toc25 hc just 5 times with this group and managed to get to anub with 48 try left a few weeks ago) VIA he forementioned "mixed group that plays together JUST once a week and without vent//ts"..
    we play once a week (sunday) from 20 gmt+1 to 23:30//24:00 gmt+1..
    first two times the group was set up, we just ran toc 25 norm +uldu..
    then switched to toc 25 norm + toc 25 hc (where ppls did unexpetactly well, downing 2/5 on our first toc 25 hc together since a few hadn't ever been in hc toc)..
    next week toc 25 norm + toc 25 hc (4/5, anub with 43 try)
    next week toc 25 norm + toc 25 hc (4/5, anub with 46 try)
    next week toc 25 norm + toc 25 hc (4/5, anub with 48 try)
    then icc came and we stopped doing toc 25 hc, and skimmed to icc25, clearing the content every week, save this where as i say we bought putri in p3 in the best try, and we have 6 try left but i doubt we'll use 'em since the policy is just raiding once a week..

    and if you don't believe me, ask about Relg, he's the "organizer"//rl, although no real strategy is ever issued apart from sporadic healer-->dps//tank-->dps switch and general strategy..
    people are expected to have watched a vid and have a general comprehension of the inc they are about to engage.. they are free to ask any question in case..
    that's how it works and it has worked FINE indeed so far

    Not to boast, but if you're a decent player playing WITH decent players (i won't lie to you, the peeps in here are "invited", not found via /LFM icc25... iirc lowest dps we have is sitting most time at 5.7-6k on non gimmick fight), there is no "badly tuned inc", there are incs that might get a bit chaotic in the end (ooze spawning rhytm increasing a LOT at the end of a boss for example is stressing..) but nothing so far stroke me as impossible..

    @nardog dps-wise the numbers are good looking, out of curiosity what buff did you have?
    unholy dk (how + 13%)
    mm huntard (ap)
    pala (bless+haste + replenishment iirc)
    mage (3% dmg neglibile, since you had the pally)
    veraan boomkin maybe?
    arc+eeragon tanks..
    so if you had a shammy healer and priest healer and kilroy as a pala healer, buff-wise you were nicely covered
    correct me if i'm wrong, i'm trying to guess your raid buff just out of curiosity, since it striked me oddly that dps-wise your numbers are in line with our 10men guild run, but you felt the need to run with 4 healers.. usually we run with 2 + 1 healer switching to dps when un-needed.. i'd ask the healers to cuts with the slacking if you feel the need of a fourth healer even remotely :L

  20. #320

    Re: Festergut tuned like shit ?

    25man Festergut yesterday we had a 1% wipe when he enraged. Then the lag started.

    We are a casual guild with 3/5 in 25man Totgc and Insanity in 10man.

    The tuning is just about right BUT I think the difficulty jump from The Entryway to The Plagueworks is too huge (in 25man). The Entryway should have been harder in first place.

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