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  1. #101

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    As a player of only 6 months and now consider myself to ba ok, wouldn't go as far as uber or amazing i know my limits.

    but i was the biggest Newb, BUT i have played mmo games before and understood that i wasn't going to know anything at all when i started.

    i started as a tank DK at 80 and quite honestly was horrible but would always say at start that i haven't been here before and would need some guidance, comfortably accepting crit against me. but i am the kind who doesn't get beat up by this sort of thing because i am grown up.

    it took me 1 search on google to find the 3 top sites for wow imo is MMO-Champ, EJ and tankspot. a further 10seconds to find tank spec and rotation about 5 more for a gear guide.

    so for Newbs i offer advice on my findings and my experiance
    and for noobs who shout in your face like a pre pubesent turd i say go play some game you can actually proccess in your pea sized brain like sonic the hedgehog or something.

    the problem i find is that, the noobs or elitist gimps c a good geared tank and expect to just auto attack and be done, or ninja pull.

    had a blood dk the other day in my group who just used DnD and the just AFK and this is CoS, so i just pulled the boss and left group.

    in most cases when i realise that they aren't going to listen or just plain wanting to be carried i w8 for the best oppertunity to screw them over and leave them 2 it. i get straight back into a random and they get left with a repair bill and a wtf tank left.

    Newbs on the other hand similar to how i was, i will have a laugh with them, toss a few suggestions their way, 9 outta 10 times they listen or try it for a bit and up their dps to something worth looking at.

    when it comes down to it it's NOOBS that make an instance take ages, and Newbs that make it more fun Newbs try and Noobs get carried

  2. #102

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Propelled
    Newbs good.

    Noobs bad.

    For reference
    omg i have never laughed so hard at anything on these forums ever
    Quote Originally Posted by Lansworthy
    Well after the horse died a few started to kill a new horse and then people came back to beat it.
    Quote Originally Posted by taishar68
    Now, if you said "In my opinion", I would have no argument with your statements; however, you have chosen to include me in a blanket of disillusioned, unmotivated, and/or poorly skilled players because I am not in a 25-man raiding guild, by virtue of your assumption of truth that could not be farther from it.

  3. #103

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    I was in a random heroic las night tanking with my warrior CoS, there was a noob DK dps trying to convince us to do Zoombie feast archivement and to give him the mount from the time run, HE WAS SO ANOYING!! all the runn hes was like: please lets do the archivement!! i need it!!! blah blah blah, and i was like: dude please just do this fast i want mi emblems... then he start to complain about we dont want to help him.

    The thing is, all his gear was 78 blues (savage saronite) 1 epic belt and a green trinket that i remember, no gems, no enchants... the hunter's pet was doing more dps (for real) and he was complaining about our performance!!!

    Seriously i don't like vote to kick someone with less gear or experience but show some respect for the rest.
    Goliat - Human Warrior - LA, Ragnaros
    <Freak Out>
    ...In the end no boss is hard if you practice (read: wipe&learn)

  4. #104

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    There's a difference between being bad and just plain ignorance.
    I can safely say, out of all the toons I've had at 80, I've never failed at any.

    Know why? Because when I hit 80 on said toon, I pull up forum stickies / and do my research on rotations, specs, and stats. This game really isn't that difficult if people take 5minutes out to read a little paragraph or two. I love people pulling the excuse "I just hit 80" when their dps is completely horrible. I don't care if you just hit 80, do your research and read what your buttons do and everything becomes a lot easier, smoother, and faster.

  5. #105

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    It can be difficult to deal with absolutely horrible players on a regular basis. But sometimes you have to stop and think before you say something rude. We all were "newbs" at some point. Even if you've played since Vanilla, I doubt you were 1337 since day one. IMO, new players at least deserve a chance. I'm not saying you should hold their hand, just offer some tips and such before cutting them down.

    That being said, there is a big difference between a "newb" and someone who puts forth no effort. New players are typically open to suggestions and are working on becoming a better player. The latter just doesn't give a shit and will always be a complete failure. These individuals are prime candidates for votekick.

  6. #106

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sphincter
    It can be difficult to deal with absolutely horrible players on a regular basis. But sometimes you have to stop and think before you say something rude. We all were "newbs" at some point. Even if you've played since Vanilla, I doubt you were 1337 since day one. IMO, new players at least deserve a chance. I'm not saying you should hold their hand, just offer some tips and such before cutting them down.

    That being said, there is a big difference between a "newb" and someone who puts forth no effort. New players are typically open to suggestions and are working on becoming a better player. The latter just doesn't give a shit and will always be a complete failure. These individuals are prime candidates for votekick.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark
    I would kill a old god.

  7. #107
    High Overlord Thevil's Avatar
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    Milan, Italy

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    After few years of playing WoW, at I could say hardcore levels, I really enjoy doing PuGs with newbies.
    Maybe it's just me but I (now playing healer, spend more than 4 years as DPS) can take my time, relax, give some tips and they say 'Thank you!', and if I'm in a good mood I don't even mind some wipes.
    There's nothing funny in 15 mins faceroll, at least to me.
    roguein' since '05

  8. #108

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    problem with new players is that they slow everything down; if im in a hurry and want a boss dead for my daily heroic, then i shouldn't have to match up with people who require an explanation every 5 minates. frost badges are for the top tier, atleast make random heroics only match up with people with common goals.

    i think it is importaint that we were all newbs at one point; we have all been kicked from groups, called shit etc. but i think newbs should go make things easier by reading up on encounters and not disrupting others within dungeons.

  9. #109

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by det

    A) Blizzard doesn't "force" you to do zip. Or will they bust down your door if you don't do a random heroic per day and intern you?

    B) You are not even "forced" to pug can just party with your awesome guildmates and still select a random heroic for your 2 daily frost emblems. is all so easy, if you people apply common sense. You DO NOT HAVE to pug. Considering you are all so brilliant and don't want your flawless game experience of running "HEROICS" soiled by *gasp* people who are clueless..... just grab your friends and party up.

    I just have a feeling the common arrogant attitude displayed by a good bunch of posters here enforces them to pug, because....wait for it....they don't have a guild or friends (anymore) :
    Ask any serious raider how optional the extra badges from heroics are, they'll all give you the same answer.

    As for your second comment, you're right about that. But guess what, unless some of my guildmates feel like doing more than one random a day, which they don't, some of us have to pug. I don't enjoy being grouped with dps who pull off worse numbers than my paladin did while tanking back at level 70.

    I'm not even being arrogant here, I just don't appreciate having my time wasted by people who put no effort into getting the heroic done quickly. More often than not I end up grouped with someone who just puts the healer on follow, rolls need on everything and doesn't bother dpsing. And we can't kick him because of the 15 minute grace period. Which in all honesty is complete bullshit, it shouldn't happen.

  10. #110

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    I don't mind bads as long as they admit they are bads and are willing or strugglingto get out of that status.
    But God help you to be one of those cocky bads and with me as tank or healer. I guarantee you, you'll curse your days when you started playing WoW.
    Signature removed. Please read our guidelines. Venara

  11. #111

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    I didnt play pre-BC or BC. I hit 80 last March. My first pug i tried to get into was EOE. I couldnt face roll a ret pally but i could sure understand wat dropped from the boss lol. I got booted after the first wipe. They told me " We need somebody that can pull Nub dps." This above all else made me learn my class. I can faceroll with the best of them now so i am all to willing to return the favor.

  12. #112

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    So. I can't run these daily random instances. Even if you are in full blues at level 80, doing under 2k dps is completely unacceptable. I am a resto druid and I can do 2k dps with one hurricane. Even when I'm tanking I still do 2k dps and manage to top the meters.

    You have to be a complete moron to not understand how to do dps. I've run randoms with hunters doing 800 dps. And Unholy DK's that don't even use diseases.
    Even if I have a nice streak and I give advice to move things along..I generally get the response "Sorry I have a life unlike you" People can't play a game that's designed for 10 year old kids. >:3

    I'm aware you don't HAVE to pug. Not very many guild mates are on until raid times come around anyways. and if some ARE on..they may not be interested in doing a random.

    Another thing: Wasn't this random finder supposed to group people around the same gear level? People in Rare quality gear get to clear an instance with others in the same quality gear for the purpose of having to put effort into the instance? This random dungeon thing only enables people to slack off.
    (not totally sure on this. It was from a blue post a few months before the patch.)

  13. #113

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jambajoba
    WoW is serious business, you have to give your whole life for it if you want to succeed in it

  14. #114
    Mechagnome Lezarin's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Dublin /Ireland

    Re: Give "newbs" a chance.

    Well got into CoS this morning on my shadow priest ...i use gearscore not as a judge but as a quick way to see if its an ok group or if its a bundle of wonder,so moving on to avoid the eventual flamefest from my last comment.

    quick check noticed the rogues got close to 6k g.s druids got 5.5 me got a lowly 5k and the shammies got 4.8 sounds good ,then i checked the tank 2.8k gs and 25k health BUFFED was like oh dear soon as the rest see him its flamein time .

    but no tank turns around goes guys my gears not the best but i got a palatank on another server i know what to do etc please dont kick me (couldnt anyhows we all had the debuff)shammie up and leaves i just went not my decision i aint the one healing you m8tie.druid turns around and goes hey its just made my heroic random interesting sure but if you fail we kick you simple and to the point .rogue turns around and goes i,ll tot him every chance i can .so we replaced the shammie that left with a mage pug 4.8k gear score and off we went.

    we did the whole lot with 9 minutes to spare on the clock for the timed run no wipes no deaths that tank didnt lose aggro once .point of the story we may be better geared we maybe a pug we may have our doubts but surprises do come in really odd packages. ;D
    Faith Manages

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