1. #1

    Holy - Trinket question


    Im wondering if http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47215 or http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50339 considering holy palas stack int.

    Also is there anything else you people think i could improve on?

    my armory:

  2. #2

    Re: Holy - Trinket question

    51/20 is meh spec for one thing
    but i'd go with the 251 trinket, more mana in the long run.

  3. #3

    Re: Holy - Trinket question

    Whats wrong with the spec?, should i go with 51/5/15?

  4. #4

    Re: Holy - Trinket question

    Use the search function, I just posted this about 20 minutes ago:


    Use Tears.

    Quote Originally Posted by discipline87
    but i'd go with the 251 trinket, more mana in the long run.
    Wrong. In the long run, its less. In say heroics, where you only need 30 seconds on a boss, sure, it'd do better.

    And the spec going into the ret tree is old, and not as good for raiding as a prot based tree of 51/17/0 +3. Ignore what the previous posted said about it being meh.

    If you want your gear and enchant choice rated, we have a thread for that, searching the front page would've gotten you that too, (Or the handy search function in the top left!)


  5. #5

    Re: Holy - Trinket question

    I remember reading a post where the poster said Silver of Pure Ice will provide more MP5 overall compared to Tears of Vanquish... [looks like there also are some posts saying Tears of vanquish provides more mp5 when compared to silver of pure ice... I don't know the math around it so I guess the judgement call is whether you need to value int or spellpower from the gears your have currently. I wouldn't sell either one at any stage however, keep both if you can and switch out when you can]

    Judging by your armory, I would probably go with Tears of Vanquish for now as it gives you 84 int meaning more mana to play around with, when you're at a comfortable range of mana (this is just my personal range, about 30~32k without tears of vanquish) then you should go with silver of pure ice as it also provides 150 spell power.

    You should also switch your cloak enchant to 23 haste rating =) and change boots enchant to minor speed boost +15 stam as that small speed boost can help you in the long run. Plus you don't really need 12 hit rating, and I wouldn't think 12 crit rating is enough to surpass the speed boost and +15 stam.

    And if you can, and if you are willing to, take skinning out and switch to JC profession

    (sorry if I went a bit off topic here, but I couldn't just ignore some small changes that could help you improve your class)

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