Thread: Focused Warrior

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  1. #21

    Re: Focused Warrior

    The mistake a lot of recent guides have made is trying to appeal to everyone with a single "Here is the best spec, go spec it" attitude. It largely depends on the setup of your raid, your current gear and the boss encounter that you'll be facing that night when deciding your talent build. Instead of telling players to pick up a pre-determined talent build, give them a list of talents that are compulsary (AttT, Cruelty, Flurry etc for Fury...) and then go through all the talents that aren't compulsary (Unbridled Wrath, Tactical Mastery, Heroic Fury etc...) and explain the situations that you would use those talents.

    People can use a cookie-cutter spec, but they won't learn and won't understand why they are using the build (nor will they know it's advantages and disadvantages). If you go through each of the talent points that are optional and the ones that are compulsary to a Warrior build then they are going to learn the reason behind each of the talent options and learn. You do not learn through simply copying.

  2. #22

    Re: Focused Warrior

    your specs suck

  3. #23

    Re: Focused Warrior

    Looking at only one spec and the gear sets the OP has produced, I can only assume that you have no idea what you're talking about. No serious warrior will use the Orca-Hunters Harpoon. Polearms are geared toward anything other than warriors due to our major advantage of strength as opposed to attack power. I can understand some choices for talents, not getting full points into precision (it's possible to make up the hit on your gear, true) but WHY!!??! it makes no sense what so ever when you can better itemize having the full 3 points into it. I can also understand the usage of Piercing Howl, but really, it's more of a gimmick than anything a serious raider would consider as valuable. The best use of that talent would be putting it into Cleave for the love of god or Heroic Fury or Anger Management, all will be overall more effective uses of the talent point.

    People do need to learn to play their class their own way, yes, BUT they also can learn from other players experience and tried and true methods of raid spec'ing. There's just certain things that just don't belong in raid environments, everything will have their niche in a raid but is everything like Piercing Howl, Heroic Fury, Furious Attacks or Commanding Presence be useful 100% of the time? HELL NO! I know as a tank I like to watch my own Commanding Shout timer so I can always keep it up, if the DPS warrior has the points, ducky, better for me. At the same time think about this, if said warrior goes tunnel vision (as most tend to do) and it drops off, who says I can afford to lose that 2k health sometimes? Every talent has it's use, every player needs to understand where they're applicable and where there's just more viable options. In the case of this blogger, he's going to give warriors some unsound advice and it's going to leave those of us true veteran warriors scratching our head wondering why this Fury warrior is using Piercing Howl in a raid. If you're going to make a blog and ask people to take what you say seriously, please make sure your information is correct, current and the most efficient use of other peoples time.

    My two cents, take it or leave it Warriors.
    Blizzard, please nerf paper, scissors are fine.


  4. #24

    Re: Focused Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by enbee
    If the macro is somehow "smart" as in it'll use heroic fury when intercept is on cd, else it will intercept, please share

    -> BTW, if heroic fury allready doesn't get used if intercept isn't on cd and you aren't snared, feel free to call me ignorant, cause I am, haven't specced it since I wouldn't know where to bind it ^^
    #showtooltip intercept
    /cast intercept
    /cast heroic fury

    works just fine,hit it once and u intercept your target while intercept is off CD.Wouldnt suggest that macro for anything than putricide or maybe blood prince council,mainly due to possibility of HF be by mistake used when u're gonna use intercept for one-time and not need to "waste" HF.Personaly I use [1] for intercept and [shift+1] for HF non macroed.

    TO the OP:

    Arms PvE:55/8/8,,11159

    Fury PvE : 18/53/0,,11159

    Those are pretty much the 2 most commonly used specs,ofc depending ones guild/raid/personal opinion,one can change to better match his needs.

  5. #25

    Re: Focused Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by Systema Sephirothicum

    Arms PvE:55/8/8,,11159

    Those are pretty much the 2 most commonly used specs,ofc depending ones guild/raid/personal opinion,one can change to better match his needs.

    Thats some wierd TrashDPS specc. Go for Imp Execute.

  6. #26

    Re: Focused Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by Systema Sephirothicum
    Fury PvE : 18/53/0,,11159

    Those are pretty much the 2 most commonly used specs,ofc depending ones guild/raid/personal opinion,one can change to better match his needs.
    Are you on drugs? Serious question. I need to know. Because the fury spec alone is, ummm, nice way to put this, really really really bad. No full points into Dual Wield Specialization? Yeah, you're on drugs, meth right? Acid? Do you have a mental disorder? Please give me something that helps you here because if I saw that spec in a raid, I'd boot said player so fast it would make his or her hard drive over-clock.
    Blizzard, please nerf paper, scissors are fine.


  7. #27

    Re: Focused Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by Phation
    Are you on drugs? Serious question. I need to know. Because the fury spec alone is, ummm, nice way to put this, really really really bad. No full points into Dual Wield Specialization? Yeah, you're on drugs, meth right? Acid? Do you have a mental disorder? Please give me something that helps you here because if I saw that spec in a raid, I'd boot said player so fast it would make his or her hard drive over-clock.

    more like missclicked,,11159 should be the correct one.

    Also,imp Execute spec is about 10dps lower to incite untill 4set t10.

    Being a tiny bit more polite never killed anyone.Or at least not someone I know.

  8. #28

    Re: Focused Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by Systema Sephirothicum
    Being a tiny bit more polite never killed anyone.Or at least not someone I know.
    It's the internet, it's a nice dream really but I'd say it probably won't happen. I've seen more than enough bad specs come through these forums and that looked just like another one to me. Apologies to you.
    Blizzard, please nerf paper, scissors are fine.


  9. #29

    Re: Focused Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by enbee
    If the macro is somehow "smart" as in it'll use heroic fury when intercept is on cd, else it will intercept, please share

    -> BTW, if heroic fury allready doesn't get used if intercept isn't on cd and you aren't snared, feel free to call me ignorant, cause I am, haven't specced it since I wouldn't know where to bind it ^^
    I've not wriitten a macro for it before, but if I had to, I would do:

    #showtooltip Intercept
    /castsequence reset=30 Intercept; Heroic Fury; Intercept

    So the first press does intercept, with a cooldown of 30 seconds. If you press it again within 30 seconds it uses heroic fury, then intercept. Over 30 seconds and the castsequence has reset, casting the first Intercept again.

    Haven't tested it, though.

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