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  1. #41
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    The Netherlands

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    A raidleader can do whatever he pleases imho. As long as it's clearly stated beforehand. If someone makes a raid with him being the only 1 of his class then let him. You're not forced to go with him. If you're too lazy to make your own raid it should not come as a surprise that you're at the mercy of others.

  2. #42

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    While yes it is common that people will try to only allow themself to get gear, like ret pallys who assume that just cus its PVP gear its mainspec, but it helps in 2 ways for me.

    When i see people calling only for specific classes/specs i get a good laugh for 2 reasons

    1. guy probly sucks very badly thus has to try to make gear automatic for him.

    2. raid will probly fail anyway. So i make sure to check if the persons back in Dal or not shortly after then just laugh and laugh.
    I AM the world's first Shadow Mage.

  3. #43

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    So he was after gear. Why else do you run VoA? For the thrill of excitement from downing the super-hard progression encounters inside?

  4. #44

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    Quote Originally Posted by haferflocken
    I don't whine about other people locking things, I think it is OK, since if I don't need the item, I join, if I do need the item, I dont't. I'm fine with that. I think it is OK to expect certain standards from other people, if I too fulfill these standards.
    I'd never join a raid with a reserved item because first, it would mean encouraging that sort of behavior and secondly, if they reserve a melee trinket and weapon for example and I'm a caster, the raid will have very few, if any melees so there's a bigger competition for caster loot as well.

    But on topic, there's nothing wrong with not taking people who compete on your gear id you're a RL. As a ret paladin, when making VoA raid, I'll never take any ret paladins there either. I usually take 1 tank or healer though.

  5. #45

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    You know what you do about that? You put your OWN group together.
    You have no right to complain when you can put your own group together.
    You face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions he commands.

  6. #46

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rellekk
    Its their raid, they are building it, they can invite/not invite whoever they want.

    Start your own raid to avoid this problem
    this. my reasoning is if i'm going to sit around for a half hour and check peoples gear/etc for a raid (25 man, anyway) then i deserve something as a reward since the rest of you just sat around and whined about it taking forever, and probably didn't even get to the instance yourself.

    edit: here's WHY i do this when i pug

    It always seems that the people with the same (or even better) gear as you, doing at least 2k dps less and always wins the roll on significant upgrades.
    it pisses me off when i'm in there topping dps or something, and someone doing HORRIFIC dps who shares my gear wins the roll after i went and made the whole raid to get that one drop (sometimes, anyway)
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    If [the dps] are on the wrong target, then they are playing badly and should be corrected and / or mocked, depending on how you roll.

  7. #47

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    Quote Originally Posted by haferflocken
    how shameful some people can be by just opening a raid group and inviting people to their liking
    Seriously... are you trolling?
    If you don't like how other people build their PuGs just start your own.

  8. #48

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    Quote Originally Posted by agelos
    Loot whores in voa pugs? Pretty typical if you ask me.
    Exactly this.

    You get the chance to win top tier loot without ever seeing a real raid. VoA is pretty much designed for loot whores.

  9. #49

    Re: Is it fair? Please ask yourselves...

    Simple answer is simple

    Dont be the same class spec with the lootmaster/rl

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