Thread: ICC questions

  1. #1
    Titan Frozenbeef's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Uk - England

    ICC questions

    Well seen as i'll never get the chance to enter ICC i was just wondering if anyone could answer a few questions regarding lore/npcs in ICC

    1. In dragonblight the tuskar's fish god tells them they must stand with the alliance/horde to defeat the lich king so is there any tuskar in ICC helping?

    2. In the storm peaks muradin tells brann and magni that he must leave to help stop arthas, is muradin in ICC at all or even frostborn?

    3.Is there any gorlocs or wolvar helping out?

    4. Is there any taunka helping out?

    5. Is jaina and sylvannus involved in ICC other than the 5man?

    6. Is there any sign of any demons or scarlet onsluaght, eg mal'ganis?

    7. Is there any sign of Yoggy or any of his minions in ICC?


  2. #2

    Re: ICC questions

    1. no
    2. yes he's the captain on the gunship battle

  3. #3
    Titan Frozenbeef's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Uk - England

    Re: ICC questions

    Ah thx, kinda dissapointing then if everything you have been working for in northrend counts for nothing..

    yeh i just spent a year making allys, building bridges between factions, and just generally making everyones lifes much easier and now when we need help they just sit on their backsides and see how it goes.... 0o

  4. #4

    Re: ICC questions

    Actually, Jaina and Sylvanas may be involved in Icecrown but not directly with Lich King fight. There are some sound files for them in which they comment on Arthas' death but so far it's not in the game. Someone knows why ?

  5. #5

    Re: ICC questions

    Factions and important npcs involved in ICC instance:

    Npcs: Varian Wrynn, Jaina Proudmoore, Saurfang younger, Saurfang older, Muradin Bronzebeard, Darion Mograine, Bolvar Fordragon, Tirion Fordring, Terenas Menethil II, Arthas Menethil.

    Factions: Alliance, Horde, Argent Crusade, Knights of the Ebon Blade, Ashen verdict(which is combination of last two)

    Npcs that are voiced in patch files, however they didnt have any apperences yet: Uther Lightbringer, Sylvanas Windrunner

    Npcs that are not in the instance nor in the patch files, however they appearance is very possible: Kael'thas Sunstrider

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