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  1. #201

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by mini98
    I'm a DK DW frost tank, from choice although I've wondered about going blood, and I've done 4/12 bosses in icc, (RL called it because dps wasnt too good on saurfang), and toc + VoA etc successfully, although overall the reason most new dks turn dw frost is because of rimefangs claw, its the easiest to get tank weopon in the game and probaly the best starter.

    I even asked one such person duel wielding them if they planned to use a 2 hander and basically they said they would swap if they saw a good one, for me it's a choice of style.

    Although generally yes dw frost dk tanks do generally tell us its a fail group as most new dk tanks go instant for the dw rimefangs claw.
    Dk dw frost tanks should use 2 FREAKIN SLOW DPS WEAPONS (2.60) just as 2hander tanks use a fucking dps weapon. Stop using rimefangs claw and every dk out there using it is a tard

  2. #202

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by Noobpower
    I like it when someone is trying to start a conversation.

    The signs for me are: no talking (not even saying hi) , the usual "just nuke" qoute at a boss where it it not just nuke and if the player cannot read/write english.

    The thing is... All 5man heroic content, yes, all of it, can be done by "just nuking" the boss. You'd hate me I expect, I don't say a word unless the tank is being unreasonably slow in which case i will ToT him and pull for him, and warn the healer

    But yeh if you're dps isn't able to make "just nuke" the tactic that works, you need work
    Quote Originally Posted by Firen
    You do realize that this statue has 4 ears?
    Quote Originally Posted by Amonra View Post
    We are no loner that funny racist uncle, we are the uncle that abused you as a child.

  3. #203

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Normally, I steer clear of topics like this, but I've had very bad dungeon finder luck today, so I'm in the mood to vent.

    Warning Sign: whether due to server lag or connection problems, the healer is having 4 seconds (or more) of lag, is saying in party chat that the group needs to find a healer that isn't having that problem, and the group either dismisses the concern and continues to pull, or doesn't acknowledge that the healer is saying anything. Sure, some groups can go on without a healer, but most random DF groups, not so much. And 10 seconds to cast an instant spell might as well be no healer.

    Warning Sign: when the DPSer that volunteered to tank because the real tank bailed as soon as they saw that the instance was CoS proceeds to chase random trash zombies rather than moving towards the flag points. This was a "tank" that thought that tanking was just DPSing in frost presence.

    Warning Sign: when the DF drops you in HoS. This SHOULD be easy, but it's almost always where I have the worst luck with groups. I have yet to see a random group where the DPS understand that when the first boss does his knockback, charging back in to melee range is a BAD thing for DPS to do (at least, they don't get it until after the first wipe). I once healed a group where all three DPSers were melee, all charged back in, and all of them died to shatter, taking the tank with them (I saw it coming, managed to top off the tank and was working on the DPSers, but it didn't help). Twice, I've had tanks that forgot to tank that boss with their back to the wall, getting knocked back right through the gap that you drop down to leave, and one of them even had the nerve to rage on the DPS for not knowing the fight. Personally, I thought they did quite well at kiting the boss to the midpoint so that the tank could pick him back up.

    Warning Sign: when people rage about RankWatch notifications. No, I'm not telling you how to play, I'm telling you that there's a reason that you're doing 2/3 the DPS of the tank. Frankly, I don't mind people ignoring them as long as the bosses are going down. I don't even mind when people go off telling me I'm wrong, and then silently fix their action bar later that same run. I installed RankWatch to keep track of my own excess of dual spec'ed lvl 80s, I just keep it active because there are some people that appreciate notification of stuff like that. I'm not even upset when someone disagrees but is wrong (Abolish Poison does in fact do an instant remove in addition to the periodic ones, so that's not a reason to prefer Cure Poison over Abolish). But every time I've seen someone rage over RankWatch notifications, they've been bad in other respects too.

    Warning Sign: some DPS is using the instance to skill up a brand new weapon, all the way from skill 1. Sure, the group will probably manage to down the bosses, it's not like it takes three geared/competent DPS to do it. But someone will throw a hissy fit and bring the run to a standstill, probably until vote kick gets enabled. Now, I'd never do that to a group, but I'm also not going to make a fuss over it as long as the rest of the group can compensate.

  4. #204

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by RGeneral24

    sounds like a normal run for me too, I started RLing myself, but as boring as it is to just check everyone i just end up in inviting a couple of peoples randomly, luckily some link achievement.
    We end up doing perfectly fine until anub and we wipe a couple of times because of only 4 healers one being totally undergeared (friend) tele dala spam in trade
    "LF healer and 3 dps last spot anub toc 25" 3 dps insta, 2 secs after getting 2 healers /wing me a resto shammy and a hpala with 5.4k GS, we are about to summon and resto shammy goes "what isnt this anub in naxx" (weekly) and the best healer goes this takes too long time bye

    Edit: shrunk quote. --Sunshine

  5. #205

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    When people starts out by asking:
    "Who is the tank?"
    "Who is the healer?"

    or DPS who just go:
    "OMG - be faster" and they pull a decent amount of 1,1k dps and needs mb every 30 secs

  6. #206

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by levitate
    Quite cynical of you to have that as a warning sign, I don't agree with you. Any form of communication before a pug raid starts is good.
    since for example in a 5man group the healer is terribly hard to spot (is it the priest with 30k mana or the pala with 6k mana - if thats not clear enough there are even shiny icons.
    and if its a pug raid I expect the leader to know what he invites and what is still needed. just invite ppl on faith never really works well - and counting to 6 is not that hard either.
    "Sir, we are surrounded, Sir"
    "Excellent, we can attack in every direction"

  7. #207

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by Hethor
    Actually most Douche Bags are great players, just not the best to be around.
    I've had to put a couple of douchebags in their place, for instance one of them deceived me into thinking he was a competent healer and I ended up muting vent sound and listing off a) all the things he was doing wrong, b) what he would need to do to fix them, c) and that he should reconsider his attitude because he really wasn't as good as his attitude had lead me to believe, before leaving vent.

    When other healers start posting healing meters on fights like Jaraxxus and try to call out others. Of fucking COURSE you topped the meter, you didn't have any 'Absorbed' heals because you weren't playing correctly you fucking moron.

  8. #208
    Mechagnome Lezarin's Avatar
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    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    to teh d/w frost tanks haters i,ve a d/w frost dk and yes i,ve got 2 rimefangs claws but i dont use both i use the cheap and cheerful mace from teh champions badges at the tourny and one claw as i cant afford teh def drop makes me about 538 def rating if i drop both the rimefangs.

    the main reason i like d/w is because i like the style its nice and stable as a tanking spec for me and also its a heal of a lot easier getting 2 i handed tanking weapons or 1 handed melee slow weapons than it is to get a 2 hander that ever plate wearing melee rolls on to add to his/her collection.

    and i know the def cap is 535 for heroics but you try get a healer to stay if you got anything less than 540 defence rating especially as a d.k.tbh its reason like this i would ratehr q and wait 10 minutes as a dps d/w frost.less hassle stress and crap goes with it.
    Faith Manages

  9. #209
    Mechagnome Leftineus's Avatar
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    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Yes it was a DK, yes he pulled 900 DPS with a 4776 GS, Yes he kept pulling
    mobs off the tank with death grip, yes he died a lot.

  10. #210

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by ruke
    since for example in a 5man group the healer is terribly hard to spot (is it the priest with 30k mana or the pala with 6k mana - if thats not clear enough there are even shiny icons.
    Sometimes you get freak groups with lots of hybrids. Had one where every member was either potential tank or healer. Me, Resto/Bear druid, a friend of mine resto/boomkin druid, a Prot/holy pala, a ret/prot pala anda Shadow/holy priest. When we zoned in we had 3 people in tank spec and 2 i healing spec. I got to stay in bear spec. Everyone else had to respec. P/H pala got to be healer, entered instance in tankspec. Ret pala entered as tank aswell. Both casters entered in their healingspec.

    I play with standard partyframes disabled, meaning I can't see the little telltale icons on the other members of the party. I also like to /Focus the healer in 5mans so I can see if he runs low on mana or whatever. No, not all alts and new 80:s have infinite mana.

    That run I had to ask who was going to be healer before the entire mess was sorted out. Ended up as a brilliant run though.

  11. #211
    The Patient Kitanii's Avatar
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    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Happend to me twice now, a "girl" joining the heroic with the words: "hi, I am a girl, so pls be nice to me, I'm new and can't be as good as you are *giggle*" (Yes, with the giggle emote)... "she" truely faild but wtf? I'm a girl, too - so what? Made me hell'o mad. Although "she" was surly 46 years old and had a hairy face >_>

    Always a bad sign: druidhealer not beeing in treeform cuz a) he's an owl or b) he thinks he can dps and heal cuz dps suxx. 80% chance on wiping.
    "Multiple exclamation marks," he went on, shaking his head, "are a sure sign of a diseased mind."

    * * --(Terry Pratchett, Eric)

  12. #212

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by Gimliskar
    Ragnaros is almost as bad. If there is just one they aren't usually too bad, but two or more you're just in for a headache where you can't understand a damn word that is being said.

    Noticed quite a few barely able to do heroics, even by blizzard's very generous gear check, at least 'try' to get some crafted/quest blues. These are usually the people with 71 points in one tree. Asking in trade chat might not be the best way to go about it but there are plenty of sites out there that have cookie cutter specs that are easily copied.
    Well, I personally don't know why do you have such rotten luck with players from Ragnaros. I'm from there and can honestly say that we do have some bad players, but they don't make up the majority of our server. It's for reasons like this that people start treating people from a specific server in a bad way. NOT all players are bad and if you only remember the bad experiences and don't pay attention to the times when you don't have any trouble, obviously you'll have a bad image of the server. I know that it's easier to generalize, but it's just wrong. In my case I have had some pretty bad experiences with people from Drakkari-US but not because of that I think that any group with a person from there= Fail. Get some perspective

  13. #213

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by dbs1024
    3.) Huntards.
    Please explain how that's a warning sign of a bad group.

  14. #214
    Scarab Lord AetherMcLoud's Avatar
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    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Quote Originally Posted by belfpala
    waste time typing inane comments to each other.
    I can type a whole sentence while I have global cooldown from an instant spell. *shrug*
    You know what is better than drinking a beer? Brewing your own beer. And then drinking it. And then... Drinking another beer. And then, punching somebody in the snout! That's what!

  15. #215

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Melee hunters dual wielding axes to capitalize on the orc racial swearing in party chat that munters are just as good as hunters.

  16. #216
    Mechagnome ejzo's Avatar
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    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    blood elves that is not paladins

  17. #217
    Brewmaster soulcrusher's Avatar
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    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    For me its usually mouthy mages that are the problem, according to them theyre the only ones who know how to play etc etc. After a wipe in UP Heroic the mage starts blaming the huntard(me) and the death tard saying as its always us at fault etc and have we learned anything. Ofc it wasnt us and the party promptly vote kicked him to take his issues elsewhere ;D

  18. #218
    Scarab Lord AetherMcLoud's Avatar
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    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Mage saying after every damn second pull "I need mana!!!" when the healer still has full mana.

    I don't fucking care if a dps needs mana. They should just drink and join the action when full.
    You know what is better than drinking a beer? Brewing your own beer. And then drinking it. And then... Drinking another beer. And then, punching somebody in the snout! That's what!

  19. #219

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    Enhancement Shamans telling that they've never been in the instance before, using daggers, unenchanted/ungemmed spellcaster gear and telling that they can hit 2000 DPS.

  20. #220

    Re: Warning signs of a bad group

    "Healers type 123"

    "Summon me I dont have flying mount"

    Any pathetic attempt to reserve an item because they've been here 500 times and its never dropped and they really need it and its so cool and the other guy has a much better item and I don't give a fuck, I'll roll on it for laughs if I see them doing that.

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