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  1. #1

    Mage alt worth it?

    Is leveling a Mage alt worth it in your opinion?

    I'm always leveling alts to experience all the different aspects of the WoW classes. My next venture is out of Mage/Warlock/Pally. I'm leaning Mage as it's a different type of DPS style compared to SPriest DoTs and my mostly Physical Damage Hunter & DK. However, it seems that it kind of sucks to level a Mage and that I'd probably have a much more fun and easier time leveling a Warlock. Only thing about a Warlock is that it seems the exact same thing as a SPriest, which I already have. Suppose I could go lol-Pally? I just have nightmares about having to buff in raids until my fingers bleed as a Pally.

    My toons so far:

    DK - Tank/DPS
    Druid - Tree/Chicken
    Priest - Disco/Shadow in my signature

    Pros for Mages:
    Blink/Mirror Images
    Heavy Deeps

    Cons for Mages:
    Only a DPS class

    What do you guys think? Mage/Lock/Pally?

  2. #2

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    I got all 3 class u wanna play, paladin, lock and mage.

    Paladin: EX main, healing:borring (was my MS) ull mostelly spam holy light in raid when u gear up.
    Tanking: When u aoe tank u concecrate and then drink coca cola..... zomg.... single target, well u got some few prio spells but still much more borring than Warrior, warr is way to go if u wanna tank.
    Ret: just silly.... its so silly every 1 wanna play it! destro lock is having heavy hard mode rotation of spells for ret!

    Lock: Fun to play class, atm u can play any of the 3 specs and with all 3 do nice dam. Its having a lot of nice stuff and abilities.

    Mage pretty much same like lock, but imo having more fun abilities than lock, and aswell more fun to play.
    Btw about mage, dont play mage cos u heard its 2 button class, who think like that fail when they start to play at 80, if u only spam 2 spells u wont hit 2k dps with 3k SP

  3. #3

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    I know how all the classes play, I'm looking for an opinion on which class one suggests I make next.

    Actually the more I think about it the more I feel I'll get the most value out of making a Pally. Since my tank/healer classes are DK/Druid/Priest, I think it would probably be quite beneficial to get a better grip on all the workings of a Pally.

  4. #4

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    I started my mage 3 years.. Been my main on and off, no matter what I always go back to it. Most fun class out of the ~8 I have played.. So much control in pvp, so much dps in pve, just an all out class for me

    Quote Originally Posted by Synthaxx View Post
    Yeah, looks a bit weird though, at least the movement animation. It needs to be slowed down a little so it doesn't look like someone with parkinsons.

  5. #5

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deathbanana
    i only spam 2 spells Arcane Blast and Arcane Missiles and i do 10kdps
    Ur silly or?

    Ofc ull mostelly do 2 spells, but theres not only AM and AB.

  6. #6

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deathbanana
    i only spam 2 spells Arcane Blast and Arcane Missiles and i do 10kdps
    no you don't, and you wouldn't last long with that "rotation" either
    Correlation does not imply causation.

  7. #7

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deathbanana
    do you even know how to play a arcane mage? ABx4MBAM is the best rotation only uses 2spells. I would like to know how i wouldnt last long?

    Oh man... what class is not spamming 2-4 spells with that logic? CD-S! Managment of it! trinckets etc. etc etc.

  8. #8

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazydam
    Oh man... what class is not spamming 2-4 spells with that logic? CD-S! Managment of it! trinckets etc. etc etc.
    Shadowpriest? :x

  9. #9

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    If you count cooldowns and everything used to play a mage then mages would be like a 10 or more button class. Mages are a 2 *main spell* class and do 10k+ with 2 keys. Just last night on 10man hm saurfang I pressed only 2 keys the whole time (NOT counting CDs, evo, gem, etc) and did 9k+. 100% of my damage was 2 spells.

  10. #10
    Brewmaster angael's Avatar
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    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by PriestLuna
    Is leveling a Mage alt worth it in your opinion?

    I'm always leveling alts to experience all the different aspects of the WoW classes. My next venture is out of Mage/Warlock/Pally. I'm leaning Mage as it's a different type of DPS style compared to SPriest DoTs and my mostly Physical Damage Hunter & DK. However, it seems that it kind of sucks to level a Mage and that I'd probably have a much more fun and easier time leveling a Warlock. Only thing about a Warlock is that it seems the exact same thing as a SPriest, which I already have. Suppose I could go lol-Pally? I just have nightmares about having to buff in raids until my fingers bleed as a Pally.

    What do you guys think? Mage/Lock/Pally?
    I'm lvling up a lock alt atm. Finding the class to be more fun to play than my mage.

  11. #11

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Oh god , stop with bullshit about 2 spells and "oh I didnt count them" I was pressing 2 spells not counting Cds.....

    damn, its a fact ppl that dont know to play mage say : "mage is a 2 button class"

    Thats what I was talking about, and then u go with that bullshit about 2 spell..... if any class would have only 2 button it would not be played at all.

    And to that Disloged object and reign reply, srsly, not every 1 is having it? I am talking overall not top mage only stuff!

  12. #12
    Herald of the Titans iLive's Avatar
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    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Every class has their down sides. I bet you'll make one of the classes and then go back to another

  13. #13

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    I say mage and lvl as either Fire or Frost ( Best 2 specs!)

    Make sure once your on to listen a bit for the song!

  14. #14

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    I gave up my mage back when I first hit 70 at the beginning of BC. I really regret it because mages have come a really long way since then and I look forward to playing one again some day. Just not anytime soon because I have no patience to level one right now.

    Arcane is just ridiculously high dps for raiding. Fire must be pretty fun for AOE and frost is just awesome for leveling now that you can get a permanent pet as well as replenishment.
    [23:43:22] [P] [85:Bowsjob]: If its between 2 holy pallys its gonna be a gear fight most likely

  15. #15
    High Overlord Mortimer's Avatar
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    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    I haven't played any of the classes you mentioned past level 20, so I probably don't have a very good impression of the classes, but I had the most fun with a warlock. They seem to have some interesting end game play styles. From what I hear, leveling a mage is great fun, too. A guildie of mine was having wicked fun, cackling like mad over Vent when he was aoe leveling with his mage alt in Outland. Something about pulling 20 mobs, living bomb and iceblock I think... Not sure what spec he was.

    Paladins are too boring to get started with, so I just cannot stick with one long enough for things to get interesting (when is that, anyway?). Judging and auto attacking for several levels on end just doesn't tickle my fancy. It's a shame, since I really want one character of each tank and healing class. Since I'm horde, I also need to forsake my favourite race (Tauren) and play a flimsy little Blood Elf.. Maybe when Cataclysm hits.. :/

    I know it's not one of the options you listed, but I highly recommend giving Feral Cat (my main spec) a try, if you haven't already. So far, it's the only DPS spec that I've really enjoyed, although I've only tried Fury Warrior a little and Unholy DK back at the start of Wrath. All my other toons are tanks or healers. I find Feral to be a very rewarding spec to play. It's just a shame Bear tanking can get simplistic and spammy at times. It seems you already have a level 80 druid, so it shouldn't be too dificult to grind out a set of t9 and ICC 5-man pieces.

  16. #16

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Why am I not suprised this turned into a "arcane mage 'rotation' thread".

    Mage is fun and worth to lvl, however, arcane is boring. Hope they will make fire better, which it is imo with "bad gear". Arcane is fun with ful ilvl 232+ maybe. Nah, still fucking lame.

    If you make a mage now, PvP as frost and you'll have a blast ;]

  17. #17

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Im actually lvling my mage atm and its really run, currently 74 and in randoms i already do some nasty numbers.

    Hes enchanter/ tailer and got cape and rings enchanted with full boa gear. for bosses (and ive tested this many times) ill stack 4 arcane blasts then burn all cds/trink and continue to only spam arcane blast. Ill actually start seeing 8K crits. 9K+ with shaman totems. Think my max yet and it was with some lucky crits was 2.9k single target.

    I love my mage and as soon as he hits 80 i would like to pvp/raid on him if new job allows.

  18. #18

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    Currently, out of all three of those, I only have a paladin at 80. She's main holy/off ret. I do have both a mage and a warlock, both at relatively high levels (as of typing this, they were 60 and 72 respectively). The paladin was leveled as ret from 10-60 and holy 61+. As ret, I found that leveling was incredibly easy, though rather boring sometimes. I had no trouble whatsoever soloing elites a few levels ahead of me, and I've even successfully (but slowly, and I don't recomend it) took on a skull leveled mob (10 levels above me). 61+ was spent leveling as holy WITH a prot warrior. Doing it solo, now, would be fine with many dungeons. As for playing her at 80, I found that she was a perfect option for learning how to heal (I also have a disc priest that came along afterward). As for playing ret, I don't play it often, and therefore have a poor gear set, but when I do, I enjoy it. The rotation keeps me busy, and I don't find I spam the same move more than twice in a row (like my hunter's Steady Shot filler) as something is always coming off of cooldown. I've never played prot, but what I know of it, it's a simple rotation and they live forever. :/

    For warlocks, mine is being leveled as demonology. I hear that affliction is a more popular option for leveling due to endless mana and for it being easier to collect mobs with DoTs, then spam fear on them. I chose demonology, though, because to me, it felt most like a hunter, which was my first character. I find with demonology that I am able to collect a small group of enemies and AoE them down, making sure to rotate my felguard around on them so he keeps threat. I also like how Metamorphosis, Demonic Empowerment and Bloodfury (orc racial) work so well together, and with such short cooldowns (Meta is at 2.1 minutes with glyph and Nemesis), they are up often.

    When it comes to mages, I have chosen to level as fire. I know most people choose frost due to survivability, but I have no trouble getting around with my mage. It was tougher at earlier levels due to running OoM often, but ever since she got Mage Armor, that problem has disappeared. What I suggest is you stock up on mana potions and keep a Mana Gem ready (when you have the skill). As for survivability, I find I kill the mob before it gets to me. If it does reach me, I have three skills that I can use to stop it - Frost Nova, Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath. Polymorph is also very useful, especially at lower levels when mobs are very close together. Poly one, Frost Nova and Fireball spam. Teleports and conjuring your own food is very useful too. I feel like when I'm on my mage, I have eight hearthstones, with her real hearthstone set to Gadgetzan to make traveling to the south of Kalimdor easier (she's a gnome).

    Sorry for the massive wall of text... just my two cents on the three classes.

  19. #19

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    2 spells only nub. If your not using AB and AM as your primary don't know how to play a mage and should delete your toon. The other shit is just for flavor...something to throw out on a whim. On your basic patchwork dps check...its ab, am

  20. #20

    Re: Mage alt worth it?

    My first toon was a priest, around level 20 I changed my main to a paladin, leveled him up to 80, and tanked for a year and some from BC to 3.1. Then, I got sick of holding little children's hands through everything, and rerolled Mage, which is my current main. I'm enjoying it very much.

    The honest-to-God truth is that each person is different, and you cannot decide solely based on what people tell you.

    Mages are high on utility, and are the premier caster DPS.
    Locks are a more different caster, and some people prefer the whole damage-over-time thing.
    Paladins are very straight-forward on all fronts, I'd argue they're the easiest tanks at the moment, fairly simple healers, and standard fare DPS.

    PS: To play a mage, you need arcane blast x 4 and arcane missiles.
    You have a 40% chance to proc Missile Barrage, which is the only thing that makes Missiles worth while, and if it doesn't proc, you get to spam AB until you do, but you still have to manage your mana, which isn't that fun.

    All the difficulty deals with management of your mana, moving, and absorption mgmt.

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