1. #1

    3.3.3 Enhsim FS priority and FS Glyph

    I had a thought on the way to work. I did some simming this morning and I was getting a 12 dps increase if I move Flame Shock up 6 spots in priority to 2nd after MW5_LB. I will keep testing. I was only moving FS around so far...
    -With FS moved up in priority
    EnhSim version
    miss        1482892    9.22%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3863596    24.02%
    hit         337134     2.10%
    crit        10398741    64.66%
    average ap     9024.34
    clip        0       0.00%
    MH Windfury:
    procs/hits     14.66%
    procs/swings    13.46%
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         1569718    32.34%
    crit        3283850    67.66%
    average ap     9023.65
    MH Storsmtrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         632260     32.36%
    crit        1321609    67.64%
    average ap     8999.76
    miss        1484065    9.23%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3860600    24.01%
    hit         338292     2.10%
    crit        10399447    64.66%
    average ap     9037.66
    clip        0       0.00%
    OH Flametongue:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         9609453    52.41%
    crit        8726439    47.59%
    average sp     3333.56
    OH Stormstrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         631332     32.31%
    crit        1322537    67.69%
    average ap     9048.52
    Earth Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         613745     52.38%
    crit        557887     47.62%
    average sp     3319.15
    Flame Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         647688     52.46%
    crit        586863     47.54%
    average sp     3331.98
    dots hit      3818652    52.44%
    dots crit      3463041    47.56%
    average dot sp   3332.81
    Lava Lash:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         574043     32.18%
    crit        1209641    67.82%
    average ap     8973.56
    Lightning Bolt:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1594865    52.47%
    crit        1444789    47.53%
    average sp     3361.68
    Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1047673    52.42%
    crit        950763     47.58%
    average sp     3312.84
    Lightning Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         2746747    100.00%
    crit        0       0.00%
    average sp     3340.42
    Spirit Wolves:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      2217558    24.02%
    hit         5952472    64.47%
    crit        1062450    11.51%
    average ap     9032.78
    Magma Totem:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         3064689    52.41%
    crit        2782499    47.59%
    average sp     3325.15
    Fire Elemental Melee:
    miss        109704     8.00%
    dodge        58338     4.25%
    glancing      329581     24.03%
    hit         832378     60.69%
    crit        41437     3.02%
    Fire Elemental Fire Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1559092    91.97%
    crit        136193     8.03%
    Fire Elemental Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         630722     91.98%
    crit        54997     8.02%
    Fire Elemental Fire Blast:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         651096     92.05%
    crit        56196     7.95%
    Fire Elemental stats:
    average ap     9441.26
    average sp     3594.78
    MPS         65.56
    MPCooldown     7866.83
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    MRPCooldown     2819.68
    MRPS        23.61
    Fire Elemental   MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     3.31   14.08%
    judgement of wisdom 20.19   85.92%
    Maelstrom Weapon:
    PPM         57.41
    efficiency     88.25%
    flurry uptime         96.51%
    unleashed rage uptime     100.00%
    elemental devastation uptime  92.21%
    mh enchant uptime       54.24%
    oh enchant uptime       49.01%
    stormstrike debuff uptime   85.91%
    flame shock uptime       81.05%
    lightning shield uptime    97.07%
    magma totem uptime       66.13%
    fire elemental uptime     28.57%
    trinket2 uptime        32.62%
    racial uptime         14.29%
    totem uptime          100.00%
    ring proc uptime        16.57%
    Set bonus uptimes:
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 2 piece    25.00%
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 4 piece    23.59%
              MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     0.00   0.00%
    mp5         16.24   6.07%
    replenishment    39.62   14.82%
    unrelenting storm  0.00   0.00%
    judgement of wisdom 101.45  37.94%
    shamanistic rage  110.10  41.17%
    mana potion     0.00   0.00%
    misc        0.00   0.00%
    stormstrike     0.00   0.00%
              DPS         PPM    MPS
    white        3799.45  34.3%   107.22
    windfury      1330.25  12.01%  8.09
    flametongue     916.41  8.27%   61.12
    stormstrike     520.40  4.7%   6.51   35.88   13.07%
    lava lash      341.65  3.08%   5.95   16.38   5.97%
    magma totem     465.46  4.2%   2.11   39.24   14.29%
    earth shock     330.92  2.99%   3.91   25.24   9.19%
    flame shock     508.82  4.59%   4.12   25.12   9.15%
    lightning bolt   1244.09  11.23%  10.13   74.24   27.04%
    fire nova      409.97  3.7%   6.66   52.61   19.17%
    lightning shield  324.76  2.93%   1.18   0.00   0.00%
    spirit wolves    422.94  3.82%   0.43   3.54   1.29%
    fire elemental   462.00  4.17%   0.14   2.26   0.82%
     melee       257.68  55.77%  4.57
     fire shield    16.13   3.49%   5.65
     fire nova     121.16  26.23%  2.29
     fire blast    67.03   14.51%  2.36
    DPS         11077.11
    MPS         274.51
    MP2min       32940.85
    MRPS        458.83
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
    elapsed real time: 25.73s
    simulation speed: 699490x
    -Old FS priority
    EnhSim version
    miss        1484675    9.24%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3858767    24.00%
    hit         343520     2.14%
    crit        10389140    64.62%
    average ap     9026.05
    clip        0       0.00%
    MH Windfury:
    procs/hits     14.65%
    procs/swings    13.44%
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         1570338    32.35%
    crit        3283212    67.65%
    average ap     9024.80
    MH Storsmtrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         639491     32.33%
    crit        1338597    67.67%
    average ap     9003.59
    miss        1483008    9.22%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3856684    23.99%
    hit         343315     2.14%
    crit        10393122    64.65%
    average ap     9040.69
    clip        0       0.00%
    OH Flametongue:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         9636140    52.43%
    crit        8741943    47.57%
    average sp     3334.25
    OH Stormstrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         639190     32.31%
    crit        1338898    67.69%
    average ap     9052.13
    Earth Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         594532     52.44%
    crit        539114     47.56%
    average sp     3315.28
    Flame Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         610423     52.36%
    crit        555396     47.64%
    average sp     3324.18
    dots hit      3603049    52.41%
    dots crit      3271355    47.59%
    average dot sp   3324.89
    Lava Lash:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         582594     32.24%
    crit        1224280    67.76%
    average ap     8975.51
    Lightning Bolt:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1596173    52.43%
    crit        1448498    47.57%
    average sp     3362.45
    Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1051736    52.42%
    crit        954587     47.58%
    average sp     3315.61
    Lightning Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         2758037    100.00%
    crit        0       0.00%
    average sp     3341.69
    Spirit Wolves:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      2222250    24.01%
    hit         5967398    64.48%
    crit        1065082    11.51%
    average ap     9048.40
    Magma Totem:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         3106979    52.44%
    crit        2817534    47.56%
    average sp     3327.32
    Fire Elemental Melee:
    miss        110070     8.03%
    dodge        57828     4.22%
    glancing      329448     24.02%
    hit         832862     60.73%
    crit        41231     3.01%
    Fire Elemental Fire Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1559899    92.01%
    crit        135489     7.99%
    Fire Elemental Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         631003     92.02%
    crit        54716     7.98%
    Fire Elemental Fire Blast:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         650669     92.02%
    crit        56427     7.98%
    Fire Elemental stats:
    average ap     9431.48
    average sp     3591.85
    MPS         65.55
    MPCooldown     7865.56
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    MRPCooldown     2818.85
    MRPS        23.60
    Fire Elemental   MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     3.31   14.09%
    judgement of wisdom 20.18   85.91%
    Maelstrom Weapon:
    PPM         57.48
    efficiency     88.28%
    flurry uptime         96.51%
    unleashed rage uptime     100.00%
    elemental devastation uptime  91.88%
    mh enchant uptime       54.29%
    oh enchant uptime       49.11%
    stormstrike debuff uptime   87.05%
    flame shock uptime       77.26%
    lightning shield uptime    97.60%
    magma totem uptime       67.06%
    fire elemental uptime     28.57%
    trinket2 uptime        32.61%
    racial uptime         14.29%
    totem uptime          99.84%
    ring proc uptime        16.57%
    Set bonus uptimes:
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 2 piece    25.00%
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 4 piece    23.72%
              MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     0.00   0.00%
    mp5         16.21   6.10%
    replenishment    39.54   14.88%
    unrelenting storm  0.00   0.00%
    judgement of wisdom 101.07  38.03%
    shamanistic rage  108.93  40.99%
    mana potion     0.00   0.00%
    misc        0.00   0.00%
    stormstrike     0.00   0.00%
              DPS         PPM    MPS
    white        3798.25  34.32%  107.17
    windfury      1330.38  12.02%  8.09
    flametongue     918.60  8.3%   61.26
    stormstrike     527.03  4.76%   6.59   36.33   13.27%
    lava lash      345.64  3.12%   6.02   16.59   6.06%
    magma totem     471.72  4.26%   2.14   39.79   14.53%
    earth shock     320.02  2.89%   3.78   24.42   8.92%
    flame shock     480.88  4.35%   3.89   23.72   8.66%
    lightning bolt   1248.35  11.28%  10.15   74.36   27.15%
    fire nova      411.69  3.72%   6.69   52.82   19.29%
    lightning shield  327.04  2.96%   1.18   0.00   0.00%
    spirit wolves    424.42  3.84%   0.43   3.54   1.29%
    fire elemental   461.67  4.17%   0.14   2.26   0.83%
     melee       257.47  55.77%  4.57
     fire shield    16.12   3.49%   5.65
     fire nova     121.08  26.23%  2.29
     fire blast    67.00   14.51%  2.36
    DPS         11065.68
    MPS         273.83
    MP2min       32860.09
    MRPS        460.24
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
    elapsed real time: 25.80s
    simulation speed: 697782x
    Enhsim config
    ### Saved by v1.9.8.0 of EnhSimGUI
    simulation_time         5000
    simulation_time_combatlog    30
    combat_length          7.00
    report_count          80
    threads             1
    combat_length_rng_factor    0
    min_lag             200
    max_lag             250
    simulate_mana          1
    cast_sr_on_cooldown       1
    ep_precision          2
    ep_base_stat          ap
    ep_ap              200
    ep_crit_rating         30
    ep_hit_rating          30
    ep_expertise          4
    ep_haste_rating         30
    ep_armor_penetration_rating   30
    ep_spellpower          150
    ep_dps             7.5
    ep_mana             250
    ep_spirit            150
    ep_mp5             20
    mh_auto_attack         1
    oh_auto_attack         1
    wait_ss_with_wf_cd       0.00
    cast_ll_only_if_wf_on_cd    0
    use_bloodlust          1
    always_bloodlust_wolves     0
    sync_bloodlust_with_trinkets  0
    cast_lvb_only_if_ed_left    15.0
    cast_lvb_only_if_fsdots_left  4
    cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active   1
    cast_fs_only_if_dots_left    0
    cast_ls_only_if_charges_left  2
    cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left  2
    cast_sr_only_if_mana_left    1250
    use_mana_potion_if_mana_left  0
    necrotic_touch         1
    necrotic_touch_heroic      0
    rotation_priority_count     14
    rotation_priority1       MW5_LB
    rotation_priority2       FS
    rotation_priority3       SS_0
    rotation_priority4       LS_0
    rotation_priority5       FE
    rotation_priority6       MT_0
    rotation_priority7       SW
    rotation_priority8       SR
    rotation_priority9       ES
    rotation_priority10       SS
    rotation_priority11       FN
    rotation_priority12       LL
    rotation_priority13       MT
    rotation_priority14       LS
    aoe_rotation_priority_count   0
    miss              8.0
    dodge              6.5
    glancing            24.0
    armor              10645
    spell_miss           17.0
    nature_resistance        0
    fire_resistance         0
    frost_resistance        0
    arcane_resistance        0
    shadow_resistance        0
    additional_targets       0
    additional_target_percent    0.0
    additional_target_level     0
    armor_debuff_major       20.0/20.0
    armor_debuff_minor       5.0/5.0
    physical_vulnerability_debuff  4.0/4.0
    melee_haste_buff        20.0/20.0
    melee_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    attack_power_buff_flat     687/687
    attack_power_buff_multiplier  0/99.7
    spell_haste_buff        5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_debuff    5.0/5.0
    spell_damage_debuff       13.0/13.0
    spellpower_buff         280/280
    spell_hit_chance_debuff     3.0/3.0
    haste_buff           3.0/3.0
    percentage_damage_increase   3.0/3.0
    crit_chance_debuff       3.0/3.0
    stat_multiplier         10.0/10.0
    stat_add_buff          51/51
    agi_and_strength_buff      178/178
    intellect_buff         60/60
    replenishment          1
    water_shield          0
    mana_spring_totem        0
    blessing_of_wisdom       1
    judgement_of_wisdom       1
    mixology            0
    flask_elixir          flask_of_endless_rage
    guardian_elixir         -
    potion             potion_of_speed
    food              fish_feast
    ### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
    ### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon     ###
    race              orc
    mh_speed            2.6
    oh_speed            2.6
    mh_dps             226.5
    oh_dps             226.5
    mh_crit             46.49
    oh_crit             46.49
    mh_hit             11.77
    oh_hit             11.77
    mh_expertise_rating       80
    oh_expertise_rating       80
    ap               4745
    melee_haste           36.79
    armor_penetration        6.22
    str               143
    agi               1478
    int               715
    spi               165
    spellpower           1424
    spell_crit           32.32
    spell_hit            14.71
    spell_haste           28.30
    max_mana            14841
    mp5               0
    mh_imbue            windfury
    oh_imbue            flametongue
    mh_enchant           berserking
    oh_enchant           berserking
    mh_weapon            black_bruise
    oh_weapon            fist
    trinket1            herkuml_war_token
    trinket2            whispering_fanged_skull
    totem              bizuris_totem_of_shattered_ice
    set_bonus1           t10_battlegear_4
    set_bonus2           -
    set_bonus3           -
    metagem             relentless_earthsiege_diamond
    gloves_enchant         -
    cloak_enchant          -
    ring_proc            ashen_verdict
    glyph_major1          feral_spirit
    glyph_major2          stormstrike
    glyph_major3          windfury_weapon
    glyph_minor1          -
    glyph_minor2          -
    glyph_minor3          -
    ancestral_knowledge       2/5
    improved_shields        3/3
    mental_dexterity        3/3
    shamanistic_focus        1/1
    flurry             5/5
    elemental_weapons        3/3
    unleashed_rage         3/3
    weapon_mastery         3/3
    dual_wield_specialization    3/3
    mental_quickness        3/3
    improved_stormstrike      0/2
    static_shock          3/3
    maelstrom_weapon        5/5
    convection           0/5
    concussion           5/5
    call_of_flame          3/3
    elemental_devastation      3/3
    reverberation          0/5
    elemental_focus         0/1
    elemental_fury         5/5
    improved_fire_nova       2/2
    call_of_thunder         0/1
    unrelenting_storm        0/3
    elemental_precision       0/3
    lightning_mastery        0/5
    elemental_oath         0/2
    lightning_overload       0/5
    lava_flows           0/3
    storm_earth_and_fire      0/3
    shamanism            0/5
    I just wanted to share this with the enh community to see what you think...

  2. #2

    Re: Enhsim FS priority

    This is pretty interesting actually. When I first looked at your config file I was slightly confused with your priority setup so I decided to mess around with it a little.

    First though, I want to say that your MS lag setting seems kinda low. It's not a big deal of course, but even the BiS list has it set at 230-260 and that is supposed to be best case scenario. But that's just me nit picking.

    Second, there is a reported issue with stacking armor debuffs reported by Rouncer on the EJ forums, and also on the EnhSim Issue Tracker. Basically you can fix it with just doing a quick edit of the buffs listed, the only effect is that you will have a lower DPS output report so it's not really a big deal for testing priorities. Link is here if you want to know more.

    Ok, so now to the interesting stuff. I tested out your priority list using my config first and it seemed to give me a small 4-5 DPS increase, but an increase nonetheless. So from there I started using the BiS config as it is a universal file and should be the same for everyone.

    Using the BiS setup the DPS, as reported was 12347. So it was within 2 DPS of the the BiS, which is in the normal range of variance. For reference, this is the BiS thread I'm referring to.

    Then I started to switch the priorities around, and it seems that moving FS from where it was in the BiS did little to change the DPS, but what was interesting was that when I moved SR down to where you have it the DPS output increased. From there I kept messing around and moved SW back up to normal and left SR where it was. This gave me the highest overall DPS increase, which was about 10.

    This is the output.
    EnhSim version
    miss        909581     5.74%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3801901    23.99%
    hit         107505     0.68%
    crit        11031028    69.60%
    average ap     9433.71    
    clip        0       0.00%
    MH Windfury:
    procs/hits     14.53%
    procs/swings    13.79%
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         1326043    27.08%
    crit        3570325    72.92%
    average ap     9428.98    
    MH Storsmtrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         514930     27.03%
    crit        1390236    72.97%
    average ap     9407.13    
    miss        908150     5.73%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3804162    24.00%
    hit         106875     0.67%
    crit        11030828    69.60%
    average ap     9442.75    
    clip        0       0.00%
    OH Flametongue:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         10951782    50.81%
    crit        10603991    49.19%
    average sp     3432.37    
    OH Stormstrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         514901     27.03%
    crit        1390265    72.97%
    average ap     9446.13    
    Earth Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         601225     50.78%
    crit        582801     49.22%
    average sp     3425.43    
    Flame Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         608042     50.65%
    crit        592364     49.35%
    average sp     3426.92    
    dots hit      3597329    50.82%
    dots crit      3481570    49.18%
    average dot sp   3427.00    
    Lava Lash:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         521680     27.02%
    crit        1408695    72.98%
    average ap     9409.98    
    Lightning Bolt:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1655852    50.79%
    crit        1604099    49.21%
    average sp     3459.78    
    Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         750578     50.77%
    crit        727926     49.23%
    average sp     3422.81    
    Lightning Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         2967056    100.00%
    crit        0       0.00%
    average sp     3441.04    
    Spirit Wolves:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      1949488    24.00%
    hit         5242600    64.55%
    crit        930158     11.45%
    average ap     9486.50    
    Magma Totem:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         2925454    50.83%
    crit        2829898    49.17%
    average sp     3430.57    
    Tiny Abomination in a Jar:
     hit        448592     16.15%
     crit       1045330    37.62%
     hit        386660     13.92%
     crit       897785     32.31%
    Fire Elemental Melee:
    miss        109387     7.98%
    dodge        58213     4.25%
    glancing      329343     24.03%
    hit         833240     60.79%
    crit        40601     2.96%
    Fire Elemental Fire Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1557778    91.98%
    crit        135808     8.02%
    Fire Elemental Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         630873     92.05%
    crit        54519     7.95%
    Fire Elemental Fire Blast:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         650297     91.98%
    crit        56725     8.02%
    Fire Elemental stats:
    average ap     9571.19    
    average sp     3471.90    
    MPS         65.56     
    MPCooldown     7867.36    
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    MRPCooldown     2820.88    
    MRPS        23.62     
    Fire Elemental   MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     3.31   14.07%
    judgement of wisdom 20.20   85.93%
    Maelstrom Weapon:
    PPM         62.53
    efficiency     86.89%
    flurry uptime         97.91%
    unleashed rage uptime     100.00%
    elemental devastation uptime  92.19%
    mh enchant uptime       54.81%
    oh enchant uptime       54.71%
    stormstrike debuff uptime   81.59%
    flame shock uptime       80.21%
    lightning shield uptime    97.75%
    magma totem uptime       64.88%
    fire elemental uptime     28.56%
    totem uptime          100.00%
    ring proc uptime        16.57%
    Set bonus uptimes:
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 2 piece    25.31%
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 4 piece    25.12%
              MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     0.00   0.00%
    mp5         16.47   4.90%
    replenishment    43.36   12.89%
    unrelenting storm  0.00   0.00%
    judgement of wisdom 110.04  32.71%
    shamanistic rage  166.51  49.50%
    mana potion     0.00   0.00%
    misc        0.00   0.00%
    stormstrike     0.00   0.00%
              DPS         PPM    MPS
    white        4347.86  35.18%  105.67
    windfury      1510.67  12.22%  8.16
    flametongue     1111.90  9%    71.85
    stormstrike     575.30  4.66%   6.35   34.99   10.10%
    lava lash      415.85  3.37%   6.43   17.73   5.12%
    magma totem     470.81  3.81%   2.05   38.06   10.99%
    earth shock     343.99  2.78%   3.95   48.93   14.13%
    flame shock     510.59  4.13%   4.00   46.85   13.53%
    lightning bolt   1374.33  11.12%  10.87   79.62   22.99%
    fire nova      309.68  2.51%   4.93   74.67   21.56%
    lightning shield  356.06  2.88%   1.24   0.00   0.00%
    tiny abomination  211.49  1.71%   9.26
    spirit wolves    364.96  2.95%   0.40   3.27   0.94%
    fire elemental   453.84  3.67%   0.14   2.26   0.65%
     melee       253.61  55.88%  4.57
     fire shield    15.91   3.51%   5.65
     fire nova     118.39  26.09%  2.28
     fire blast    65.93   14.53%  2.36
    DPS         12357.34
    MPS         346.36
    MP2min       41563.45
    MRPS        510.78
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
    elapsed real time: 36.46s
    simulation speed: 493678x
    And here is the config.
    ### Saved by v1.9.8.0 of EnhSimGUI
    simulation_time         5000
    simulation_time_combatlog    300
    combat_length          7.00
    report_count          80
    threads             1
    combat_length_rng_factor    0.35
    min_lag             230
    max_lag             260
    simulate_mana          1
    cast_sr_on_cooldown       1
    ep_precision          2
    ep_base_stat          ap
    ep_ap              80
    ep_crit_rating         40
    ep_hit_rating          40
    ep_expertise          4
    ep_haste_rating         40
    ep_armor_penetration_rating   40
    ep_spellpower          46
    ep_dps             7.5
    ep_mana             600
    ep_spirit            40
    ep_mp5             40
    mh_auto_attack         1
    oh_auto_attack         1
    wait_ss_with_wf_cd       0.00
    cast_ll_only_if_wf_on_cd    0
    use_bloodlust          1
    always_bloodlust_wolves     0
    sync_bloodlust_with_trinkets  0
    cast_lvb_only_if_ed_left    15.0
    cast_lvb_only_if_fsdots_left  4
    cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active   1
    cast_fs_only_if_dots_left    0
    cast_ls_only_if_charges_left  2
    cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left  2
    cast_sr_only_if_mana_left    1250
    use_mana_potion_if_mana_left  3000
    necrotic_touch         0
    necrotic_touch_heroic      0
    rotation_priority_count     14
    rotation_priority1       MW5_LB
    rotation_priority2       SW
    rotation_priority3       LS_0
    rotation_priority4       FS
    rotation_priority5       SS_0
    rotation_priority6       FE
    rotation_priority7       MT_0
    rotation_priority8       SR
    rotation_priority9       ES
    rotation_priority10       SS
    rotation_priority11       LL
    rotation_priority12       FN
    rotation_priority13       MT
    rotation_priority14       LS
    aoe_rotation_priority_count   12
    aoe_rotation_priority1     SW
    aoe_rotation_priority2     SR
    aoe_rotation_priority3     SS_0
    aoe_rotation_priority4     MW5_LB
    aoe_rotation_priority5     LS
    aoe_rotation_priority6     FE
    aoe_rotation_priority7     MT
    aoe_rotation_priority8     FS
    aoe_rotation_priority9     ES
    aoe_rotation_priority10     SS
    aoe_rotation_priority11     FN
    aoe_rotation_priority12     LL
    fight_name           standard_single_target
    miss              8.00
    dodge              6.50
    glancing            24.00
    armor              10643
    spell_miss           17.00
    nature_resistance        0
    fire_resistance         0
    frost_resistance        0
    arcane_resistance        0
    shadow_resistance        0
    additional_targets       0
    additional_target_percent    0.00
    additional_target_level     80
    armor_debuff_major       20.0/20.0
    armor_debuff_minor       5.0/5.0
    physical_vulnerability_debuff  4.0/4.0
    melee_haste_buff        20.0/20.0
    melee_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    attack_power_buff_flat     687/687
    attack_power_buff_multiplier  0/99.7
    spell_haste_buff        5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_debuff    5.0/5.0
    spell_damage_debuff       13.0/13.0
    spellpower_buff         280/280
    spell_hit_chance_debuff     3.0/3.0
    haste_buff           3.0/3.0
    percentage_damage_increase   3.0/3.0
    crit_chance_debuff       3.0/3.0
    stat_multiplier         10.0/10.0
    stat_add_buff          51/51
    agi_and_strength_buff      178/178
    intellect_buff         60/60
    replenishment          1
    water_shield          0
    mana_spring_totem        0
    blessing_of_wisdom       1
    judgement_of_wisdom       1
    mixology            0
    flask_elixir          flask_of_endless_rage
    guardian_elixir         -
    potion             potion_of_speed
    food              fish_feast
    ### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
    ### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon     ###
    race              tauren
    mh_speed            2.6
    oh_speed            2.6
    mh_dps             264.6
    oh_dps             264.6
    mh_crit             53.18
    oh_crit             53.18
    mh_hit             15.28
    oh_hit             15.28
    mh_expertise_rating       140
    oh_expertise_rating       140
    ap               5502
    melee_haste           34.06
    armor_penetration        13.22
    str               145
    agi               1858
    int               799
    spi               165
    spellpower           1651
    spell_crit           34.96
    spell_hit            19.10
    spell_haste           26.20
    max_mana            16101
    mp5               0
    mh_imbue            windfury
    oh_imbue            flametongue
    mh_enchant           berserking
    oh_enchant           berserking
    mh_weapon            axe
    oh_weapon            axe
    trinket1            tiny_abomination_in_a_jar_heroic
    trinket2            herkuml_war_token
    totem              bizuris_totem_of_shattered_ice
    set_bonus1           t10_battlegear_4
    set_bonus2           -
    set_bonus3           -
    metagem             relentless_earthsiege_diamond
    gloves_enchant         -
    cloak_enchant          -
    ring_proc            ashen_verdict
    glyph_major1          feral_spirit
    glyph_major2          stormstrike
    glyph_major3          windfury_weapon
    glyph_minor1          -
    glyph_minor2          -
    glyph_minor3          -
    ancestral_knowledge       2/5
    improved_shields        3/3
    mental_dexterity        3/3
    shamanistic_focus        0/1
    flurry             5/5
    elemental_weapons        3/3
    unleashed_rage         3/3
    weapon_mastery         3/3
    dual_wield_specialization    3/3
    mental_quickness        3/3
    improved_stormstrike      0/2
    static_shock          3/3
    maelstrom_weapon        5/5
    convection           0/5
    concussion           5/5
    call_of_flame          3/3
    elemental_devastation      3/3
    reverberation          1/5
    elemental_focus         0/1
    elemental_fury         5/5
    improved_fire_nova       2/2
    call_of_thunder         0/1
    unrelenting_storm        0/3
    elemental_precision       0/3
    lightning_mastery        0/5
    elemental_oath         0/2
    lightning_overload       0/5
    lava_flows           0/3
    storm_earth_and_fire      0/3
    shamanism            0/5
    So very interesting indeed, and thank you for sharing. Of course if anyone else would like to double check any of this information that would probably help.

  3. #3

    Re: Enhsim FS priority

    Yes. I took the BiS priority list from EJ and kept playing with the order until I squeezed the most dps out of it with my gear setup. Thanks. I will will try your tweaks and let you know if I can show more dps with any priority changes...

    I fixed the faerie fire/sunder %. Is it suggested to manually change the armor from 10645 to 10643 too?

  4. #4

    Re: Enhsim FS priority

    Quote Originally Posted by heartlarva
    Yes. I took the BiS priority list from EJ and kept playing with the order until I squeezed the most dps out of it with my gear setup. Thanks. I will will try your tweaks and let you know if I can show more dps with any priority changes...

    I fixed the faerie fire/sunder %. Is it suggested to manually change the armor from 10645 to 10643 too?
    Not as far as I am aware, but Rouncer posted that before this latest revision of EnhSim so something may have changed.

  5. #5

    Re: Enhsim FS priority and FS Glyph

    Enhsim was updated with the new Glyph of Flame Shock. Glyph of FS handily beat out WF.

    WF Glyphed:
    EnhSim version
    miss        1484314    9.23%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3860500    24.01%
    hit         338927     2.11%
    crit        10397513    64.66%
    average ap     9022.32
    clip        0       0.00%
    MH Windfury:
    procs/hits     14.67%
    procs/swings    13.46%
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         1566706    32.32%
    crit        3281050    67.68%
    average ap     9022.02
    MH Storsmtrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         621964     32.24%
    crit        1307152    67.76%
    average ap     8999.16
    miss        1483932    9.23%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3860892    24.01%
    hit         339595     2.11%
    crit        10396877    64.65%
    average ap     9035.81
    clip        0       0.00%
    OH Flametongue:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         9577286    52.41%
    crit        8695263    47.59%
    average sp     3332.95
    OH Stormstrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         623995     32.35%
    crit        1305121    67.65%
    average ap     9048.08
    Earth Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         606318     52.43%
    crit        550026     47.57%
    average sp     3317.18
    Flame Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         638692     52.31%
    crit        582206     47.69%
    average sp     3330.92
    dots hit      3776676    52.44%
    dots crit      3425468    47.56%
    average dot sp   3331.29
    Lava Lash:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         563035     32.25%
    crit        1183034    67.75%
    average ap     8974.24
    Lightning Bolt:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1585984    52.40%
    crit        1440852    47.60%
    average sp     3361.01
    Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1033523    52.47%
    crit        936177     47.53%
    average sp     3312.40
    Lightning Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         2734177    100.00%
    crit        0       0.00%
    average sp     3339.57
    Spirit Wolves:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      1916620    24.00%
    hit         5151940    64.52%
    crit        917018     11.48%
    average ap     9040.05
    Magma Totem:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         3059633    52.38%
    crit        2781174    47.62%
    average sp     3323.75
    Fire Elemental Melee:
    miss        109908     8.02%
    dodge        58900     4.30%
    glancing      328120     23.94%
    hit         832541     60.73%
    crit        41379     3.02%
    Fire Elemental Fire Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1558348    91.95%
    crit        136338     8.05%
    Fire Elemental Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         631018     92.06%
    crit        54406     7.94%
    Fire Elemental Fire Blast:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         650817     92.06%
    crit        56114     7.94%
    Fire Elemental stats:
    average ap     9431.89
    average sp     3591.97
    MPS         65.55
    MPCooldown     7866.56
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    MRPCooldown     2820.59
    MRPS        23.62
    Fire Elemental   MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     3.31   14.08%
    judgement of wisdom 20.20   85.92%
    Maelstrom Weapon:
    PPM         57.27
    efficiency     88.09%
    flurry uptime         96.49%
    unleashed rage uptime     100.00%
    elemental devastation uptime  92.06%
    mh enchant uptime       54.30%
    oh enchant uptime       48.89%
    stormstrike debuff uptime   85.62%
    flame shock uptime       80.15%
    lightning shield uptime    97.01%
    magma totem uptime       65.97%
    fire elemental uptime     28.56%
    trinket2 uptime        32.61%
    racial uptime         14.10%
    totem uptime          100.00%
    ring proc uptime        16.57%
    Set bonus uptimes:
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 2 piece    25.35%
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 4 piece    23.54%
              MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     0.00   0.00%
    mp5         16.23   6.12%
    replenishment    39.59   14.92%
    unrelenting storm  0.00   0.00%
    judgement of wisdom 100.90  38.03%
    shamanistic rage  108.62  40.94%
    mana potion     0.00   0.00%
    misc        0.00   0.00%
    stormstrike     0.00   0.00%
              DPS         PPM    MPS
    white        3600.36  33.76%  107.21
    windfury      1259.28  11.81%  8.08
    flametongue     913.62  8.57%   60.91
    stormstrike     487.15  4.57%   6.43   35.43   13.05%
    lava lash      334.20  3.13%   5.82   16.03   5.91%
    magma totem     465.05  4.36%   2.09   38.95   14.35%
    earth shock     326.33  3.06%   3.85   24.91   9.18%
    flame shock     503.57  4.72%   4.07   24.84   9.15%
    lightning bolt   1239.61  11.62%  10.09   73.92   27.24%
    fire nova      403.97  3.79%   6.57   51.86   19.11%
    lightning shield  323.16  3.03%   1.17   0.00   0.00%
    spirit wolves    346.66  3.25%   0.39   3.19   1.17%
    fire elemental   461.34  4.33%   0.14   2.26   0.83%
     melee       257.25  55.76%  4.57
     fire shield    16.12   3.49%   5.65
     fire nova     121.00  26.23%  2.28
     fire blast    66.97   14.52%  2.36
    DPS         10664.30
    MPS         271.39
    MP2min       32566.50
    MRPS        457.40
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
    elapsed real time: 25.88s
    simulation speed: 695652x
    Flame Shock Glyphed
    EnhSim version
    miss        1484302    9.23%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3858982    24.00%
    hit         340807     2.12%
    crit        10396057    64.65%
    average ap     9019.70
    clip        0       0.00%
    MH Windfury:
    procs/hits     13.76%
    procs/swings    12.62%
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         1470529    32.34%
    crit        3076269    67.66%
    average ap     9019.88
    MH Storsmtrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         623918     32.33%
    crit        1306071    67.67%
    average ap     8995.55
    miss        1483826    9.23%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      3858790    24.00%
    hit         340427     2.12%
    crit        10397128    64.66%
    average ap     9031.46
    clip        0       0.00%
    OH Flametongue:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         9575733    52.39%
    crit        8700908    47.61%
    average sp     3331.66
    OH Stormstrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         624246     32.34%
    crit        1305743    67.66%
    average ap     9044.15
    Earth Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         606666     52.41%
    crit        550882     47.59%
    average sp     3316.28
    Flame Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         640834     52.46%
    crit        580637     47.54%
    average sp     3329.85
    dots hit      3778979    52.44%
    dots crit      3427631    47.56%
    average dot sp   3330.25
    Lava Lash:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    hit         564809     32.27%
    crit        1185498    67.73%
    average ap     8970.20
    Lightning Bolt:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1576847    52.40%
    crit        1432253    47.60%
    average sp     3359.90
    Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1034792    52.44%
    crit        938595     47.56%
    average sp     3311.10
    Lightning Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         2720346    100.00%
    crit        0       0.00%
    average sp     3338.84
    Spirit Wolves:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      1917206    24.01%
    hit         5147778    64.48%
    crit        918754     11.51%
    average ap     9033.77
    Magma Totem:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         3063506    52.42%
    crit        2780622    47.58%
    average sp     3322.42
    Fire Elemental Melee:
    miss        109890     8.02%
    dodge        58316     4.25%
    glancing      329355     24.03%
    hit         832201     60.72%
    crit        40894     2.98%
    Fire Elemental Fire Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1558697    91.98%
    crit        135893     8.02%
    Fire Elemental Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         629852     91.91%
    crit        55476     8.09%
    Fire Elemental Fire Blast:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         650177     92.01%
    crit        56429     7.99%
    Fire Elemental stats:
    average ap     9438.88
    average sp     3594.07
    MPS         65.54
    MPCooldown     7865.11
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    MRPCooldown     2820.76
    MRPS        23.62
    Fire Elemental   MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     3.31   14.08%
    judgement of wisdom 20.20   85.92%
    Maelstrom Weapon:
    PPM         56.83
    efficiency     88.25%
    flurry uptime         96.46%
    unleashed rage uptime     100.00%
    elemental devastation uptime  92.01%
    mh enchant uptime       53.81%
    oh enchant uptime       48.88%
    stormstrike debuff uptime   85.81%
    flame shock uptime       80.20%
    lightning shield uptime    97.03%
    magma totem uptime       66.02%
    fire elemental uptime     28.56%
    trinket2 uptime        32.61%
    racial uptime         14.11%
    totem uptime          100.00%
    ring proc uptime        16.57%
    Set bonus uptimes:
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 2 piece    25.35%
    Frost Witch's Battlegear 4 piece    23.43%
              MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     0.00   0.00%
    mp5         16.25   6.13%
    replenishment    39.63   14.95%
    unrelenting storm  0.00   0.00%
    judgement of wisdom 100.41  37.89%
    shamanistic rage  108.74  41.03%
    mana potion     0.00   0.00%
    misc        0.00   0.00%
    stormstrike     0.00   0.00%
              DPS         PPM    MPS
    white        3599.15  33.59%  107.20
    windfury      1180.79  11.02%  7.58
    flametongue     913.72  8.53%   60.92
    stormstrike     487.05  4.55%   6.43   35.45   13.07%
    lava lash      334.87  3.13%   5.83   16.07   5.93%
    magma totem     465.11  4.34%   2.10   38.99   14.38%
    earth shock     326.73  3.05%   3.86   24.93   9.19%
    flame shock     641.37  5.99%   4.07   24.85   9.16%
    lightning bolt   1232.46  11.5%   10.03   73.49   27.10%
    fire nova      404.74  3.78%   6.58   51.95   19.16%
    lightning shield  321.56  3%    1.16   0.00   0.00%
    spirit wolves    346.50  3.23%   0.39   3.19   1.18%
    fire elemental   461.53  4.31%   0.14   2.26   0.83%
     melee       257.31  55.75%  4.57
     fire shield    16.12   3.49%   5.65
     fire nova     121.12  26.24%  2.28
     fire blast    66.97   14.51%  2.36
    DPS         10715.56
    MPS         271.19
    MP2min       32542.51
    MRPS        453.24
    Out of mana time  0.00%
    elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
    elapsed real time: 27.05s
    simulation speed: 665508x
    ### Saved by v1.9.8.1 of EnhSimGUI
    simulation_time         5000
    simulation_time_combatlog    300
    combat_length          7.00
    report_count          80
    threads             1
    combat_length_rng_factor    0.35
    min_lag             230
    max_lag             260
    simulate_mana          1
    cast_sr_on_cooldown       1
    ep_precision          2
    ep_base_stat          ap
    ep_ap              200
    ep_crit_rating         30
    ep_hit_rating          30
    ep_expertise          4
    ep_haste_rating         30
    ep_armor_penetration_rating   30
    ep_spellpower          150
    ep_dps             7.5
    ep_mana             250
    ep_spirit            150
    ep_mp5             20
    mh_auto_attack         1
    oh_auto_attack         1
    wait_ss_with_wf_cd       0.00
    cast_ll_only_if_wf_on_cd    0
    use_bloodlust          1
    always_bloodlust_wolves     0
    sync_bloodlust_with_trinkets  0
    cast_lvb_only_if_ed_left    15.0
    cast_lvb_only_if_fsdots_left  4
    cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active   1
    cast_fs_only_if_dots_left    0
    cast_ls_only_if_charges_left  2
    cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left  2
    cast_sr_only_if_mana_left    1250
    use_mana_potion_if_mana_left  0
    necrotic_touch         0
    necrotic_touch_heroic      0
    rotation_priority_count     14
    rotation_priority1       MW5_LB
    rotation_priority2       FS
    rotation_priority3       SS_0
    rotation_priority4       LS_0
    rotation_priority5       FE
    rotation_priority6       MT_0
    rotation_priority7       SW
    rotation_priority8       SR
    rotation_priority9       ES
    rotation_priority10       SS
    rotation_priority11       FN
    rotation_priority12       LL
    rotation_priority13       MT
    rotation_priority14       LS
    aoe_rotation_priority_count   0
    miss              8.0
    dodge              6.5
    glancing            24.0
    armor              10643
    spell_miss           17.0
    nature_resistance        0
    fire_resistance         0
    frost_resistance        0
    arcane_resistance        0
    shadow_resistance        0
    additional_targets       0
    additional_target_percent    0.0
    additional_target_level     0
    armor_debuff_major       11.8/11.8
    armor_debuff_minor       0/5.0
    physical_vulnerability_debuff  4.0/4.0
    melee_haste_buff        20.0/20.0
    melee_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    attack_power_buff_flat     687/687
    attack_power_buff_multiplier  0/99.7
    spell_haste_buff        5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_debuff    5.0/5.0
    spell_damage_debuff       13.0/13.0
    spellpower_buff         280/280
    spell_hit_chance_debuff     3.0/3.0
    haste_buff           3.0/3.0
    percentage_damage_increase   3.0/3.0
    crit_chance_debuff       3.0/3.0
    stat_multiplier         10.0/10.0
    stat_add_buff          51/51
    agi_and_strength_buff      178/178
    intellect_buff         60/60
    replenishment          1
    water_shield          0
    mana_spring_totem        0
    blessing_of_wisdom       1
    judgement_of_wisdom       1
    mixology            0
    flask_elixir          flask_of_endless_rage
    guardian_elixir         -
    potion             potion_of_speed
    food              fish_feast
    ### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
    ### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon     ###
    race              orc
    mh_speed            2.6
    oh_speed            2.6
    mh_dps             226.5
    oh_dps             226.5
    mh_crit             48.31
    oh_crit             48.31
    mh_hit             11.77
    oh_hit             11.77
    mh_expertise_rating       100
    oh_expertise_rating       100
    ap               4827
    melee_haste           36.79
    armor_penetration        8.43
    str               143
    agi               1539
    int               715
    spi               165
    spellpower           1448
    spell_crit           33.41
    spell_hit            14.71
    spell_haste           28.30
    max_mana            14841
    mp5               0
    mh_imbue            windfury
    oh_imbue            flametongue
    mh_enchant           berserking
    oh_enchant           berserking
    mh_weapon            axe
    oh_weapon            fist
    trinket1            herkuml_war_token
    trinket2            whispering_fanged_skull
    totem              bizuris_totem_of_shattered_ice
    set_bonus1           t10_battlegear_4
    set_bonus2           -
    set_bonus3           -
    metagem             relentless_earthsiege_diamond
    gloves_enchant         -
    cloak_enchant          -
    ring_proc            ashen_verdict
    glyph_major1          feral_spirit
    glyph_major2          stormstrike
    glyph_major3          flame_shock
    glyph_minor1          -
    glyph_minor2          -
    glyph_minor3          -
    ancestral_knowledge       2/5
    improved_shields        3/3
    mental_dexterity        3/3
    shamanistic_focus        1/1
    flurry             5/5
    elemental_weapons        3/3
    unleashed_rage         3/3
    weapon_mastery         3/3
    dual_wield_specialization    3/3
    mental_quickness        3/3
    improved_stormstrike      0/2
    static_shock          3/3
    maelstrom_weapon        5/5
    convection           0/5
    concussion           5/5
    call_of_flame          3/3
    elemental_devastation      3/3
    reverberation          0/5
    elemental_focus         0/1
    elemental_fury         5/5
    improved_fire_nova       2/2
    call_of_thunder         0/1
    unrelenting_storm        0/3
    elemental_precision       0/3
    lightning_mastery        0/5
    elemental_oath         0/2
    lightning_overload       0/5
    lava_flows           0/3
    storm_earth_and_fire      0/3
    shamanism            0/5
    So in 3.3.3 FS may move up in priority and FS Glyph may easily beat out WF...

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