1. #1

    Multi-Targetting Macro

    I am wondering if there is anyway to make a macro that will target different, specific mobs each time I click it. Sort of like a /castsequence but for targeting.
    The reason I want this is for a fight like Faction Champions so I can click, have it target the resto druid, then the resto shaman, then the holy priest, etc. I dont need it to mark I just want it to automatically switch targets in a certain order. Is this possible? If anyone knows a way to do this, please let me know.

  2. #2

    Re: Multi-Targetting Macro

    the only thing i can think of that does something like that is by using modifiers, like shift, control or alt.

  3. #3

    Re: Multi-Targetting Macro

    Could try using:

    /tar Faction Champ 1
    /tar [noexists][dead] Faction champ 2
    /tar [noexists][dead] Faction Champ 3

    Just change the faction champ name to the actual ones name. It will try to target the first one, when it realizes its dead the next one and so on.

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