1. #1

    mmo-champion feed:// links still broken...

    Hi boub et al, I think you know this but the bluetracker RSS feed linkages are still not working.

    If i click on one of the bluetracker RSS links such as:


    I get:

    The page you were looking for doesn't exist.

    You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.

  2. #2

    Re: mmo-champion feed:// links still broken...

    They all appear to work fine for me. Can you link which RSS feed you are using?

  3. #3

    Re: mmo-champion feed:// links still broken...

    I'm using Safari 4.0.4.

    I have Safari configured watch:


    When I click the resulting links shown in Safari I get the "The page you were looking for doesn't exist." error.

  4. #4

    Re: mmo-champion feed:// links still broken...

    Possible that your safari is keeping old settings and cached old feed results. Can you delete the feed and re-add it, then tell me what happens please?

  5. #5

    Re: mmo-champion feed:// links still broken...

    Cleared cache, same issue.

    Also, I fired up Safari on my home Dell Vista PC and show the same problem.

    To be clear, this occurs when you click the "RSS" button from the Safari address bar. When you press "RSS" you get the Safari RSS reader. When you click the link from within the reader you get the a link formatted like:

    Cata request: Airship to the face

    Whereas the link should look like:

    Cata request: Airship to the face

  6. #6

    Re: mmo-champion feed:// links still broken...

    Apparently this is an issue with Safari. Instead of following the <link> elements as defined in the RSS standards, safari likes to make up its own links using the GUID of each article.

    We'll look into fixing this, but I would advise using a different RSS reader until then.

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