Hello everyone,

I've just moved to Korea. And while I'm considering setting up a character and stuff there I am faced with a more immediate concern.
My mobile phone authenticator has run out of synch. Now, my phone is European and as such can't connect to anything here: I can't resynch.

I will go out and look for a Korean mobile sometime next week but I was wondering if anyone knew any other way to get the thing to resynch (I can't find the damn cable I need to connect my phone to the laptop).

To provide context on why I'm not exploring my new home: I am running a (now only) 2 degrees (celsius) fever which has teamed up with my jetlag and several other symptoms of illness to really screw me up proper, so I thought I'd wow.

Btw, flying with a fever doped up on pain meds is AWESOME!
So are helpful people at the airport to explain you are trying to board the wrong plane. How I ever made it from the airport to my new home is a friggin miracle.