1. #1

    dk with ret or prot pally?

    Atm, im ret specced, got farly decent gear, with quel/delar. we are atm working our way up to 1800 rating to get the weapons and im thinking of getting the shield/1h from there.

    My question is. Is the prot silence better then the rets burst? i know prot got decent burts, but as theres no mana reg in the prot tree. i wont be able to save my dk as much as i can now

  2. #2

    Re: dk with ret or prot pally?

    Protribution (or protret whatever tickles your fancy) is still the stronger spec I think. It has pretty equal damage to ret and better burst with avengers shield up. Plus more offensive utility via lower HoJ CD, and the silence from avengers shield. The downside of the spec is mana management is rough, as long as you make sure you keep divine plea up (a deep prot talent makes it refresh when you attack) you'll be able to barely sustain your mana. But you won't really be able to heal. Basically you trade some defensive utility for some offensive, and actually gain some personal defense in the process.
    R.I.P Ronnie James Dio 1942 - 2010

  3. #3

    Re: dk with ret or prot pally?

    ye, thats what i thought.

    the best gear to use is still the pvp ret gear right? or should i get some pveprot parts?

  4. #4

    Re: dk with ret or prot pally?

    As pret you can wear A LOT of PvE gear. I suggest you replace all the AP gear with PvE pieces that give STR.

    Also, the PvP shields aren't very good, they have no strength on them.

  5. #5

    Re: dk with ret or prot pally?

    is the wrathful shield so sucky that the one from HoR normal is better or? since i wont be able to get the icc 10/25 shield yet, since tanks in my guild still need them

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