1. #1

    Raiding old WotLK content

    First of all, i'm not sure were i should have (if it's the wrong place) posted this, so if it's in the wrong place i'm sorry for that. <.<

    Anyway, i'm kinda tired of ToC, Icc and RS so i have gotten my hands on 200-219 gear on one of my alts, and i'm now wondering if many people are intressted in start or joining a guild with alts that have about the same gear as i do on this char and raid old WotLK content about one day a week.

    I'm playing on Kazzak-EU and my char is a retribution paladin, named Cyanigosa (and i'm gonna exchange some gear that is 232, when i have time).

    If it's a big interrest, i can start up a guild and i have a vent server somewhere that can be used.
    My main thoughts would be Naxx -> EoE -> Uld. But if the people are friendly and funny people it could become bigger. The plan is just to have fun raiding, not really the challange of it, since the old content are quite easy.
    I'm just curious to how big the interrest of this is, so please tell me. =)

  2. #2
    - If you want to draw attention from your fellow members from Kazzak-EU, you put that into the post header.
    - Maybe some advertisment on the /1 channel in Dalaran on Friday evening can help you get some attention as well.

  3. #3
    Go 5-man release content. I recently did OS25 with feral tank, fury warr, spriest, crogue and rsham, probably doable with less. (Ofc it helps that OS has a rediculous enrage timer, if one at all).

  4. #4
    On our server doing content that is a few tiers behind is a pretty common thing. Of course most people do Ulduar/Naxx for achievements, mounts and titles but there's a pretty dedicated bunch of people doing those raids a few times a month at least. Even places like MH/BT/SWP are getting cleared every week just because there are a few well known people who organize the raids every week.

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