Thread: Rogue 2v2 comps

  1. #1

    Rogue 2v2 comps

    What comps ate best for rogues in 2v2 and what are the general strategies?

  2. #2
    Mut envenom spec / disc priest.

    enjoy your points.

  3. #3
    Disc/Rogue. 'Nuff Said.
    Please don't run Shadow/Rogue, it makes me sad.

    As for strategies, Arena Junkies is actually a really good source of information if you have the time, the comp I mentioned focuses on just CCing one person into oblivion with Sap, Blind, Fear, etc.

  4. #4
    Shadow/rogue is an excellent comp for easy 1800 if your priest isn't retarded. other than that:


    Many comps for you to choose gogo

  5. #5
    I rolled Restodrood/rogue. It wasn't easy but it worked. I suggest it for people who like really long fights. Like really long. We capped the system once, 47 min game, both teams lost 12 points, it was a draw.

  6. #6
    SP / Rogue is ridiculous. Enjoy your free 2,5k rating.

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