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  1. #81
    Knowledge of base 8 versus base 10, if you can't go past that then I don't know what to do.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post
    Knowledge of base 8 versus base 10, if you can't go past that then I don't know what to do.
    It's got a new writer and he's toned it down a little bit, but if you look closely he's calculating the value of haste in an octal numeral system.
    Do you know how IBM PC works? It's binary architecture, hence everything is stored as binary (not octal, where you get that?).

    They use integer (int) as representation of Haste value:
    Build 53504
        public enum AdditiveStat : int { 
    Example of calculations, they are forcing them as float:
    Build 53504
    stats.HasteRating += stats.DeathbringerProc / 3f;
    Can't see anything wrong there. Haste will be rounded to int, but it's not a big deal, they round up every stat there to int. No trace of this "octal" non-sense you are trying to pull here.

    Like, dude, are you familiar with software developing at all? Because if you aren't, just call it right now, you will embarrass yourself.

  3. #83
    Math is hard

    [11:50:45] Earthmender Duarn says: Shamanistic healing is a complex art. You can't just chain heal all day.

  4. #84

    Octal is an abbreviation of binary in computer systems.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post

    Octal is an abbreviation of binary in computer systems.
    Sigh. Octal is base-8. Binary is base-2. Just go home, bro.

  6. #86
    Do you know how coding works? You can abbreviate binary sequences with octal for convenience. 000 = 0, 001 = 1, 010 = 2, etc. RAWR is written in C, which uses Octal.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post
    Do you know how coding works? You can abbreviate binary sequences with octal for convenience. 000 = 0, 001 = 1, 010 = 2, etc. RAWR is written in C, which uses Octal.
    010 = 8 in octal

  8. #88
    Not sure how you all got into a discussion of Octal vs. Binary... Regardless of what you start in for your own human readable convenience, it has to be translated to binary eventually, because that is what the processor understands. Even if your compiler is smart enough to know that 8 = 100, the machine is not.

    Anyway, back to Bryntrol vs. Oathbinder.. The proc does not double dip. RV double dips because RV is function of your damage. RV = (.15)(damage). With the buff, RV = 1.3(RV0), where RV0 = (1.3)(.15)(damage0). Bryntrol's proc is just a flat amount, affected by things that modify spell damage (source Wowhead). The ICC buff only modifies damage, not the things that modify spell damage. So with the buff, proc = (1.3)(proc0), where proc0 = (procDamage)(spellDamageModifiers). /slash

  9. #89
    Righteous Vengeance doesn't double-dip though. You can manually calculate it in any WMO parse.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post
    Do you know how coding works? You can abbreviate binary sequences with octal for convenience. 000 = 0, 001 = 1, 010 = 2, etc. RAWR is written in C, which uses Octal.

    Actually, it's in C# (C Sharp). Which is managed code. It's at a higher level than C++ and C.

    This whole octal thing is just completely ridiculous. Considering computers store everything in powers of two, octal binary representations would be in 3 by 3 sets. 010. The smallest representation of memory is a character. Which is 8 bits. 8 bits in binary are 8 values. 0000 0000. The best way to represent a byte is in HEX. The only thing happening in this program is the truncation of the float into an integer. It does not round off anything. I registered just because I'm a software engineer and I just had to post.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisko View Post
    With 30% buff:

    With 0% buff:

    In this example Bryn is 2.018% higher dps for both 30% and 0% icc buff. gg.

    Prentice already pointed out that Bryn was over-nerfed in old Rawr. I guess it's where this legend of "BF OMG SO MUCH BETTER THAN BRYN" was born.
    but what gear config are u using

  12. #92
    Ok so there are a lot of misconceptions here.

    In terms of procs per minute, they are based off of base weapon speed and not current weapon speed. I know this for example because feral druids want haste because it gives them more omen of clarity procs, which is a ppm ability, when they have more haste because the percent chance is fixed but haste gives more hits in a certain time frame.

    Saying that the bryntroll proc gets more damage increase from the 30% buff is completely wrong. With basic numbers, lets say the proc hits for 4000, close to what you said. The 30% buff would make it hit for 4000*1.3 = 5200. Lets say now that instead of that proc rate, from another weapon you could determine that you got about approximately 2% crit. Lets say a normal white hit hits for 2000 and crits for 4000. The expected value of this white hit, assuming they only had this 2% crit, would be .98*2000 + .02*4000 = 1960 + 80 = 2040. With the 30% buff, this would be 2040*1.3 = 2652. Percentage wise, both the proc and the crit buff gave the same percentage of damage increase. Those 4000 crits will now hit for 5200, and the 4000 procs will hit for 5200. Similarly if you had strength instead of the buff, you're attacks might hit for an extra 200, and this damage will be increased by the 30% buff so its an extra 260 damage. There is no arguing this point, it is just a true fact. Maybe you are referring to the fact that the damage increase will be more significant numerically and not percentage wise after the buff. If a weapon was 100 more dps before it, it would be 130 more dps afterwards. If this same weapon was 1% more dps before it though, it would still be 1% more dps afterwards.

    The buff increases every single aspect of dps. What you are saying implies that the proc gaines 30% damage, but that extra stats are not improved at all by the 30% dps. In that case the 30% buff wouldn't be 30% of total damage, because then every stat would not get affected by the buff and you're maybe 1k naked dps would get a 30% increase. Every single ability hits for 30% more, and if you crit more, the value of that crit is increased by the 30%.

  13. #93
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    Try to stay on topic- The OP's question was answered a while ago, hence the lock.

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