1. #1

    How do you get PuG raidleader to arrange groups. i.e. melee with melee


    The majority of pugs I'm in (with my alts) are never ever arranged properly. I know that most buffs are raid wide now, but when healing it's important for me to have all the melee in their own groups. The reason for this is on certain fights like Lady D the melee have a good chance of being cleaved or on Blood Queen some idiot melee leaves swarming shadows fire in the melee...etc. Knowing this, I can bubble the melee groups fast & efficently if the groups are arranged properly, if not, I have to hunt and peck the melee players that are in ranged groups or even HEALING groups.

    I always ask them nicely to arrange groups by putting melee with melee, healers with healers...etc, and half the time they completly ignore the request. I'll even ask for assist after the raid is full to arrange them, and I get nothing...

  2. #2
    I make my own pugs so I dont have to worry about that.

    Also I always do Group 5 Healers / Group 4 Tanks + Melees / Group 3 Melees / Group 1 and 2 ranged + a few melees

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