1. #1

    Angry Good Fury Rotations, Lvl 60 and up?

    I'm averaging somewhere between 250 and 300 DPS at the moment and was told it could be higher. My complaint is the rotation. MaxDPS.com says I should use Whirlwind, Bloodthirst, Heroic Strike (to be replaced my Cleave) and Execute. One problem....not enough rage to be a reliable rotation! I get one good rotation if my rage is full, but after that I'm hopping around. Anyone have any advice?

  2. #2
    Depends on your level mainly. The general accepted rotation is bloodthirst,whirlwind,free gcd,bloodthirst,free gcd,free gcd and repeat endlessly. free gcd's are used for sunders,executes or slam procs mainly. you can expend excess rage into heroic strikes on single target or cleaves on aoe fights. generally try to have more then 40 rage before hitting heroic strike so you have rage for your instant abilities. If your having rage problems try doing this rotation without heroic striking at first to see if your coming up short if you are, id say improve your gear if you can. when you hit lvl 60's start picking up socketed gear and start slamming hit gems into it. it will be the fastest way to improve threat. Oh and a side need a heroic strike or cleave takes your normal main hand swing and converts it into that attack, meaning you deny yourself rage you would have gotten with that swing, which is why you only use heroic strike and cleave in situations of excess rage.

  3. #3
    Leveling as fury in zerk stance you need a couple perks:
    a berserker rage / intercept macro (talented for rage generation)
    a bloodrage / bloodthirst macro (both glyphed)
    1 keyboard
    1 brain

    After you have all that, ensure you are using 2 two handed weapons, one in each hand.
    Rotation should be:
    macro 1 > macro 2 > whirlwind

    that should be enough to dispatch 75% of the HP of a normal mob. Wait for the next Bloodthirst and it should be dead.

    Have fun leveling!

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