1. #1

    Help with Holy paladin/Unholy dk.

    I'm playing 2v2 comp Hpala/Unholy dk and we always seem to get to 1900 then drop to 1700 and work our way back up and then drop, its really annoying as we have played around 500 games doing this shit over and over.

    Were decent gear, i play the pally and my mate plays dk, he runs at around 600 resi and i'm running with 700 resi, pretty low for a hpala i know but i'm working on it, its summer and so on, but should be up to 1k pretty soon, problem is, whenever we face a team such as Hpala/spriest or Hpala/lock or priest/Afflic lock we seem to always lose, especially Hpala/spriest. My partner always tells me its because i don't bubble before they silence + kill me, but i can't use bubble all of the time that happens..

    Most burst comps are pretty easy for us, beastleave, spellcleave, mage/rogue, spriest/rogue ect we can 80% of the time win. Problem comes when its healer + what i call a survival dps (afflic/spriest/boomkin) Healer + warriors/dk's are pretty okay.

    Just looking for general tips and i know my spelling is bad, so sorry for that.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Rml; 2010-08-29 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #2
    I play HP in 3v3 and got 1k resi+ LoS and try not to get vamperic touch on you. cleance urself when the situation allows it and just pillarwhore as much as u can. A good shadowpries can peal everything u have. in a open space 1v1 shadowpriests cant loose against paladins. no way it's gonna happen.

    As for moonkins and affli locks + healers use your defensives carefully. dont double defensive. talk with ur teammate. both of you shouldnt drop defansives at the same time, no such pressure can happen in 2v2 if ur playing dps+healer.

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