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    [A] Forte Danica <Turalyon> is recruiting for Cataclysm!

    Forte Danica is a small Danish raid guild focusing on 25-player raids only, currently housing about 30 raiders. In the past weeks more of our members has choosen to quit playing when Cataclysm comes, or has found other interests in 10-player raiding. We now have a solid core of 30 ready to rock the 25-player instances. We have up until now had a max limit of 35 players, but have decided to raise that number to 40. Therefore we offer 10 open spots, and we want you to be there, in what will be one of the few progress minded Danish 25-player raiding guild left when Cata comes along.

    These are our raidtimes, and you must be able to attend 3 nights every week:

    Wednsday 20.00 – 23.00
    Thursday 20.00 – 23.00
    Sunday 20.00 – 23.00
    Monday 20.00 – 23.00

    These are the classes in need:

    Tanks (2): Druid & Death Knight

    Melee dps (2): Paladin & Death Knight

    Ranged dps (4): Warlock, Mage, Hunter & Shaman

    Healers (2): Priest (holy) & Paladin

    Who are we?

    Forte Danica has existed as an alliance raid guild on EU Turalyon since 25 June 2008 and we are here to stay. Our roster today counts several members, who have had FD as their online home for at least 1½ year, hence we know each others flaws and strenghts very well. We share the same passion for dedicated and progress minded raiding. And we are well aware that succes comes not only from having a bunch of players mastering their class at their best, but also from maintaining a well organised, social and fun environment.

    What do we aim for?

    Our goal is to maintain a small national raid guild highly competeable with international guilds - we raid end game content, and want to be the best on our field. That being said, we will never aim for the “Champions League” but on the other hand we won’t settle for less than the “Super Liga”. We don’t want to sacrifice a healthy social environment in the process, which means that we are very selective in our recruitment.

    Since our members are also busy people with jobs and family we don’t want to waste our time fooling around. Everyone will show up to raids well prepared with their head on their neck – not up their ass. We want both farm runs and progress runs to be convincing. That means that there is no excuse for being a corpse on the ground during well known boss fights, and that our approach to encounters has to be perfected at all times.

    What do we want from you?

    We want you to have a mind set for collective progress – not epics and personal benefits. We are quite aware that gearing is a necessity and a natural part of being able to conquer bosses. That being said you will not last long if you prefer flashing your bling bling in IF rather than being a part of the team when we face harder content and wipe nights.

    We don’t want your apply if you are not absolutely sure of your priorities when it comes to what you want from the game. It goes without a saying that you need to be 100% familiar with your class and how to play it optimal. FD is not for people who are in the process of learning how to play. You understand the uniqueness of your class, how to use your whole specter of abilities and when.

    So what do you get?

    You will get a highly organized guild where strict systems and clear policies is a part of our foundation and where lack of discipline has immediate consequenses. We take pride in the art of THINKING before we act, making the right decisions on a long term basis.

    Being a raider in Forte Danica awards you several benefits. In fact you will be quite spoiled. We have an open guildbank, where enchant mats and gems are always free, and where flasks/potions can be bought at ridiculously low prices. Feasts are always brought to raids, and we also offer guild repairs on progress nights. We want our members to focus their time in optimizing their skills, studying tacts etc. not being constantly farming for gold in order to pay for raid necessities.

    We have a unique loot system (which by now has been copied in several guilds), that secures fast and optimal gearing for every single raider. We want our members to be aware of the best gear available. Everyone has their own best in slot list, and these items will be the only ones you will ever spend dkp on. We don’t want smaller upgrades to end up as dust or crystals because noone wants to spend dkp on them, and therefore minor upgrades are always distributed off dkp.

    If this seems like the guild for you we will be happy to receive your application on fortedanica.info. Also feel free to contact Cherlindra or any other member of the staff for further information.

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