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  1. #1

    Summary: Issues with Worgen as a race...

    Ever since Worgen were announced as playable race numerous issues arose. Those issues clearly point to the global feeling that this race wasn't a cleverly designed choice, but some out-of-place idea, forced as a counterpart to the Goblins (which were an obvious choice, along with their long term presence in game and lore). This post is meant to summarize those issues and force a discussion. It might turn out to be a fanboi flamewar but I do hope for some constructive comments, whenever you think I'm wrong or right here.

    ISSUE #1 : Worgen as a race.
    The very first issue is the fact Worgen are not really a race. I mean Worgen summoned by Scythe of Elune might be, but the playable Alliance Worgen are infact cursed Gilneas citizen. It was obvious when Blizz announced that they will have 2 "forms": human and worgen. From the technical point of view they are just humans cursed to become beasts. The change was caused by moon (kinda original werewolf idea in Pyrewood Villidge, when during day they appeared as humans and during night as worgen) or could be self-controlled by player - Aliance Worgen. The human is infact race here, not form. Onyxia had "human form" since she was a Dragon. "playable worgen" is infact human with worgen FORM. Like Bruce banner changing to Hulk -> he's human not... Hulk, right?

    ISSUE #2 : Starting zone & land ownership.
    Since the playable worgen come from Gilneas, their starting zone had to be planted in that region. Unfortunatelly it's a vast region of Lorderon wich is now inhibited by Forsaken and belongs to Undead (playable Horde race). Due to this fact the playable worgen were stripped off the normal 1-10 -> 10-20 zone system all the other races have, and had to share their 10-20 zone with Night Elves. This is actually a fair option as horde had one zone (Barrens) shared by 3 races (Tauren, Trolls and Orcs. And yes - goblins get Azashara making both factions even in number of zones). Despite "Fairness" it kinda feels like Worgen got cheated off their zone. It would be much more honest if Worgen got their own island somewhere... It's not a problem to add new island to Azeroth - Blizz did it numerous times. And with current state of events, and Forsaken expanding their lands (which is perfectly logical) Worgen are bound to be pariahs of the world. No home, just a small enclave in Darnassus.

    ISSUE #3 : Worgen Form
    Back to the subject of form, Alliance Worgen have unique choice of showing up as Worgen or human. This quickly became eyesore for the horde players as they have no "2 form" race. Upon entering combat the transformation into worgen form is forced. Now this leads to many more ridiculous things. For starters the vision of a wearwolf-like creature in a... robe... wanding it's target is an instant rotfl. Second, the vision of same creature using daggers when it has giant claws is... rotfl#2. That beastly look simply doesnt fit casters and weapon-bearers. Worgen would do better as a class, not race. It would be tolerable if they had option to "hide weapon" like cloak of helm. Somehow druids in cat form do nicely with hidden weapons, and worgen are forced to carry daggers and other ridiculously small items in their monstrously large claws. Alas, Blizz is not planning to implement that not to mention it would be another thing that this race has but others have not.

    ISSUE #4 : Running Wild.
    Last nail to the coffin for this race is their lack of mount. It caused large controversy on both sides. Horde hates the idea as Alliance now has an "unique" race, whereas the Tauren were once stripped of such trait. Alliance hates the idea as they are going to be aprox 5mounts short in the Mount-Achievment race, when the Goblins add their mounts to Horde's stable/garage. No matter what the odds, both sides will pick on Worgen for causing "elitism" and "lack of resource" depending on faction...

    In the ends it seems that Worgen already caused more trouble and balance issues than any other race (recall Tauren plainsrunning or Forsaken treated as undead not humanoids). More than that, doesn't seem those issues are going to be solved in any way. On the other hand, Goblins show up as completly legit race, much like remaining 10 "classic" races.


  2. #2
    Pick on 'em all you want, Running Wild > All Other Mounts imo

  3. #3
    I will definitely have a Worgen char, I'm just a bit annoyed by so many factors that make this race feel that they were "forced" to be playable race... So many thing show they are not like other "playable humanoids". So many issues causing controversy. It's just badly implemented idea that could have been so much better if engineered properly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xiaras View Post
    Pick on 'em all you want, Running Wild > All Other Mounts imo
    Ofc it is! But that doesn't make it fair to the remaining 11 races, and Horde as faction.
    Last edited by widowmaker; 2010-09-29 at 04:44 PM.

  4. #4
    i think worgen is perfectly with the Racial FTW

  5. #5
    Are forsaken/undead really a race of their own? They are just dead humans and elves etc.

    And about the mounts. Alliance have 3 more mounts then Horde at the moment. Also, one faction can't have something unique for that side? Silvermoon got a teleporter to the UC, there's no such thing for the Alliance side.

    And Horde have as a faction bonus "Win 9/10 bgs" so I think it's just fair that Alliance can get a unique looking race. Besides, Goblin get a zone of their own, Worgen share theirs with the Nelves.

    So in conclusion, yes the Worgen get a unique mount, but the Goblins have more lore and more quests/zones for them to level through. Seems fair in my book

    And ffs, "two form race". If that's hurts the Horde so much it's just sad. Roll a fucking worgen then and play the amazing two form race yourself.
    Last edited by Laukkanen; 2010-09-29 at 04:50 PM.

  6. #6
    You don't like them? Don't play them. There are 11 other races to choose from. Their presence bothers you so much you can't enjoy the game? Goodbye, you won't be missed. We're overstocked on whiners as it is.

  7. #7
    Tbh im at a 90% like, i hate the "Running Wild", i much prefered the concept art for the mount

  8. #8
    I haven't heard anyone complain about the 'lack of mount' at all. There are already enough mounts in the game to get that achievement anyway.

    You're over-thinking this just a tad. You have to remember this is a fantasy based game. I mean, the idea of goat ladies throwing lightning at you is ok, but a worgen with a weapon doesn't make sense?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Laukkanen View Post
    Are forsaken/undead really a race of their own? They are just dead humans and elves etc.
    Yeah, by the OP's argument, the Forsaken don't really count as a true race either. Since we have precedent for this sort of thing with playable undead, I'm pretty sure that the case of the worgen is perfectly acceptable as a new race.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by haglowicz View Post
    You don't like them? Don't play them. There are 11 other races to choose from. Their presence bothers you so much you can't enjoy the game? Goodbye, you won't be missed. We're overstocked on whiners as it is.
    I'm not bothered. I don't play Alliance as main faction. And I do enjoy some traits of the Worgen. Main thing here is the aforementioned imbalance. You're responce was shallow and didn't brought anything constructive to the discussion as you missunderstood my intentions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laukkanen View Post
    Are forsaken/undead really a race of their own? They are just dead humans and elves etc.
    You're partially right, but Forsaken lost their human "part". They are no longer what can be considered "human". Worgen stuck in their beastly form (with no human form) would be pretty much same, and thus... fair.

  11. #11
    The Patient Crypt's Avatar
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    The only thing i don't like about worgen is the 2 handed attack animation where you flip forward and slam the weapon in the ground. Everything else is great.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by widowmaker View Post
    I'm not bothered. I don't play Alliance as main faction. And I do enjoy some traits of the Worgen. Main thing here is the aforementioned imbalance. You're responce was shallow and didn't brought anything constructive to the discussion as you missunderstood my intentions.

    You're partially right, but Forsaken lost their human "part". They are no longer what can be considered "human". Worgen stuck in their beastly form (with no human form) would be pretty much same, and thus... fair.
    So, you're just complaining because you like to see words you typed on a web page?

  13. #13
    The very first issue is the fact Worgen are not really a race
    Are forsaken?
    Despite "Fairness" it kinda feels like Worgen got cheated off their zone.
    You just put quotation marks around the word fairness to try and make it seem unfair... /sigh
    ISSUE #3 :
    Their claws are not that big... and daggers would be a better choice logically, I mean, would you rather scratch something with your nails or stab it with a posion covered dagger, your choice.
    ISSUE #4 : Running Wild.
    Running wild is awesome... I am Horde and I think it is awesome and that is because it is. There is nothing more awesome that fighting with something that will be charging on all fours at you or charging at something in such a feral way if you are playing an ally

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemsadictos View Post
    while i agree that Worgen casters look somewhat silly, leather, mail and plates wearers look AWESOME !
    True That looks awsome And that's why my point was about casters who just don't fit into whole concept. Imagine a Worgen mage blinking away from a Rogue instead of going hand-to-hand with claws? Doesn't make much sense.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemsadictos View Post
    Widowmaker, add poll:
    - They are fine! Ill play one!
    -Ill play one, but could have been better
    -Meh, but they`re O.K. overall.
    -Bad,needs improvements.
    I did! Dunno why it's not here... :/

  16. #16
    I don't like every single race but as I realise my opinions are opinions and not facts I don't post a long thread on a forum stating that things should be changed because I don't like it.

    I play other races that I do like, perhaps you should do the same. Not everyone shares the same view on things and not everyone will think your opinion is fact, as they most certainly are not.

  17. #17
    None of these "issues" are actually problem for anyone I've talked to. I'm excited about Worgen form, running wild, and the starting zone. If something doesn't feel right for you then just stay away from it. These are your issues.

  18. #18
    Can you actually think of issues that are issues and not your very subjective opinions?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by haglowicz View Post
    So, you're just complaining because you like to see words you typed on a web page?
    First of all, I'm not complaining. I'm bringing facts, and forcing discussion. Convince me wrong instead of insulting me out of your own flatness. Accusing someone of QQing is really best you can do? Beat it, I noted what you had in mind - don't need more of your useless posts.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by widowmaker View Post
    First of all, I'm not complaining. I'm bringing facts, and forcing discussion. Convince me wrong instead of insulting me out of your own flatness. Accusing someone of QQing is really best you can do? Beat it, I noted what you had in mind - don't need more of your useless posts.
    What are the facts? That worgen have two forms? Yes that's a fact. That they get "Running Wild"? Yes that's fact.

    But you're the one having issues with these facts. I haven't seen anyone else having issues with these. SO why should this be considered facts and be considered for a change?

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