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    11/12 hm lf dps

    ******About Us: ******

    The Crazy Eighty Eight is currently the top progressed guild on the Exodar (EST PvE server) with the strongest backlog of achievements and downed content for the entirety of the Wrath Expansion. Formed at the beginning of the expansion by a core group of Vanilla and BC raiders, and intended as a 10 man guild, it quickly grew into a serious 25 man raiding guild within weeks of it's inception. Since then we have never stopped growing and our progression on each tier has been faster and higher ranking.

    While our standards for applicants has gotten stricter, our raid environments have gotten more fun and exciting as times passes. Currently we gamble nonstop, joke in vent and in general just have a great time while still progressing at a respectable rate.

    25 Naxx (Server first Immortal + Black Protodrakes)
    25 OS3D + 6 Min Maly before 3.1
    25 Ulduar 14/14 (Death's Demise + Ironbound Protodrakes)
    25 ToGC 5/5 (Insanity and Grand Crusader)
    25 Icecrown Citadel 11/12 Heroic (Icebound FrostBrood Vanquishers)
    10 Icecrown Citadel 12/12 Heroic + Bane (Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquishers)

    ****Current needs: ****

    Death Knight: DPS
    Mage: 2
    Priest: Shadow
    Druid: Resto
    Shaman - Enhance
    Exceptional DPS

    If you are not listed but are exceptionally skilled, experienced and geared apply anyway, we're always taking skilled players and raid spots are based on performance!

    We are looking for people who know their class in and out, work to get better and have experience with current content. If you don't know how to gem, have double gathering professions or have never seen ICC past the first wing this is not the guild for you. If you plan on missing one night a week, this is not the guild for you. If, however, you plan on near 100% attendance, know the current content and have the gear to do it without holding us back in hard modes this is the guild for you!

    PLEASE NOTE: We do not care about your gear score, we only care about your gearing. If you have no set bonuses but spent your frost badges on 264 non tier pieces, you are not well geared you just have a high(ish) gear score.

    *******Raid Schedule: ********

    *Monday: 800 pm – 12:00 am
    *Tuesday: 8:00 pm – 12:00 am
    *Wednesday: 8:00 pm – 12:00 am
    With many alt runs on the weekends along with 10 mans.

    We have a 75% attendance rule for established raiders. At the same times we are not looking for anyone who is not aiming for 100% attendance, and healers who miss more than 1 night every two weeks will likely be replaced. Tanks who cannot commit to near 100% attendance will not be looked at.

    *******Loot: *******

    We are a loot council with an eye for raid progression not character progression. We will put pieces where they will benefit the raid most and we try our best to spread loot evenly. When going into a new tier of content you will normally see loot going to tanks, then healers then dps. Once we've established ourselves in a tier we will begin to even everyone out. We strive to be as fair as possible in our gearing of the whole raid and not an individual and make sure everyone on a specific tier token has 3 upgraded pieces before anyone gets 4 upgraded pieces, as an example.

    Loot is distributed based on attendance, performance and magnitude of the upgrade. For obvious reasons established raiders do get priority over probationary members on comparable upgrades. Probation last 2-4 weeks.

    If you have any questions please contact Diznan, Willferàl, Pizz, or Shocktapuse.

    Please apply at...
    ...thank you!
    Last edited by Shocktapuse; 2010-11-05 at 01:55 PM.

  2. #2

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  6. #6
    bump for resto shaman

  7. #7

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  18. #18
    bump for resto druid/shaman

  19. #19
    bump for ret pally, resto druid and mage

  20. #20

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