1. #1

    The R-A-F Rocket Mount

    This mount now works as a ground mount! I've been "flying" all around IF and SW. Was this in the patch notes?

  2. #2
    don't know, but i like the sound of that
    "There is a fly in the ointment. Shit has hit the fan. The lion will speak!" - Saul Silver

  3. #3
    On the PTR all flying mounts could act as ground mounts.

    On live its only the RAF rocket and TCG X51 that can, must be a bug.
    (This signature was clearly too awesome for the Avatar & Signature Guidelines and was removed to prevent further facemelting)

  4. #4
    I noticed this yesterday and it's amazing.
    I'm really glad they changed it- it always bugged me that an item you get for touring couldn't even be used until the potentially newbie friend you were playing with couldn't even use until expansion content.

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