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  1. #1

    What weapons would you like to use more in Cata?

    So, throughout WOTLK our BiS or close-to-BiS weapons have almost all been staves or polearms. There's been a few that weren't, of course, ie Betrayer of Humanity, Reckoning, etc. But mostly between Journey's End, that one in Ulduar the name of which I can't remember, and the polearms in ICC, we've been stuck with a big stick. So I was wonder what y'all would want to see us wield more in Cata?

    Personally, I'm hoping for a big 2H sword or axe (BoH style). I fondly remember outbidding my GM Warrior on Claymore of Unholy Might in Naxx40 days. I'd even be fine with dual-wielding some really cool daggers, a la Core Hound Tooth, which I also stole from melee in my guild.

    Your opinions?

  2. #2
    The 2H agi weapons will be sticks/polearms so that druids could use them too. Dualwielding is not really viable for hunters at current numbers, because they actually have less stats than a 2H, because a larger portion of the budget is in the weapon dps.

  3. #3
    Blah, fuck the reasons. I just wanna know what you WANT to wield =P

  4. #4
    I kind of hope that two fist weapons are viable for warriors, with SMF. Viable as in it's not horribly worse than Titan's Grip. That'd be cool.

  5. #5
    As I'll be second-maining a Warrior in Cataclysm, I'd love to see something like Eskhandar's set or the Zulian set for him XD

  6. #6
    ZG 2x1h handers, crossing over the back, like Legolas /swoon.

  7. #7
    I miss the days of dualwielding axes as a hunter. Yes, I saw a huge portion of hunters who did this again in ICC, but as a 10man player, I felt I had more gain from sticking to Quel'delar until I got the spear from Blood Council.
    Last edited by Dalehan; 2010-11-03 at 03:03 PM. Reason: ICC =/= Naxx

  8. #8
    Dual-wielding axes was OLDSCHOOL Hunter. If you were raiding MC or ZG and couldn't win a Core Hound Tooth or something along those lines, you were dual-wielding Dawn's Edge (Blacksmithing) or Bone-slicing Hatchet (from Stratholme) with +15 Agi enchanted on them. Oh nostalgia.

  9. #9


    Weapon #1:

    SCYTHE - FOCUS classes = Death Knights - Physical & Warlocks, Shadow Priests - Spell. I could also see them allowing this in use for Retribution Paladins, but it's more meant to be USED and give the wielder a Malevolent appearance, in tune with their class.

    Weapon #2:

    SICKLE - FOCUS classes = 1h wielders = Rogues, Death Knights, Fury Warriors, Hunters, Shamans - Physical / 1h SpellCaster Wielder = Warlock, Priest, Mage, Ele Shaman, Resto Druid.


    Although the weapons appear more, vengeful and malevolent, I think we are entering an evil time, not unlike Batman becoming "the Dark Knight" as he was trying to be a decent man of high moral fiber during an indecent time. In a few weeks, we will have leaders killed, Elementals rising, Old Gods and cults returning and Deathwing sowing destruction upon us. This is the time for even the "good and light" classes to make difficult choices and be like a woman scorn or a wrathful mother that is out to protect her young at any cost (think Gemma Teller in Sons of Anarchy). Those classes seen wielding such evil looking weapons are saying, "you will not hurt my young at ANY cost/TAKE ME, but you will never take my FAMILY!" Because Cataclysm has brought us to this point.

    The classes who SHOULD be wielding such weapons will just look COOLER. People relentlessly farm The Horseman and that Scythe in Zangarmarsh in order to "look cool." And when you look cool you feel cool and play cool. It all works in tandum. It has always blown my mind why there aren't such game models available. They can easily faction transfer you, but we don't have Sickles or Scythes for the classes that it would seem most appropriate for?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Truesight View Post
    Dual-wielding axes was OLDSCHOOL Hunter. If you were raiding MC or ZG and couldn't win a Core Hound Tooth or something along those lines, you were dual-wielding Dawn's Edge (Blacksmithing) or Bone-slicing Hatchet (from Stratholme) with +15 Agi enchanted on them. Oh nostalgia.
    Back in the day when we still had strenght and spirit on our huntergear Oh the days...

  11. #11
    Dual swords/axes for me, feels a lot more Hunterish.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Truesight View Post
    Dual-wielding axes was OLDSCHOOL Hunter. If you were raiding MC or ZG and couldn't win a Core Hound Tooth or something along those lines, you were dual-wielding Dawn's Edge (Blacksmithing) or Bone-slicing Hatchet (from Stratholme) with +15 Agi enchanted on them. Oh nostalgia.
    I remember when I got em, 2% crit on each axe, I felt so good lol.

  13. #13
    Having a staff doesnt seem very "huntery" to me, unless your hunter needs a walking stick.
    In the world of Azeroth I would assume 1 sword and 1 dagger for skinning animals would be what most hunters had.
    For aesthetic reasons though, on my character, Ill take a 2h Sword any day.

  14. #14
    I love 2H swords. I rocked the heroic Edge of Agony as long as I possibly could (replaced with a freaking staff... ugh).

    It does seem that polearms have been decided as the Hunter weapon though (we even start with one now), but I gotta admit every time I see a new loot table go up, I'm checking the 2H swords for agility. A man can dream.
    - The Hunter's Creed -
    "This is my pet. There are many others like him, but this one is mine. He is my best friend. He is my life. I must master him as I master my life.
    My pet, without me, is useless. Without my pet, I am useless."

  15. #15
    How about blizzard removed the death range and gave us close quarter combat variations of the ranged weapon we got to fend off enemies on close range?

    For example with a gun that would come to "Sniper Rifle" for long range like it alrdy is now and a "Shotgun" for when a rogue gets close, or maybe even 2 smaller guns (IE 2 shotguns with cut off barrels, or revolvers/pistols)?
    With a bow that would mean the shortrange is a small crossbow? Bit like demon hunter in diablo 3? Or some sort of harpoon gun that can use the bigger arrows that come with a big hand bow...
    For a Crossbow the choice is simple, smaller crossbow (or even 2!)

    Sniper Rifle > Shotgun(s)/Handgun(s)
    Bow n Arrow > Harpoongun
    Crossbow > hand-crossbow(s)

    THAT would be badass in my opinion
    I've also seen some guns in my loots that came with blades mounted on the barrel, could use that kind of things too ofc

  16. #16
    I don't care about our stat sticks just please please please more guns.

    Dwarf hunters should never have to use bows are xbows. We aren't pansy ass elves whos ears hurt from a little boomstick. More guns please.
    Highly skilled sharpshooter, effective against air units. Can gain the Long Rifles upgrade.

  17. #17
    Having a smaller weapon to attack up close would be cool. Like have a pistol, and just have it do less damage, but at least we'd be able to shoot up close.

    As for melee weapons I'd love to go back to duel wielding. Actually I'd love it if instead of seeing our melee weapons on our backs/sides, we could see our ranged weapons.

  18. #18
    I want to use gnomes on a stick...

    don't judge me...
    I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3

  19. #19
    I really just want to stick to two handers whatever they may be (except for maces since we cant use them which sucks since theres some good maces out there). One handers im not fond of since they are usually on my hips, the ones that sheath on my back are pretty cool though. What i want are handguns that would be really awesome shoots fast but does less damage per shot, that would make me cry manly tears of joy.

  20. #20
    Epic! Spectrez's Avatar
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    qfft.... Anything is a hunter weapon.

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