Thread: Hunter Keybinds

  1. #1

    Hunter Keybinds


    I've just recently hit 80, and I'm somewhat overwhelmed at the amount of abilities to bind - especially for pvp! I was wondering if you guys and girls could help me out a little and show me what you bind to what keys to give me an idea of where to start >.<

  2. #2
    just use keys close to your hand
    A and D to strafe and you can use Q,E,R,T,Y,Z,X,C,VB,F,G,H,S your mouse wheel up and down and you can have shift alt and control modifiers for all of them and you can use your standard 1234567890-= (after 6 is pretty hard to use in a pvp situation
    <start epic wow theme>
    A world of limitless adventure. We cast the lords of shadow and flame back into the abyss.
    <more epic wow theme>
    We held the line against the rising tide of death itself.
    <epic music peaks>
    We have endured the breaking of the world.Now we face the Destroyer and we will end him.
    <cue Bennny Hill music>Pandas! Pokemon!

  3. #3
    Use shift and ctrl to modify your binds, should make things a lot simpler. Put similar binds on the same button with different modifiers, use mouse buttons for abilities used very often.

    I'm sure a lot of people are going to post a big, useless list of what their own personal binds are, but you just have to figure out what works for you, to be honest. Like I actually have the first ability I cast in a fight bound to 3, and Kill Shot bound all-the-fuck-the-way over on 5, and people have called me crazy for it, but it works for me.

  4. #4
    I suggest heading on over to YouTube and looking up Kripparrian.
    Prot Warrior 2004-2008. Hunter 2008-2018.
    Retired boomer.

  5. #5
    Well i dont pvp much.. so for a PVE POV here is mine: Middle mouse button: HM, 2nd mouse button: disengage, #: poison sting, 1: chimera shot, 2 : arcane shot, 3: aimed 4: steady, 5: concussive shot e: feing death, R: multi shot Q: kill shot, i also have a razor naga for CD and traps nothing awsome there do your own.. this set up gave me great results... but make your own and feel natural about em.

  6. #6
    Keybinds? What?

    I am fairly certain any self respecting hunter clicks EVERYTHING.

  7. #7
    Well I use a G15 Keyboard and G500 Mouse, that make things a lot easier.

    But as a generell rule I would suggest, keep stuff you use a lot easy to reach, like Steady, Arcane, CS, etc. Keep the situational very important stuff like FD, Frost trap, Disengage at places where you can reach them the fastest and easiest.

    Play with it a while and you'll get adjusted to it.

  8. #8
    i use 1,2,3,4,5,f,g,c

    then i use shift and control to modify them giving me a total of 18 key binds.

    for long cool downs i still click sadly, but it dosen't interrupt too much, for short cool downs (3-7 secs) i make heavy use of f,g,c and modified.

    Also looking may help.


    This image should give you some idea how to bind your keys (based on my setup more or less).

    W, S, A, D - standard keys for moving. Although some people use E-S-D-F, you don’t need to go down that road (although it is better in most cases, since you have more available keys to bind)
    Tab key - by default it is used to target nearest enemy, and I don’t recommend changing it. Sometimes you just can’t click on the player on the battlefield, or Proximo stops working; sometimes, it just more convenient.
    R - default key for replying to whispers. It’s really convenient and I never changed it.
    Green keys - the most accessible keys and most easy to start with.
    Yellow keys - less accessible but still close enough.
    Purple keys - targets party members (default setup)
    Shift, Control, Alt - marked with red color on the image. These are the modifier keys, and can be used in combination with other keys. For example, you could use “1″ for Frostbolt, and “Shift+1″ for Fireball.
    The rest of the above can be found , although its a warlock guide, it helped me greatly when i began binding.

  9. #9
    I'm all about fast access and no modifiers at all, my bread and butter are ~ 1 2 3 4 Q E R T F G X Y (Y is in place of u.s. Z keyboards here), and WASD for movement. Any other ability I can afford to click, or is a clique mouseover anyway.

    Question, how do you people with modifiers for non trivial abilities manage? Doesn't it just add up unneccessary complexion and thus response time to your binds?

  10. #10
    Here are the binds that I use. Don't forget that what's comfortable for me - might not be the same for you.

    "MB4" - mouse button under my thumb
    "MB5" - mouse button under my ring finger
    "MW" - mouse scroll wheel


    1 - Conc Shot
    a+1 - Pet "move to"

    2 - Kill shot
    a+2 - Pet "follow"

    3 - Multi shot
    a+3 - Pet "attack"

    4 - Masters Call
    5 - Kill Command
    6 - Set Focus

    Q - Scatter Shot
    a+Q - RoS

    E - Wing Clip
    a+E - Raptor Strike

    R - Disengage
    s+R - Deterrence

    T - Racial
    s+T - Call Pet

    S - Steady Shot
    s+S - Aimed Shot
    a+S - Resurrect Pet

    F - Feign Death
    s+F - Rediness/Black Arrow
    c+F - Bandage

    G - Mend Pet
    s+G - Misdirect

    Z - Scare Beast

    X - Flare
    s+X - Rapid Fire + RoR

    C - Trap Launcher
    s+C - Cheetah

    V - Pet "passive"
    s+V - Pet "defensive"
    c+V - Pet "agressive"

    s+Space - Web
    c+Space - Warlock HP Stone

    MW Up - Serpent Sting
    s+MW Up - Ice Trap
    c+MW Up - Tranq Shot
    a+MW Up - Snake trap

    MW Down - Chimera Shot/Explosive Shot
    s+MW Down - Freezing trap
    c+MW Down - ????? Camouflage
    a+MW Down - Explosive trap

    MB4 - Arcane Shot
    s+MB4 - Widow venom
    a+MB4 - Silencing shot/Wyvern Sting
    c+MB4 - Hawk/Fox Aspects Castsequence

    MB5 - PvP Trinket
    s+MB5 - Trinket
    a+MB5 - Hunters Mark
    c+MB5 - ????? Camouflage
    Last edited by Nevian Moore; 2010-11-08 at 02:20 PM.

  11. #11
    Keybinds are often a important issue to hunters, as we seem to need more than most classes (especially in pvp).
    I try to keep my related binds clustered into groups of buttons that I can reach as fast as possible, and make heavy use of modifiers for a lot of them.

    \ (next to 1) - I use this for pet control. petattack, mod for petfollow.

    12345 - I use these for my rotational dps abilities, like chimera/kill command/explosive, arcane, steady, kill shot. 5 I normally use for some important dps cooldown that i want to reach in a pinch, like readyness or fervor. mod 2 is multishot (never gonna use arcane and multi in the same situation), mod 3 is wing clip, and 4 is macroed with a stopcasting cuz I REALLY and to hit it when it comes up.

    QE - These are complimentary to 12345, for stuff you need to dps properly but aren't your main tools. I use this for serpent sting and aimedshot/focus fire. With a modifier they become widow venom and silencingshot/intimidation.

    f1, f2, f3, f4 - Traps. Don't try to use alt mods with these

    <zxcv - these are trigger for important stuff that probably aren't gonna be used without some planning. Hunters mark, mendpet/petrez, pvptrinket, aspectswitching, flare/traq shot.

    tfg - Control buttons. t is traplauncher/freeze trap macro, f is concussive shot and with mod its scatter shot, g is feign death and with mod it will be camo come cata. these are great candidates for mod macros because its easy to press alt by bending your thumb towards the inside of your hand and reaching for them with your indicator. At least for me it is :E. Thats also how I use the c,v mod macro.

    mouse buttons - personally, I like my osh*t buttons on the mouse. Middle mouse is deterrence (if I have a fishing pole it become fishing tho ), mouse forward is disengage and with mod its master's call (with mouseover macro also). mouse back is autorun (more useful than you think as a hunter) and I use right mouse for looking around, left mouse for turning, right+left for moving forward (default behaviour I think). Smart cam is disabled.

    Hunter bindings aren't very easy I think, hope this helps!
    Last edited by Liistrad; 2010-11-08 at 03:16 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Axelarius View Post

    Question, how do you people with modifiers for non trivial abilities manage? Doesn't it just add up unneccessary complexion and thus response time to your binds?
    It's just a matter of getting used to it. Once you are adjusted to it, you don't even think about hitting two key at the same time. You just press shift and the other key or mouse button.

    I think it actually shortens response time, since the amount of basic buttons you press gets lower and you have less possibilties of pressing the wrong button as you would have with wider spread basic keys. IMO.

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