Fundamentals of Raiding

Staying alive and minimizing damage taken

Dead = 0 dps, 0 heals, loose mobs. Dead means you can’t do your job.

Key’s to staying alive are to understand the damage you will take during the fight. Learn what damage is acceptable and what damage is not acceptable and then knowing how to avoid it.

Get comfortable with the fight mechanics.

Read about the new fights. Learn each bosses abilities. Find out how they will affect your role in that fight and how to deal with them.

Watch videos that other people have made. Take note of the different spells you see in the video how they appear and make a plan on how to avoid them or minimize their damage.

If you know what part of the fight is coming and when you won’t be surprised and want to panic.

The difference between new fights and farm fights is 1 thing. How comfortable the group is with the strategy and how everyone reacts when abilities happen. The abilities rarely change in boss fights the only thing that changes is how we react to them.

Good Boss Fight information sites
Blackwing Descent
Bastion of Twilight
Throne of Four Winds
Baradin Hold

Tankspot Videos

Keybindings and macros

Keybinding abilities are crucial to maximizing your efficiency.

Keybind your main abilities on keys that don’t require you to move you hand on the keyboard all the time

Macro efficiently for less keybinds. Use focus macros or mouseover macros (Look on class forums for best macros for your class/spec)

By Keybinding abilities you allow your hands to press buttons and keep your rotation going. Once your keybinds are burned into your memory you can spend your time watching the screen for event, warning, and planning your next move.

Good macro resources.

Minimize movement.

Plan your movements to coincide with instant spells

Fights require you to move fast and often.

Use bossmods to know when events will come up and have a plan to deal with them. This means knowing when movement will be required and knowing where you’re going to move to.

If you are reacting to an event and not panicking because of it you can move stop and continue your raid role.

Fights like Valiona and Theralion require you to move the whole fight. For Valiona know where you’re going when you spread out. Plan your move to the pile up. Be ready to move out of the breath. In phase 2 Theralion you need to move in a pile to absorb the large meteor. If you get the debuff you need to get out have an exit plan that doesn’t move you into the black pools on the floor. Fights like this you can pick up 10%-50% dps if you plan your movement for maximum efficiency.
Stack your cooldowns as best you can or save them for specific events.

If you have a cooldown counter or trinket timer watch it. When a big proc is up and there is a good chance it will proc burn a speed pot, and a big cooldown at the same time. In the end you could have 15% more damage at 10% faster speed for 20seconds. Rather than 15% more damage for 20 seconds and 10% faster speed for 20 seconds separately.

If you know there is an event coming in a fight where using a specific cooldown can make handling it much easier save it for that part of the fight. Know when you will need these things so you don’t use them for something trivial. (Examples: Shield wall, Disengage, Dispersement, Ice Block, Etc.)

Use consumables and maximize your abilities.

Always have Flasks, Food, and Potions and use them. (They are in the game for a reason)

Use a potion before the pull, this starts the combat cooldown and will allow you 2 potions for fight. When the tank says going in use it then.

If the fight is just over 6 minutes use your 2 minute cooldowns immediately you may get to use it 3 times.

At 70% mana use a mana regeneration ability. (Shadowfiend, Mana Tide, Innervate, Etc.) This will top yours and others mana off early and get it off cooldown towards the end of the fight.

Use Heroism/Bloodlust when you can benefit the most. Don’t use it when everyone has to move a lot. Get the most burn out of it. Some fights use it early. Some fights it’s best to use at the end.

Raiding Consumable List



Use addons that help your efficiency. Some good examples:

Use addon’s to tidy up your interface. Layout bars, target plates, and indicators in positions you can see easily, but do not interfere with your ability to see the fight.

Use addon’s to identify cooldowns, cast timers, cast bars, and debuff’s. Knowing you have a debuff is crucial to your success.

Gather information like dps, healing, threat, and death logs. Use this information to see where mistakes were made and see where you can prevent them. Compare this information to other people doing the same role and see what or how they did in comparison to you.

Have someone upload logs to world of logs or wow meter online. Use the compare features. Check out similar peoples buffs, spell counts, damage taken, debuff’s, etc. Check the world ranked players in your class, see what they did. How much damage their attacks, heals, or how much threat they did. Compare and aspire to set those standards.

Good User Interface Example site

Starter Raiding Addon list customize as you like
Voice Chat and Raid Communication
This is an absolute must. This is a very effective tool use it.

Too many people sit in voice chat and don’t communicate. If you get into trouble say something definitive, short, and fast. Example: Tank (Insert Name) is using shield wall.

Speak in voice chat so your fellow raiders become familiar with your voice. This way if you do not call out your characters name they know whom to help.

Call out when the more critical boss abilities come up on cooldown. This will not only help you but may help others so they can concentrate on their role in the fight.

If you figure out a tip or have trouble seeing a fight mechanic say something in voice chat. You may help or get help faster than typing it up.

Find someone to talk with who seems to excel at the fight

Ask questions if you don’t understand something. Nothing is worse than attempting a boss multiple times to find out someone doesn’t understand part of a fight and what to do.

People in guilds are amazing they will try to help you. The only bad question is the unasked one.

You can learn something new every day so try to. Even the small things are worth learning.

Search the forums here and other places. Look for the good information. Guild members may also point you towards a better place to find this information.

Share what you have learned with your fellow guildmates.

If you find a neat trick tell them maybe it will spur them onto finding something in their class/spec similar.

If there is a mechanic that you struggled with and figured out a way to handle share it. Someone very well may be struggling with the same thing.