Thread: Cho'gall Guide

  1. #1

    Cho'gall Guide

    A little comment before I begin:

    I can't post videos, pictures and links, but you said that before, so I describe the pictures.

    To see the videos: Go to Youtube and type Cho'gall and the guildnames in the search box


    --1. Picture:--

    There's a dark background with red cracks.
    A picture from Cho'gall on the left side, on the right side stands:
    Bastion of Twilight

    --2. Picture:--

    Ah druid-tree in the foreground, and in the background Cho'gall who sits on his throne.

    The brave adventurers finally reach their goal. Cho'gall. The most powerful ogre magi ever to have lived, thought to be dead, however he was in hiding, worshipping the old gods and gaining their power. One of the most fearsome creatures ever to have walked this earth.
    As you enter the room, he merely sits there, holding the Hammer of Twilight, and both his heads watch you with an amused grin. It's time to put an end to this monster. But are you able? Only time will tell...

    Raid Setup (10 man):

    1-2 Tanks
    2-3 Healers
    5-7 DPS

    Raid Setup (25 man):

    2 Tanks
    5-6 Healers
    17-18 DPS


    The boss has a large arsenal of abilities that he does quite often, and everyone has a Corruption bar, which slowly fills as the fight goes on depending on how bad you are at avoiding the damaging abilities. He spawns an add every so often which, when it dies, leaves a defile-looking voidzone on the floor, and a few little adds are spawned every so often out of each defile-looking voidzone (so more adds the longer the fight goes on as you'll have killed more of the big ones). This is a soft-enrage style of the fight, so the longer you take to get the boss to 25%, the more little adds spawn at a time, and they do pretty high aoe damage and the aoe ticks give you Corruption, so they need to die VERY fast.
    Another interesting part of the fight is that quite often he mind controls 2 people on 10 man and 5 on 25 and they channel the boss giving him a stacking buff, you need to interrupt those people to break the channel and do it before the boss gets too much of a damage increase. Anything that interrupts the cast will break the CC, knockbacks, stuns, interrupts, silences everything works!
    Rince and repeat this until 25% when he goes uber mode and makes entire room shadowey and insane aoe damage + tentacles that channel people doing 75% damage and healing reduction for the duration. Interrupt and kill those asap and nuke the boss before he kills you all!


    Corruption - Increases depending on the damage you take from pretty much every ability in the fight. If it ever gets full (you have to be really bad for that) then you get a debuff giving you 100% more damage done and making all spells instant cast. However it also reduces all healing taken by 100%, and theres alot of aoe damage. So you wont have the pretty buff for long before you die.


    Conversion - Mind controls random people and causes them to channel the boss giving him a 10% damage increase from each MCed person for each 3 seconds they channel him. Interrupting them breaks the MC, so be fast!

    Shadow's Orders - Summons a shadowy elemental next to him which he then absorbs (untargettable), this grants him Unleashed Shadows, which does aoe damage to the raid every so often.

    Flame's Orders - Summons a firey elemental next to him which he then absorbs (untargettable), this grants him Flaming Destruction, which is thrown on random locations on the ground leaving fire patches and hurting anyone it lands on / stands in the fire. Also makes melee attacks do an additional 20k+ fire damage to the tank.

    Fury of Cho'gall - Cast on the tank, blasts the target doing high physical and shadow damage, and leaving 2 debuffs on the tank:

    Cho's Blast - Increases physical damage taken by 20%
    Gall's Blast - Increases shadow damage taken by 20%.

    These stack so you'll need to Tank Swap.

    Summon Corrupting Adherent - Summons a large add to the fight. Does medium tank damage, leaves defile-looking void zone of congealed blood when killed.

    Fester Blood - Summons Blood of the Old God from all congealed blood pools. These adds need to be killed very fast and are untankable. Provides a buff to any Corrupting Adherents still alive.

    Corruption of the Old God - The AoE in phase 2 - Causes high shadow damage and increased corruption levels every 2 seconds.

    Corrupting Adherent:

    Depravity - Inflicts high shadow damage to anyone within 20 yards and causes extra corruption. Interruptable!

    Sprayed Corruption - Inflicts high damage on the tank + increases corruption level.

    Festering Blood - Causes the Corrupting Adherent to do high shadow aoe damage every 2 seconds which increases everyones corruption. Caused by Cho'gall casting Fester Blood. Kill the add before it gets buffed with this!

    Corrupting Crash - Similar to Vezax's Shadow Crash, voidzone on floor and this bolt lands in it shortly after. Does high damage and gives alot of corruption for not moving.

    The Tentacles in P2:
    Darkened Creation - Debilitating Beam - Reduces healing and damage done by 75% and inflicts shadow damage every second. Targets random person and about 4 of these adds spawn at a time (10 man), and about 8 on 25. Interrupt and kill them fast.

    The Fight:

    The fight is split into 2 phases.

    Phase 1:

    Pretty simple fight overall. You need to avoid the fire patches, interrupt the MCed people and dps the boss as hard as you can. Every so often he spawns an add, which you need to kill in your designated location, then little adds spawn from the pool the big one leaves, aoe them down. You should designate a spot to kill the Corrupting Adherents on, they spawn from the "portals" on either side of the room alternating, and its best to drag them over to the same side and kill them all there so all the little adds spawn from the same spot making them easier to control and aoe down. After the adds are dead go back nuking the boss until the next big add spawns.
    Repeat this until 25% really. If you have good dps then you shouldnt get more than 3-4 big adds and waves of small adds, at least on 10 man. The big adds do that shadow crash style ability aswell, which is also easy to avoid. The boss does some AoE damage pulses every so often aswell but nothing too threatening, even when they happen while the small adds are alive, as long as you have decent healers.

    Phase 2:

    The only abilities the boss does during this phase is summon the Darkened Creations, so focus all dps on interrupting while killing the adds as fast as possible then nuking the boss. Save bloodlust and all long cooldowns for this phase as the raid damage is too high to keep on top of forever, so you need to kill the boss before healers go oom/damage gets too much. Especially if one or more of the healers is targetted by the Debilitating Beam.

    Corruption In Detail:

    Corrupted Blood = Your blood is corrupted! Increases damage taken from Corruption of the Old God by 2%. Stacks up to 100.

    Accelerated Corruption = +2/sec : Dispellable (magic), you automatically get that debuff once you pass the 50 "Corrupted Blood" mark.

    100 Corrupted Blood = Absolute Corruption : Your Corrupted Blood has corrupted you absolutely. You recieve 100% less from heals but inflict 100% additional damage and spells are cast instantly.

    Until 25%

    Depravity = +10 Corrupted Blood : Interrupt the Corrupting Adherents.

    Sprayed Corruption = +5 Corrupted Blood/2sec : Kill Corrupting Adherents before Festering Blood. You have approx. 30sec to kill one when it spawns.

    Spilled Blood of the Old God = +5 Corrupted Blood : Don't stand in the black puddles, spawns under the dead Corrupting Adherents.

    Blood of the Old God Melee Hit = +2 Corrupted Blood : Avoid getting hit by the small adds.

    Dark Sickness = +5 Corrupted Blood : Your Corrupted Blood has made you sick, causing you to vomit and inflict 19500 to 20500 Shadow damage to friends in a 5 yard cone in front of you, also causing Corrupted Blood. Seems random.

    Corrupting Crash = +10 Corrupted Blood : Fires a shadow missile at a target, dealing 29250 to 30750 Shadow damage to all enemies near the impact, same as Vezax.

    UNDER 25%

    Corruption of the Old God = +1 Corrupted Blood/2sec : Inflicts 4875 to 5125 Shadow damage every 2sec * 2% per stack of Corrupted Blood, maximum: 100stacks = +200% dmg.

    Youtube Links:

    First Video: <Stigma> 10 man, Disc Priest PoV
    Second Video: <Anathema> 25 man, Rogue PoV

    --Video from Stigma--

    --Video from Anathema--
    Last edited by mmocc4615436b6; 2010-12-27 at 10:16 PM. Reason: Some fails:)

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