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  1. #21
    People are already doing the initial bosses in trade chat on my server. Gearscore is about a month away from being spammed once again.

    Cata's ONLY been out a month don't forget.

  2. #22
    PuGs shouldn't be killing RAIDS..Really did you ever see a pug clear sunwell in BC? or even BT?

  3. #23
    I've seen some pugging on the horde side of my realm (Thrall)... very little pugging goes on, except BH for alliance.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Glarb View Post
    Did Naxx get pugged in the first month of Wrath?


  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Duncano View Post
    Yea, it's quite bad for many people... it's only like 5-10% of the player base that has seen more than 2 bosses.
    One of blizzards goals, has you can tell by the amount of work they put into things like guild levels, perks, and rewards, is to get more people into guilds working together with friends.

    They feel like people would have more fun if they worked together with a group of folks instead of making their way solo through the game (while pugging is grouping, you do not get to know anyone very well and generally never talk to them again afterward).

    If you don't wish to join an active guild, that is your choice. Just don't get upset when that also limits certain other activities.

  6. #26
    friend of mine got a guild with only 5 people(with 4 others from his class).
    They trade chat pug the other 5.
    And tell them to come on vent.
    They downed some bosses+have some new members now.
    (think they downed magmaw, defence system and the double drake one)

  7. #27
    Pugs aren't dead... there are a few well-known people on my server who run relatively successful pugs.
    This isn't 30% buff icc with an overgeared community though... it'll take a lot more work for a pug to work.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One... now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  8. #28
    I swear, you'd think you wouldn't need rocket scientists to tell the public these things...

    More accessible raiding DOES NOT mean PuGable raids on release. It doesn't. You are never, ever going to see a raid that day one you can walk in to and clear, as a PuG.

    Accessible raiding means you probably will get to see it, someday. But right You're not geared, you don't care to look up strats, you don't have friends, you're probably a facerolling mouthbreather...

    The same as on release everyone was like 'waaaahhhh instance pugs are dead! heroics are hard! waaahh' I heard a few calls of the death of raids on my server, and that person was promptly chewed out for being a wrath baby (Which, doesn't even make sense, cause you couldn't raid day one there, but I think all the people who joined did so when like, ToC epics were being handed out so it was LIKE raiding on day one) and pretty much banned from all channels.

    SO! Imo, wait until the first tier is moved to JP, then buy all of that and then you might be able to PuG raids.

    Besides, barely anyone could PuG ICC w/o the 30% buff in all AH epics FROM ICC because of the few fights that worked off of mechanics... I think it's gonna take awhile to turn off mechanic ignoring for bosses. People would still stand in fire walls in OS+3, as much of a joke as that was, and manage to wipe the group because one person saw them do it and was like, 'Why ruin my DPS?', well, YOU'RE DEAD and half the group left, there's your ruined DPS. Simple mechanics are hard for stupid people, so Cata mechanics with no super tier gear is probably too much right now.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Duncano View Post
    Yea, it's quite bad for many people... it's only like 5-10% of the player base that has seen more than 2 bosses.

    Blackwing Descent
    Magmaw: 19357 (89.45%)
    Omnotron Defense System: 17139 (79.20%)
    Maloriak: 10664 (49.28%)
    Atramedes: 8528 (39.41%)
    Chimaeron: 6512 (30.09%)
    Nefarian: 1214 (5.61%)
    The Bastion of Twilight
    Halfus Wyrmbreaker: 17416 (80.48%)
    Valiona and Theralion: 13161 (60.82%)
    Ascendant Council: 6018 (27.81%)
    Cho'gall: 3530 (16.31%)
    Throne of the Four Winds
    Conclave of Wind: 12220 (56.47%)
    Al'Akir: 3306 (15.28%

    Facts = hard.

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