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  1. #1

    The first time you came across a player from the opposite faction......

    What happened when you first encountered a member from the opposite faction?

    I can still remember it. The date was Feb 11th 2005 on Bladefist, I was questing through westfall with my friends, still trying to get my head round this whole mmorpg thing and how it worked, I was still blown away by the sheer size of the world after leaving the dwarf area to goto ironforge, through stormwind then to westfall. I said on ventrilo "guys, wtf is this red name thing?! is it a boss or something?" Yes, i got laughed at for being that much of a nub , anyway, a chase was on and general chat was spammed with "horde between sent hil/moonbrook" and very alliance that was in the area was chasing this one level 10 horde player who was just out exploring. since none of us had movement speed increases except those damn rogues, it took us forever to finally catch him but damn it was the most fun I had ever had, or so I thought.

    Later that night we decided to get as many people as we could to raid the corssroads, we had around 35 players in the raid all from level 12 through to level 20(iirc), we ran through darkshore, down through ashenvale, I remember thinking omg this is boring). We finally get to the crossroads and PvP ensues..... until we all agro the level 40 guards .

    Damn that was a good first night of WoW that i dont think i'll ever forget.

    What was your first experience of world PvP or coming across a member of the other faction?

  2. #2
    My first actual world PvP event that I attended was the good old Tarren Mill vs. Southshore back in vanilla.. Most fun I've had in the game ever, the battles could last for hours and it was for all levels above 20 pretty much.. They should have made it an open world BG like WG, obviously without failing like they did with WG, but if they could pull it off I would have lived there

    Edit: I don't remember my first encounter with a player of the opposite faction, so I went with the first world PvP exp. instead :>
    Last edited by dulci5; 2011-01-18 at 01:10 PM.
    Signature.. Am I doing this right?

  3. #3
    When I first started playing in february 2 years ago on Burning Blade (At the time I didnt know that it was a very poor move to try and level in a PvP realm, but I had barely any knowledge on the game so I just did what my friend said), I was questing in Darkshore with my friend. He went back of to Auberdine to repair or sell something or whatever it was, and I was exploring I saw 3 Hordies running around. I was a couple of leveles higher then them so they ran off towards the Naga ruins in the far north. I told my friend and when I eventually caught up with them I realized I didnt actually care about killing them, so we just used emotes to communicate. Then my friend arrived and instantly started trying to kill them all. Good times

  4. #4
    This is the story of a noob.

    My very first character was a Dwarf Hunter, and I knew nothing of this game or its mechanics.

    While out exploring the world I found myself running from Croclisks in Dustwallow at lvl15. I finally found the Barrens, there to tame something Wild and crazy, and what I found was a non aggroable Horde NPC in a house. I forget where the NPC was but I killed her thinking I was Bad ass. Then while running around not knowing I was flagged, or even what that ment. I came across 3 lower level Horde levels 11,10 and 12. I ran from them cause I was scared they had Red Names, and 1 was stealthing around me. They finally cornered me in a building and killed me, I ran back and hearthed as soon as I could.

    Also, I didn't do a single quest or run a single dungeon till I was level 50. I didn't have anyone to tell me about these things, wow was my first MMO. I grinded to level 50. I lost a total of 3 pets on the way till someone told me I had to feed my pet.

  5. #5
    Herald of the Titans velde046's Avatar
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    I started 2 months or so before the release of TBC and had no idea how releases etc. worked within WOW yet. I rode my mount through Wetlands and came across a large character. Since I had heard of TBC coming I was all excited cause I thought I had seen a Draenei that was probably for trsting purposes or so... Started to chat excitedly in guild chat about what I'd seen. Then someone pointed out I had encountered a Tauren and not a Draenei. Then gave me some good links with WOW info and told me to read up a bit

  6. #6
    Warchief Lansworthy's Avatar
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    First time I actually met a opposite faction player.
    I was in Darkshore on my Night elf druid way back when before anyone even heard of TBC.
    Killing some bears I believe, when all the sudden this weird hunchback blue thing runs past me. It had a red name, so I instantly thought it was a enemy mob that could be rare and drop good loot. Until I saw the name, It said Troll Player, Lulugottrolled.
    >>This is where I'd put a witty quote for my Signature<<

  7. #7
    Probably around hillsbrad foothills, hotspot for getting ganked right there

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabtheshaman View Post
    Also, I didn't do a single quest or run a single dungeon till I was level 50. I didn't have anyone to tell me about these things, wow was my first MMO. I grinded to level 50. I lost a total of 3 pets on the way till someone told me I had to feed my pet.
    i call troll... wow was my first mmo and 3rd game i played on the pc diablo 1 and 2 being the first 2

    thats impossible if u didnt do a dungeon or a quest that means u killed mobs nothing but mobs until 50? even though with your race u get quests right in your face? u didnt bother to say "oh theres a ! over an npcs head i wonder what that is" then go over read a few words an accept and kill a few trogs...

    but u probably kill them anyway... the whole population.... but they just kept coming back... all the way until lv 6.... and that is my noob story having nothing about killing horde...

  9. #9
    Was questing in Darkshore when I ran into a high level horde player, on his way to gank NPCs in Auberdine. Not knowing that I couldn't be attacked in alliance territory, I hid behind a tree.

  10. #10
    Immortal Fahrenheit's Avatar
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    It had to be sometime in early 2005 when I just started playing.

    It was in ashenvale forest along the Zoram Strand (the beach) and I encounted a PvP flaged Troll Shaman just north of Zoramgar Outpost. I saw him before he saw me and I was able to get off roots spell and hit him with a few wraths and a moonfire spell while he was healing himself, when the roots broke he came at me and we got down and dirty in a melee fight (yes we were actually fighting with staffs and I'm sure turning with "A" and "D") as we were both probably noobs and forgot all about spells in the heat of the battle. We were both getting low and I had an epiphany that "yeah I have spells" and finished him off with the total awesomness that is chaingun moonfire.

    Now, I don't remember his name but what I do remember was how fast my heart was pumping, I had had a total adrenaline rush, I even had some minor jitters after as I came down from it. As a sports player my whole life that feeling rivaled anything I've ever experienced in my athletic career, unloading a huge hit on a defenseless guy in football (the kind that makes everyone say "Ooooo..."), a big time clutch hit in baseball, anything. Since then I've been hooked.
    Last edited by Fahrenheit; 2011-01-18 at 01:12 PM.

  11. #11
    Was back in vanilla when I made an Undead Warlock and did al the quests in the starting area and was about to move to the next area. When I left the starting area I saw an ally pvp tagged and I was affraid he would kill me so I ran back and saw another low lvl undead player so I yelled: "RUN ALLY RUUUUUN!". Waited a few min and then looked if he was still there and when I saw he wassn't I continued my journey. This was also the first day I ever played WoW.

  12. #12
    Not the first time I saw but the first time I killed a level 60. Around about level 36-37 was doing WSG and got into a new bg with a good raid who whiped the floor with the horde. So we decided to all queue together and wait for the next one (45 minute wait time). So we decided to go to STV to gank. We ganked our way through the zone and eventually a level 60 warrior showed up to kill us. 10 of us tore him down (Gnomish death ray FTW!).

  13. #13
    I was questing in Silverpine with my Forsaken Warlock...then I saw an Alliance (her level was ?? to my character) idoling around my quest zone. Knowing I don't stand a chance against her, I told her something in the line of "I am just a questing newbie, spare me" (Of course, the message came out as random letters on my end since I need to translate Orcish to Common)
    She tried to respond, but obviously she didn't know how to speak Orcish...anyway, she didn't even move as I walked around her gathering quest items.

  14. #14
    The Patient brob's Avatar
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    the orange dirt one with wierd animals
    just started playing as tauren warrior because that wy you start playing wow.

    see a nelf in southern barrens skining( i was around lvl 5 only did the starting zone ) followed it around for ages till we got to a stonetalon
    and the person stoped looked at me goes into the fighting stance. it was about that time started to realize contested zone and alliance didnt go well together. i ran all the way to cross roads and hide in the inn and /sleep in a hard to see spot.

  15. #15
    The Patient Eluvium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabtheshaman View Post
    This is the story of a noob.

    My very first character was a Dwarf Hunter, and I knew nothing of this game or its mechanics.

    While out exploring the world I found myself running from Croclisks in Dustwallow at lvl15. I finally found the Barrens, there to tame something Wild and crazy, and what I found was a non aggroable Horde NPC in a house. I forget where the NPC was but I killed her thinking I was Bad ass. Then while running around not knowing I was flagged, or even what that ment. I came across 3 lower level Horde levels 11,10 and 12. I ran from them cause I was scared they had Red Names, and 1 was stealthing around me. They finally cornered me in a building and killed me, I ran back and hearthed as soon as I could.

    Also, I didn't do a single quest or run a single dungeon till I was level 50. I didn't have anyone to tell me about these things, wow was my first MMO. I grinded to level 50. I lost a total of 3 pets on the way till someone told me I had to feed my pet.

    that's a refreshingly awesome story. it's good to be reminded at how some new players really won't understand mechanics unless they are helped along the way or get so much experience through other means that things sort of "fall into place"

  16. #16
    Elemental Lord TJ's Avatar
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    Questing in Ashenvale on my male nelf with my mate who also just started the game, running to Astranaar, wait, whats that over there? OMG HORDE HORDE HORDE SHADOWMELD QUICK (even though we were on an rp realm and our pvp wasnt on but we were noobs :>). The guy came up to us and waved when i literally shit my pants hahah. When you're a noob you have the best times.

  17. #17
    I was a priest in Redridge. My friend told me that I could shackle undead, however I did not know that it didn't work on the undead race. So a level 60 mage comes strolling in and I sit there spamming my shackle undead.. then I die. What an experience.
    Metal on Metal O.O \m/

  18. #18
    The Patient brob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by themiller View Post
    Questing in Ashenvale on my male nelf with my mate who also just started the game, running to Astranaar, wait, whats that over there? OMG HORDE HORDE HORDE SHADOWMELD QUICK (even though we were on an rp realm and our pvp wasnt on but we were noobs :>). The guy came up to us and waved when i literally shit my pants hahah. When you're a noob you have the best times.
    lol i have gone past plenty of newb nelfs doing that when getting proffesions up and alt questings it never gets old.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by themiller View Post
    When you're a noob you have the best times.

    I remember running around with a warrior in Westfall, came across an undead mage with a yellow name (PvP realm). His level was '??', I knew he was a horde player but I had no clue about anything else. So seeing his level as '??', I decided to just go and attack him. He was playing with me, polymorphing me and running around. Every time he blinked I thought he went invisible, while he was just problably blinking behind me. Then he popped his water elemental and killed me after a while. I was amazed by the spells, the sheeping, him going invisible and summoning a water elemental like the true archmage (I played WC3 before), I immediately rolled an undead mage the minute after.

    Didn't stick with the mage for too long though, but it was a really fun experience. Everything is so overwhelming when you have no clue what's going on. The giant world, the mobs, the other classes with jawdropping abilities.. everything you saw or did was special in a way. Now it's all just common.

  20. #20
    In Rachet, a night elf was taunting me so i took a swing at him... 2 seconds later his friends un stealthed an layed waste to me.

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