I got bored while waiting for my auctions to arrive, so I ran around looking for spots to get under Org, I found a few, but this one is the most effective I've found.

Start here, above the LW/Skinning trainer in the drag.

(link for fullsize)


After getting there, mount a large mount (mammoths are the best for this reason, but other large ground mounts, as well as drakes) and spam your jump key and hold down your w or forward key right as your mount cast finishes. If done correctly, you should fall behind the rocks, and end up here, under org.


Sometimes, you will end up here.


Which is fine, as you can follow the same strategy and still make it out. Any other location in that building is a no go though.

My fine Belf butt under Org.


If you have any other spots, post em. Always good to fly around under everyone's feet!