1. #1

    Masochistic Archaeology: is it worth it?

    Specifically: leveling to 450 Archaeology on Fossils in Eastern Kingdoms to save all of my Troll and Dwarf fragments for the purples. is it worth it?

    I just finished solving the second Fossil rare, my Archaeology is at 290...and I have 1049 Dwarf fragments and 1187 Troll fragments. Should I just blow some of them to get to 450, or should I stay the course?

    P.S. Tip for those choosing this course: from 175 to 225 Archaeology, I kept getting Twisted Ammonite Shell (which stops giving skill-ups at 175). I've solved it 9 times, 8 of them wasted (solved after 175 skill). I finally spent enough Troll fragments to get me up to 225--and haven't gotten Twisted Ammonite Shell since. I can't prove that it has an increased occurrence rate from 175 to 225 (sample size is *way* too small), but if you're doing Masochistic Archaeology, I'd pick some non-fossil race to take you from 175 to 225, and use the Fossil fragments to level up from there.

  2. #2
    You should probably just spend them seeing as you can't get the epics if you're not 450 anyway so you may as well get there quickly.

    Imagine getting both epics within a few solves after saving up thousands of fragments like I did >: \
    Last edited by Mick Taylor; 2011-01-22 at 11:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Yeah--after five days of sleepless nights and endless grinding, my will finally broke. I'm skilling up to 450 with my Troll fragments.

    Partly, it was realizing how much *time* I'm wasting on this endless pursuit. But the other part was imagining getting to 450 with 1500 Troll fragments--and getting the sword on the first try. Just not worth even risking it.

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