Poll: Do you believe this could be a solution?

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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonFireKai View Post
    The idea was for an instance that was designed for 5 DPS, to aleviate their queue times.

    Picture if you will, a party of a Ret Paladin, Arms Warrior, Frost DK, Ele shaman, and Boomkin. They get queued into this hypothetical instance. They complete it eventually downing all 5 bosses. These are the drops. A tanking shield, a caster shield, Dodge/Mastery plate boots, a stam trinket, and a healing proc trinket. For the five DPS.
    Caster shield - Shammy/Pala
    Tanking Shield - Pala/War
    Boots - DK/Warr/Pala
    Stam trink - DK/Warr/Pala
    Heal trink - Shammy/Druid

    now they have gear to their offspec and can start some real instances as Tank/heal. But it should be Normal only or HC dropping 333 items, because you need to learn how to go through dungeon and not "WotLK style zerg" whole instance.
    I would personally see it positive because not all ppl are leveling in the tanking/healing spec. I leveled my DK as Unholy DPS and when hitting 85 i had fairly low Tanking gear so im grinding tanking gear in normals now which i find not all times ideal (some leveling DPS are even more terrible than in HC in scale).

    ---------- Post added 2011-02-06 at 11:15 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Batty View Post
    They just need to make the ratio better, 7man instances with 5 DPS 1 tank and 1 healer, not much will change, just give mobs more health and bigger packs to compensate for excess more CC you will have.
    there used to be 10 mans dropping D1/D2 gear, that could fix it...

  2. #22
    What DPS need to realise is that if they are unwilling, or unable, to tank or heal then they are part of the problem.

    Long queue times are due to a lack of tanks, if you won't tank you need to wait.

    It is all well and good expectimg Blizzard to do something, but what can they do? If you play a hybrid but won't heal or tank, you know the reasons why there aren't enough tanks. It is the same reasons you have for not doing it.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Dukenukem View Post
    Caster shield - Shammy/Pala
    Tanking Shield - Pala/War
    Boots - DK/Warr/Pala
    Stam trink - DK/Warr/Pala
    Heal trink - Shammy/Druid

    now they have gear to their offspec and can start some real instances as Tank/heal.
    Exactly. It would give DPSers a route to get tank/healer gear, without stepping on the toes of an actual tank or healer in areal instance, however, it would give the DPS who get sent here nothing towards their main spec.

  4. #24
    Stood in the Fire
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I have a 'better' suggestion.

    The option for "NPC-tank/healer".
    So, when you choose that you want to be a DPS, the system assembles 3 dps quite quickly, as it always does.
    Then the group that's assembled gets to choose if they want either an NPC tank or an NPC healer.
    The NPC will have stats equal to the avarage ilvl of your group, up to a maximum of 346 and as 300 for the lowest(to prevent ilvl-cheats, which will make the runs painfull if you have a 300ilvl tank or healer.)
    They wont be scripted to perform in high skill, but will most likly not be complete nubs either.
    (The option for waiting for real players will ofcourse be availible too, splitting the group into 2 for whichever options they choose.)

    - Will only pull if healers / casters mana is above 90%
    - Skull(for first kill target) will always be cast on either CC-immune mobs, or mobs that deal alot of damage. (other marks are free to set for the group)
    - Will have random survival cooldown from all the tanking classes, aswell as abilities.
    - Will not attack a CCed target unless there is no other target to attack.
    - Will interrupt spellcasters if possible, still on a cooldown tho(so no unlimited interrupts.)
    - Will know the basic tatics for every bossfight, i.e. Karsh Steelbender in Blackrock Caverns, it will stack up the debuff in regard to players health and will refresh the stacks at 3 seconds left.

    - Will always drink for full mana after pulls(it may be slow, but atleast you didn't have to wait in queue.)
    - While not being highly skilled it will top off player health in the best possible way, having the tank as priority healing target, and 10% health players slightly abovbe the tank if tank have above 50% health.
    - Will have a mix of abilitys, like druids wild growth, shamans chain heal and a paladins holy shock.
    - Will move out of fires, will CC if able to(will mark his target first.)
    - While avoiding things like Blitz during the fight with General Umbriss it might not heal, lower skill then a normal player, but yet again - no queue time.

    More things could be added, it would solve the issue people are having, up to a point.

    Would be hard for Blizzard to get it to work tho, but that's a problem for later! (=
    7-11 never stop

  5. #25
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Blackpool - England
    Quote Originally Posted by Naidia View Post
    Yea no, just "suffer" like everyone else, the queues aren't even 40 minutes anymore...Queue for the daily everyday on my hunter, most I've waited was 25 minutes. Know what I did in that time? Played the game, like farming, doing my dailies, playing the AH, doing a quest, grinding rep...there's endless things you can do while in the queue.
    to be fair not everyone has good times to play like some people can only play for an hour or just under on the odd night so 25 mins queue + 30-60 mins in dungeon is'nt good. (60 mins if you have a shit group that continously wipes)
    Insert Signiture here.

  6. #26
    Best solution: remove the LFG tool, bring back a part of World PvP.

  7. #27
    might help if they had some tanking heirlooms to encourage people to learn to tank as they level

  8. #28
    There are tons of Paladins/DKs/Druids/Warriors/Priests/Shaman whining about long queue times. If you play one of those classes and are angry about 40 minute queues, do go change you offspec to blood/protection/holy/discipline/restoration/feral tank. It's easily worth it to get instant (tanks) or fast queues (healers)

    Seriously, even if I had to raid as fury mainspec I'd still be prot offspec just for instant queues.

  9. #29
    don't like queue times?

    sack up & level a tank/healer - when you realise why we don't queue for heroics THEN you can bitch about 40 minute queues!
    Koodledrum - Balnazzar EU - 85 Priest - Retired.

  10. #30
    My iLvl is 339, and i still don't wanna go in heroics as a tank. The dps are rude, the healers are either bad or good, and the dungeons are sometimes difficult with some of the interrupts/CC you have to work with. In my opinion, if you want shorter queues, nerf heroics and also make them shorter.

  11. #31
    Reason 1. No money incentive after fully geared, seriously, justice points are more useless than gray items off of level 1 mobs.
    Reason 2. All the people who carried the slower players in the past are fully geared and have no incentive to return, see reason 1.
    Reason 3. Valor points are useless alot faster than any previous good "badges". I'm to the point where I need no main spec loot from them and I only raid 2 nights a week, go figure that one out.
    Reason 4. The same old reason from wrath that no one wants to tank/heal, and the people that do are already done with heroics.

    Basically, no incentive past the first week of being 85 for tanks/heals.

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