1. #1

    EnhSim - Help! :)

    Hello So I downloaded myself EnhSim and I cannot find anywhere to tell me what to do, I've tried the ReadMe file and whatnot, but I can't find out how to work it :\ Would somebody please be able to help me?

  2. #2
    Well specific questions are better for specific answers, so I can't do much more than give some general stuff.

    The very first thing to do is usually to set the defaults. You can do this by opening the default configuration file which comes with Enhsim. (normally called config.txt)

    The next thing to do is figure out how you want to import your data. The best ways are either to import your data from an in-game mod like shock and awe or from an external program like Rawr. In either case you need to do a little ferreting through the menus to find the an option like "Export to Enhsim". This overwrites much of the default configuration with the specifics of your character.

    Once you've hit this you'll have a big chunk of data in copied to your clipboard. Enter Enhsim and hit the button at the top which says import, this will read off the information from your clipboard and put the appropriate data into the appropriate boxes. Some things will most likely not get filled in, so navigate through the tabs and familiarize yourself with the available options. Things to look for include priority list, food buff, flask, potion and the set of buffs you can expect in a raid. Play with it a little, keeping in mind what exactly you can expect to see when you raid.

    Now you can start using it for it's purpose, run a sim, change some settings (gear, priority, buffs) and run again, note whether dps increases or decreases.

    Generate a set of EP values, these can be useful in helping you decide what you should be reforging/gemming for. In general the highest EP value is going to give the best results in gems/enchants. If for example you notice that Mastery yields a much higher EP value than haste that is a good indicator that you should probably be reforging haste to mastery, possibly also looking to change out piece of gear with haste for pieces with mastery instead. Be warned though that EP values can vary wildly with certain gear changes, eg if you fall under hit/expertise caps, so don't take EP values as the final word, use them to get an idea of the right direction, then setup the sim and run it with a new "virtual" gearset before you spend your DKP.

    Some other advanced settings you may choose to play with once you become more comfortable include fight length and latency. There's really no reason to modify the default settings on some other things, like boss stats, or number of runs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
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