<Rule Thirty Four> are recruiting for 10man heroic progression.

We expect our raiders to be prepared to raid intensively, pull their own weight and get the job done. While we do expect this, our raiding schedule is very casual and there are no specific raiding days, so there is always the opportunity to put real life first without feeling obliged to raid.

We currently have 2 10man raid teams, the first group will be a heroic kill group - this will change dependent on the setup required to achieve the heroic kills; the second group will run normal modes and the heroic modes that become easier over time (when we start to overgear them), which will consist of those not needed for the heroic encounters that we decide we need to progress on for that week.

We are recruiting to fill a few remaining raid spots for both teams, which will allow us to progress and farm effectively. These are as follows:

A few Ranged dps
One or two melee
One Tank with a good dps offspec
One or two healers with a good dps offspec.

Of course exceptional players will always be considered.

To apply, check out our website at r34(dot)wowstead(dot)com or send an application to rulethirtyfourapps(at)gmail(dot)com