1. #1

    suggestions for coding to do with beszerk and Power Auras

    not sure how i would do it, because theres a few things that can enrage a warrior.

  2. #2
    Create a new aura, activation by buff, then in the text box with the name, list all the buffs that count as an enrage, seperated by forward slashes "/".

    for example:
    Berserker Rage/Enrage

  3. #3
    Version:4.14; target:true; buffname:Enrage/Berserker Rage/Death Wish; x:2; alpha:1; isResting:0; inVehicle:0; size:1.07; y:1; texmode:2; ismounted:0
    That's pretty basic, you'll be able to configure it from within the addon (size, place, icon etc). It'll also pickup Bear's enrage I think.

  4. #4
    Here use this one.
    Version:4.9; b:0.1882; g:0; icon:Spell_Nature_AncestralGuardian; buffname:Death Wish/Berserker Rage/Enrage/Unholy Frenzy; x:-138; texture:79; isResting:0; exact:true; size:0.23; y:-118; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.UpdatePing:true; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:TOP; timer.Transparent:true

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

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