1. #1

    Alchemy 80+ or 99+

    I've been messing around trying to just get some numbers straight. Now I've been looking around a lot of different forums, while most of them say alchemy increases X stat by 80 but when I equip a flash my stats increase by 399 not 380(normal flask is 300). So my question is, is the 80 stat all the forums come from the flask we can equip at anytime. While using a flask ie in a raid situation, does the flask actually increases our stats by 99 or is that a wrong tool tip?

  2. #2
    Mark of the Wild/Blessing of Kings

  3. #3
    I had no buffs at all while doing the testing

  4. #4
    5% from armor specialization, plus your spec bonus (like disc priest +15% intellect). I got +20% bonus from whatever buff on me at any given moment.

  5. #5
    Racial and class specific increases, ie warlock intel bonus plus racial boost

  6. #6
    armor specialization + any other mastery from talents

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