is there Anyone with lua knowledge that could tell me how to change the colour of my tauntmaster addon skin, from grey to green and add some space in between the squares ? i've no experience with lua at all so i don't even know if it's possible to just add a line or two(or ten, more likely lol) or modify something in the lready existing lua file without damaging it to have it do what i want. i'm supposing it's possible. Any chance someone out here can help me out ?

---------- Post added 2011-03-06 at 12:35 PM ----------

Honestly said, my goal would be having a tauntmaster skin that looks exactly like decursive, smaller icons, space in between then, green/trasparent50% then yellow/oorange/red at different lvls of threat. don't really care about the healthbars or names. As long as it cast two spells of my choise at the target, i'm happy with it.
Basically i'd like to have a set smaller skin, with the only two features of tauntmaster i care about:
the threat lvl show and the click+cast spell of choise on my target or targettarget. I've no experience in lua sadly, so i'm posting here. If anyone could help me out.

i'm on Eu kul-Tiras, name is Turel, paladin.

I suppose there's lua authors out there that are capable of doing this kind of things, Could be willing to hire one, if that's how it works. Even tho my resources are fairly limited.