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  1. #41
    farming mats for mana pots/resistance pots/elixirs/flasks. Back then noone had teh economy to just buy everything they needed from ah.
    i hated making water for 15min be4 the raid so i could give astack to everyone.. (4water/craft, and water and food were seperate...)
    i hated being a 1button dpsclass.. no way to improve in any way.. just spamm 1 button.. (a bot could have filled any dpsers raidspot easily buring most vanilal encounters.. a bot with a /follow command on 1 player who knew how to move..
    i hated teh slow gearing.. 40ppl 3-4loots/boss.. max 2 setitems/week/slot. =at least 25weeks to geat fully geared in a teir be4 you could stop bother running it (most guilds ahd even more tehn 50memebers so tehy continued well past half ayear in teh same teir..
    i hated to gear up recruits in old instances.. i hated the badly tuned /broken fight mechanics that was in aboundance.....

  2. #42
    Immortal Frozen Death Knight's Avatar
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    3 main things:

    - The ridiculous wait time between fighting one mob after another. Playing as a Paladin, I had to drink after every single mob, even when using Ret as a leveling spec, and I usually went out of drinks, simply because I ran out of gold, since gathering it was much more tedious, back then, especially if you were new.

    - The extremely boring dps rotations, abilities and talents, at lower levels. Again, as a Paladin, the only thing I did was re-applying seals and casting "Judgement" for pretty much all of my leveling (Was a fun and interesting mechanic, but there was so much down time inbetween using those spells. You were pretty much just watching your swing timer and tried to keep yourself alive with your "Holy Light"/"Flash of Light".). Wasn't that much better, at higer levels, but at least you had access to the more interesting stuff about the class. Also the reason why I love the new system of choosing a certain spec.

    - The awful availability between what spec was viable in PvE or PvP. Sure, not everything is viable in every aspect, right now, but it's nowhere near the point it was back in "Vanilla" or "TBC". Being forced to just heal as a Paladin, wether you wanted it or not, was annoying and not very fun, especially considering the time it took to get to lvl 60, back then.
    Last edited by Frozen Death Knight; 2011-03-21 at 10:20 AM.

  3. #43
    Classic wow will always hold so many memories because of the newness & how exciting it was to get be getting purples for the first time. That said...
    unquestionably the worst part was no lfd tools.. standing in town for 30-45 minutes /2 lf tank. getting 4 people together & 30 minutes later having to give up. or getting a group for a place like dire maul, flying all the way there & tank leaving. Stuff like that.... it was god awful sometimes.
    having to farm and/or get odd mats just to raid.. whipperroots, mind controlling npcs to get their buffs...
    alliance not having shaman (and vice versa), although this may be opinion based, I remember being very frustrated that our tanks couldn't stance dance on magmadar & it caused serious problems for us.

    wetlands walk, discombobulated flight paths, repetitive quests.
    40 man raids.. yes, it is epic a few times when you have 40 people playing well in one day... but so frustrating sometimes to keep 40 geared people.

    Which ties in with.... mandatory progression. I know a lot of people QQ about how wotlk was too easy, and WHILE I AGREE, I also think that classic was entirely to time consuming to gear people... without tokens especially, you could go months & months without your tanks/heals getting significant upgrades. or if you lost a geared tank, it could take eternity to gear a scrub.

    for gods sake... soul shards. god help me, the soul shards. and resistance gear!!
    Since the invention of the internet, the Earth`s rotation has been solely propelled by english teachers turning in their graves.

  4. #44
    Cloth healing gear, as a palladin.. Yey for almost no plate healing gear. Yey for getting flamed at by every other cloth/leather/mail wearer that needed cloth to

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvanos View Post
    60% riding at lvl 40... PAIN!
    Not to mention you couldn't afford it untill lvl 50 (unless you had friends or a lvl 60 main), and 50% of lvl 60's didn't even have epic ground due to the cost.

    ---------- Post added 2011-03-21 at 11:21 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruud View Post
    Except for playing it! Hate how people think they can learn to play by reading some sites nowadays, back then it was way more social

    OT: Having gear with +heal and a healing specc made leveling a pain
    The first few weeks I never passed lvl 20, and I earned my first gold in lvl ~25 something because noone had told me to pick up grey items and sell them.

    Also I had no idea how talents worked, because it didn't say anywhere. "Requires 5 points in arms" I thought meant you needed to level 5 times, have 5 extra points and spend them all on that one point in a tier 2 talent.

  6. #46
    Immortal Zka's Avatar
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    Classic was the age of Dumbass.

    Dumb ass itemization: spirit on everything, really, even on warrior plate. No separate sets for different specs. Druids, paladins got tier items with every stat on them. Woot!
    Dumb ass talents: arcane explosion required 5 points relatively deep in the arcane tree to be an instant cast. It was useless without that. I could go on with examples like that.
    Dumb ass class skills: every class had skills that were totally or almost totally useless. Blessings were too short, buffing was awful in general.
    Dumb ass tanking: 3 classes were capable of tanking, yet only warriors were really viable. Noone could aoe tank normally, maybe paladins with consec, but I'm not sure. I've never seen a pala tank in classic for some reason. Druids were somewhat OK.
    Dumb ass faction balance: horde lacked a 30% threat reduction blessing, because they had no paladins.
    Dumb ass grinding required: you could use any amount of consumables at once, I mean multiple elixirs and flasks and world buffs, etc. Naxx was tuned with that in mind so anyone raiding Naxx was pretty much forced to farm these shitty buffs until their nose bled.
    Dumb ass resistance gear: not much to say about this. Res gear is a stupid concept. It's nothing but a gating method, a timesink. It has nothing to do with individual skill.
    Dumb ass class trees: most classes had only 1 or 2 pve eligible trees. The rest were pvp/farm/completely useless. If you were a hibrid who could heal, you healed.
    Dumb ass leveling: complete level ranges without a consistent flow of quests. Especially as alliance. Grind quests, tons of forced traveling. It was hell.

    Should I go on? It was only good because it was new.
    Last edited by Zka; 2011-03-21 at 10:32 AM.

  7. #47
    Pandaren Monk Crush's Avatar
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    I remember being in AQ and wen we died we all said "Someone better have SS or Ankh"

    The lag outside was UNBERABLE!

    Stolen ... from elyssia .... mad elyssia?

  8. #48
    Scarab Lord Lilija's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teiksma View Post
    Druids actually had all 3 roles viable already back then. At least I definitely recall druid main-tank in MC/BWL.
    How tanking few encounters makes it 3 roles?

  9. #49
    Immortal Frozen Death Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zka View Post
    Classic was the age of Dumbass.

    Dumb ass itemization: spirit on everything, really, even on warrior plate. No separate sets for different specs. Druids, paladins got tier items with every stat on them. Woot!
    Dumb ass talents: arcane explosion required 5 points relatively deep in the arcane tree to be an instant cast. It was useless without that. I could go on with examples like that.
    Dumb ass class skills: every class had skills that were totally or almost totally useless. Blessings were too short, buffing was awful in general.
    Dumb ass tanking: 3 classes were capable of tanking, yet only warriors were really viable. Noone could aoe tank normally, maybe paladins with consec, but I'm not sure. I've never seen a pala tank in classic for some reason. Druids were somewhat OK.
    Dumb ass faction balance: horde lacked a 30% threat reduction blessing, because they had no paladins.
    Dumb ass grinding required: you could use any amount of consumables at once, I mean multiple elixirs and flasks and world buffs, etc. Naxx was tuned with that in mind so anyone raiding Naxx was pretty much forced to farm these shitty buffs until their nose bled.
    Dumb ass resistance gear: not much to say about this. Res gear is a stupid concept. It's nothing but a gating method, a timesink. It has nothing to do with individual skill.
    Dumb ass class trees: most classes had only 1 or 2 pve eligible trees. The rest were pvp/farm/completely useless. If you were a hibrid who could heal, you healed.
    Dumb ass leveling: complete level ranges without a consistent flow of quests. Especially as alliance. Grind quests, tons of forced traveling. It was hell.

    Should I go on? It was only good because it was new.
    This gives me so many memories. Short duration buffs (5 minute Paladin blessings!), strength+intellect+agility+spirit gear for classes like Paladins, ridiculous talents and talent trees, etc... You name it.

    So many things that were in the game back then would force me to stop playing, today, if they still existed.

  10. #50
    Having to resummon your pet after mounting. Warlock rage. What's funny is even back when I started playing my friends and I would have conversations about what WoW was like at launch, and how it's sooooo much better!

  11. #51
    A lot of class specific quest were extremely time consuming ... druid forms for example ... warlock mount.

    Raiding Molten Core in a 40 man raid ... what a horror getting everyone in a voice client and trying to get them to be on time, half the raid going AFK during the raid (to eat, watch TV or take a leak unanounced).

    Everything was a lot slower... travelling from A to B ... fixing groups for normal dungeons (there were no heroics) ... skilling professions... people had a lot less gold... bags were much smaller ... PvP was more a class and skill thing as opposed to an equipment thing.

    Ah, the good old days ... a bit like music videos ... today everything seems to be so FAST and people still complain because they want everything to be even faster.

    I have the impression, that because in classic things were slower, i.e. everything took longer and was more difficult to achieve the satisfaction one took was somehow greater.

  12. #52
    Field Marshal LameCake's Avatar
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    Off Topic: I could have sworn that clicking on the summoning stone(not really a summoning stone then) in Vanilla would put you in a queue like thing where if someone else were to click on it they would see that someone wanted to run the dungeon. But no one ever used was easier to just find a group in trade.

    On Topic:
    -Being told by guldies/raid members to use a shield and one handed weapon as Enh because my windfury procs would pull off the tank >.<
    -Knowing that all the tier gear wasn't itemized really to be any sort of DPS as a shaman, but loving Enh too much to care (I still was able to raid because I supported the melee group which brings me to...
    -Having to put shamans in their retrospective group because totems weren't raid wide.
    -This is true for my server, not sure on others, but if we wanted to do any of the Black Rock Mountain dungeons, we had to fly to Kargath and run there, instead of flying to Thorim Point (I think thats the right town), due to alliance 40 mans camping the Flight Path and ganking people as soon as they landed.
    - I know it was said before, but leveling in STV, way too much walking, and getting ganked at Nessy ughhhh. Many a time did I just log out.
    -The cost of mounts versus the lack of gold. I didn't get my epic riding till BC came out, and that was only because you could by pvp mounts with marks. I only had enough to buy the skill.
    -Sitting at one of two spots that I knew a Black Lotus would spawn at 2 AM to make sure no one else would get it before me and if some one did get it, having to wait a whole day just to camp the spot again.
    - Having to enter in how much space you wanted for add-ons, in the character selection screen, and if the number was too small, the game would lag horribly.

  13. #53

    There's a lot wrong with the original

    Quote Originally Posted by ccckkk View Post
    Running everywhere - finally afforded a mount at about level 48.

    Ridiculously long corpse runs (dying really was a pain in the arse in certain zones/places).

    Ironically all they things made the whole game much more absorbing and epic but I'm glad they are gone.
    No they didn't. There was nothing absorbing about having the only Barrens flight path at the Crossroads. Or the Auberdine to Theramore flight.

    Speaking of graveyards. One of the worst aspects of the original. Barrens corpse runs were insane with only three graveyards in the largest zone in the game (ever die at Sludge Fen?). Not limited to that zone however. Tanaris, Feralas, Plaguelands (both) come to mind.

    Dire Maul, Razorfen, Maraudon, BRS, SFK (for alliance) all had terrible corprse runs although most dungeons were annoying to some degree. Razorfen in particular was galling because there was a graveyard in the next zone just outside but you had to run for over five minutes from the tauren village halfway up the Barrens.


    Large zones with the lone flight path being at one extreme end, if there was a flight path at all. Alliance (Rebel Camp/Booty Bay Forest Song/Astranaar) ran into this more than Horde (they have Hammerfall) but the blue side eventually got two raids in their backyard. Alliance did end up having more exclusive zones.

    Of course just having the flight path in the middle of a zone didn't necessarily help because Blizzard had no clue when it came to quest flow. Just look at Darkshore, Felwood, Barrens, and some I'm missing for sure. Even when you had the flight master right dead center like Horde did in Stonetalon, someone like Blizzard decides to change the zone for release but stopping about half way through and leaving it in a state where half of the quests assumed that the state of zone is as it was in beta. (Good job!)


    Anyone remember mob abilities? There were lots of them. Mages that would root you for 15-20 seconds. Creatures like bats constantly silencing you. Guardsmen in BRD and swashbucklers in Tanaris disarming you non-stop. NPC's that would kick or CS you and lockout your spells for 10 seconds. Mobs that would put you to sleep and CC you for 30+ seconds.

    One thing I really hated when I was new, which made me rage IRL once I realized that it was happening (and I don't know if they fixed this yet) was the mob spawning. Zones would be filled with random mobs and half of them wouldn't be involved in any stupid quest but if the RNG spawned all of one type of mob, I had no idea what was up and why I couldn't find any of these monsters for certain quests. A complete waste of time.


    Quests where you'd need something like hearts or tongues from monsters but apparently only 1 in every 5 or 6 would have one. Not every quest was like this, just 90% of them. Quests where all monsters were elite like in Redridge, Stonetalon and other places. PITA when you play at odd hours and no one else is on then at the end, you get agility on cloth reward or spirit on plate for slaying 30 elite monsters. Thanks buddy.


    Having a million identical trash packs in every instance. Jailbreak! and any other stupid NPC that needed help escaping. Horde-side Uldaman main quest line. Lack of mailboxes. Son of Arugal. Andorhal. The whole chain involving Test of Skulls.

  14. #54

    ONE shard PER health stone.

    40 man raid

    need killing blow on enemy to get soul shard, didn't get a shard per tick or any crap like that.

    Warlock main in Vanilla? HERE IS YOUR INVENTORY AND BANK!!!

    Just make them stack blizzard, PLEASE MAKE THEM STACK!~

    *wakes up*

    Oh...whew...they're gone.

  15. #55
    High Overlord Majobu's Avatar
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    What i hated about Classic is that i didn't play it I want to experience all this things you say is so bad ..

  16. #56
    Doing scholo 5 times a day, for over a week just to get exalted with Argent Dawn for the necklace / Gathering fadeleaf for my blind spell.....

    I was so GODDAMN happy when I had the neck though lol.

    I shoudn't complain tho, the things I hated on the game, are love at this very moment
    Last edited by mmoc31817de774; 2011-03-21 at 11:54 AM.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by teiksma View Post
    I hated when I rolled my first char pala, and found out that its only role is healing. Tho it was possible to tank Molten Core, lack of taunt-like abilities made it impossible to be main-tank.

    ps. Druids actually had all 3 roles viable already back then. At least I definitely recall druid main-tank in MC/BWL.
    You recall a guild that was doing it wrong, then. Then again, that's probably why they were stuck back in MC and BWL like all the other people that like to complain about how bad the game was back then.
    Actually, Mr. Lennon, I CAN imagine a world with no hatred, religion, war, or violence.
    I can also imagine attacking such a world, because they would never see it coming.

    For once, Carville was a man ahead of his time.

  18. #58
    .... Starting playing WoW .
    Besides that , the fact that they released the BC too soon after Naxx was up .
    Rolling a lock instead of a tank when I started raiding in my curent guild , I was always in the top 5 as a dps(so I was doing my job properly) .... but we had some baddie tanks back then (in MC , we pull 2 giants ... CoA on second giant , we kill the first giant , I shoot 2 SB and I gain aggro after the OT tanked him for 30 seconds /facepam) .

    ---------- Post added 2011-03-21 at 11:57 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigercat View Post
    You recall a guild that was doing it wrong, then. Then again, that's probably why they were stuck back in MC and BWL like all the other people that like to complain about how bad the game was back then.
    I hate to burst your bubble , but my brother with AQ20/BWL gear was tanking/surviving A LOT beter than our war tanks , he bad 30-40% more HP than them..... and his items weren't BiS(we just arived at the Twin Emp in AQ40 when the PvP patch arived and destroyed everything) .
    Last edited by wvx; 2011-03-21 at 11:58 AM.

  19. #59
    Nothing, it was all sweet.

  20. #60
    The honor system before battlegrounds. The entire world was one big gankfest and on my server Booty Bay was an alliance town.

    Another thing I don't miss: Ress sickness when you ankhed as shaman

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