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  1. #1

    Strats for Maloriak (reg 10)...

    My raid group is up to Maloriak, and i'm looking to squeeze a little extra dps out of the execute phase, as we seem to run out of time before enrage during this phase...

    currently i'm running with the destro spec, but how would demo benefit in this fight?... someone mentioned in the demo troll thread that they use demo for this fight... is it just to burn the adds?... we have two shamans in the group, so i believe my 10% buff would be eaten by totems... is the increased aoe worth switching to demo?... to burn the adds as destro i'm just using rof... maybe dropping shadowfury if there are alot on the tank...

  2. #2
    It depends. Do you mean normal or heroic mode?

    If normal, then it shouldnt make all that much difference, since during green phase it should be enough with thorns on the tank to nearly kill them.

    Heroic mode, if you are having problems with enrage timer - definately. The faster the adds die, the more tiem you have on the boss during black phase.
    We tried a "new" tactic this week during all phases and black. Dot up the adds while you dps the boss. Apart from the add tank running out of range a few times, we had no problems at all with adds.

  3. #3
    it's regular, and yeah, that's what i was wondering... if my aoe dps goes up with demo which leads to less time for me and other ranged on the adds and quicker to burning the boss in that phase, that might be enough to beat the enrage timer...

  4. #4
    I have never run into the enrage on this boss, so my tip to you would be to look at your raids dps as a whole and judge wether or not people need to pick it up. I barely have time to spread my diseases and drop a DnD before they all die - if you are hitting the enrage I think you may have a raid wide dps issue rather than just the aoe phase.

  5. #5
    it is definetly a raid dps issue... i was just looking to squeeze more out of my own production to help carry some of the lesser dps... currently popping 15k with ilevel 350 and usually topping the meters for this fight... but remaining dps is on interrupts and spell steals...

  6. #6
    Are you seperating mal from the adds in the green phase? If so, stop. He takes extra dmg in green phase, let the aoe hit him.

    This has made the difference in 10% enrages vs sucessful kills.

  7. #7
    You may also be letting remedy tick for too long. We had a new tank the other night, and our usual remedy remover (a hunter) as not there, so our new tank, a warrior, had to get the remedies off via shield slam. But he forgets that he has to and will shield slam at the wrong time so it's on CD for remedy, so it ticks a few times. As for the adds, as a dk above me said, they should die very quickly. Unless you're running all marks hunters, I don't see how the AoE could be an issue in the slightest. If you have a balance druid, use mushrooms. Locks and mages, RoF and blizzard, death and decay, fan of knives...more info about your raid set up would help a bit.

  8. #8
    Maloriak has an enrage? cool learn something new every day

  9. #9
    if you are top dps at 15k are you topping out lower than the lowest dps in my 10 man so that could be a serious issue overall.

  10. #10
    No excuse for DPS to be slacking becasue of dispell and spell steal. Everyone had their part and they should not be so low on the meters as to kill the grps progress.

    Advice: When you are near the end of the 2nd phase (be it blue or red) call out on vent for the tank to move the mobs to in front of the stairs, then have all DPS AoE at that spot. By the time Maloriak plops down there they adds will be almost dead. All you need to worry about is keeping the tanks up. The stacking buff they get can get nasty.

    We sometimes have a mage LB the adds before green phase, or, if your DPS is high enouf..which it dosent sound like it is, you will have to stop DPS on the boss to allow for more adds to spawn before phase 2, just aoe the adds. Our mage does this and we have no problems at all.
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    Every time you ignore these threads and don't report them, a kitten dies.

  11. #11
    i believe that was the point of my original post... we are undergeared as far as raiding as this group is just starting out... i was wondering if i demo puts out more damage than destro on this fight... we can get to the final phase, but just miss out... if i can up my personal dps or allow other ranged to focus on the boss, while i burn adds, this might help us get over the hump...

    ---------- Post added 2011-03-29 at 06:59 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Bucknazty View Post
    No excuse for DPS to be slacking becasue of dispell and spell steal. Everyone had their part and they should not be so low on the meters as to kill the grps progress.

    Advice: When you are near the end of the 2nd phase (be it blue or red) call out on vent for the tank to move the mobs to in front of the stairs, then have all DPS AoE at that spot. By the time Maloriak plops down there they adds will be almost dead. All you need to worry about is keeping the tanks up. The stacking buff they get can get nasty.

    We sometimes have a mage LB the adds before green phase, or, if your DPS is high enouf..which it dosent sound like it is, you will have to stop DPS on the boss to allow for more adds to spawn before phase 2, just aoe the adds. Our mage does this and we have no problems at all.
    i'll have to point that out this weekend, it does seem as though the raid group waits for him to land before they even begin dps'ing the adds... this might be why they take so long to go down, because we spill over to where they get buffed and takes even longer to burn them...

  12. #12
    As others have mentioned your dps is the problem here, please dont say you are undergeared. The fight was completely doable dps wise in 346s, with old enrage timer, without people doing insane amounts of their output dps (around 70-80%). If I remember correctly the enrage was updated to be 2-3 mins longer.

    Also, how many % does he have when you hit enrage timer? If it's around 3-5% I'm sure its a matter of understanding the fight and managing it in a better way.

    PS. As for warlock specs im not really an expert but there is surely a spec better for aoe and a spec better for single target, on normal where you dont have the dark phase you can as well switch to single target spec whichever that is.

  13. #13
    Never answered my question.

  14. #14
    could be the interrupts and spellsteals as well... but then there's nothing "I" can do... i was wondering what "I" can do besides yell at them in vent... lol...

    raid composition

    pally tank
    pally ot
    priest heal
    shaman heal
    shaman heal
    mage arcane
    mage fire

  15. #15
    Honestly, tell them they need to step up their game. Don't 'yell' at them, but it's the raid DPS that is your issue with not killing it, because the enrage should not be in any way, shape, or form threatening.

    I don't mean to come off as doom/gloom, but that's all there is to it. If you're getting to the final phase, you're obviously not having trouble with mechanics at all, but the raid's dps needs to go up, and that responsibility falls on the shoulders of the individual players.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Peepo View Post
    could be the interrupts and spellsteals as well... but then there's nothing "I" can do... i was wondering what "I" can do besides yell at them in vent... lol...

    raid composition

    pally tank
    pally ot
    priest heal
    shaman heal
    shaman heal
    mage arcane
    mage fire
    Please Address what Sumatran is asking. It can be the difference between a kill and a 10% enrage. Do you stack the adds with Mal during the green phase?
    I am Dave ! Yognaught, and I have the balls!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Peepo View Post
    could be the interrupts and spellsteals as well... but then there's nothing "I" can do... i was wondering what "I" can do besides yell at them in vent... lol...

    raid composition

    pally tank
    pally ot
    priest heal
    shaman heal
    shaman heal
    mage arcane
    mage fire

    Have a shammy respec ele.

    More buffs and good dps to boot.
    "Those who dance appear insane to those who can't hear the music." ~~ George Carlin

  18. #18
    Again I ask, where do you position Mal during green phase?

  19. #19
    How many adds are you letting through per green vial phase? If you've got much more than 9 you are obviously going to have more trouble (especially if the DPS is low) getting them down and your OT is going to be getting hit like a truck near the end of the first phase.

    We just let him summon the first 9 (first 3 casts) then interrupt the rest until those 9 adds are down and then let him cast the rest as he pleases. 9 is much easier to burn down than 12 and more than 12 and its going to get rough.

    Make sure before the green phase starts the OT already has the adds grouped up where Mal is going to land (same spot everytime) the MT needs to be aware and pay attention if an extra set of adds pop he needs to pull Mal off the add group (just a little bit 4 yards maybe). If the adds are scattered out around the OT they will be much harder to deal with so he/she needs to have them in one tight pile.
    Last edited by Sobegreen; 2011-03-29 at 07:20 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Peepo View Post
    could be the interrupts and spellsteals as well... but then there's nothing "I" can do... i was wondering what "I" can do besides yell at them in vent... lol...

    raid composition

    pally tank
    pally ot
    priest heal
    shaman heal
    shaman heal
    mage arcane
    mage fire
    I think demo is a good choice for this fight. In addition to burning the adds on green phase faster, to be able to get back on the boss faster, the extra 4% SP over the mage buff would be nice as 6 people will benefit from it (the two shams wont be bringing totemofwrath buff since they are resto). Make sure you have saved a meta CD for the last part, as that with infernal and time warp will help your personal dps shoot up during the so-called execute portion. You shouldn't need to use demo form every green phase as one shadowflame and a few ticks of hellfire, with the rest of the raids aoe, should easily kill the adds, so using it as on-demand burst during the last phase would be more useful.

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