1. #1

    moonking macro's and keybindings PvE

    What up!

    i just wanna know which macro's u moonkins outthere are playing with when you are raiding - and how u have ur keys bindet??

    have anyone experienced a minor dps increase by using a macro that made something easier?
    do you got some tips for a nice keybind that makes asomething easier on one of the new cataclysm encounters?


  2. #2

    As far as macro's go i wont lie i don't use any for my Boomy, the one thing i found that really helps is having my Shrooms key bound, this will help you in most encounters where some type of AoE is required (Halfus if Whelps are up, Maloriak, Magmaw etc...).

    With the NG proc as well as other proc's (Trinket's etc.) and the change to our rotations during different encounters and the different stages therein due to our two different types of energy i really cannot recommend any macro that would be constantly use-able, one which you might find helpful is making a macro to trigger a "Use" trinket or a potion and cast a spell directly after (this will also be energy dependent). Multi-dotting macro's can also be nice but the reason i don't use these is i wont always multi-dot due to the different types of energy etc. and the changing rotation to get the most output as mentioned above.

    This is just my opinion, and I'm sure there are some advanced macros out there that can help you combat the issues i mentioned above - I just don't know any of them .

    Ill definitely keep tabs on this post as i would love to see what macro's Boomies out there are using.

  3. #3
    If there is a need to repeatedly apply a spell to something other than your current dps target, usually a crowd control then setting a target as a focus and using a macro to target that CC to a focus is useful. It reduces target switching, and therefore is a dps increase.

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