Poll: Are Cataclysm heroics in 4.1 now easier than Wrat h heroics?

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  1. #61
    Far away. Cata heroics are still extremly hard compared to WOTLK HC's. Yes I know I used the word extreme, but lets face it.. wotlk HCs got to a point where they were a joke, all about doing it faster. Hello killing a boss in 10 secs is awesome.. and if they didnt die in less than 40 secs group sucks etc...

    People 3 man heroics before Ulduar aswell I belive.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxJr View Post
    try to do a ZA or ZG in a grp where everyone has a 346ilvl which is the requirement, and you will do nothing but fail, now go do Hall of Origination or Reflection( i dont really remember the name too many halls out there, the last dungeon of Wotlk) and you will do it easily with a 200ilvl. People will always like to exaggerate, but cata dungeons are harder than wotlk dungeons in every aspect, starting with DONT STAND IN THE FIRE...
    I would love to see you and a full 5 man group in nothing but ilvl 200 gear breeze through Heroic Halls of Reflection. And I've seen plenty of groups that are ilvl 346-348ish clear ZA and ZG. So I think your statement is pretty far off the mark. Please come again.

  3. #63
    so. players still don't understand how tuning works.?

  4. #64
    They were always the same, cata heroics were easy in fresh lvl 85 gear. Having tools like the dungeon finder just make them seem harder at first, as you normally get paired with idiots.

    Remember the Occulus? (spelling?) I thought it was piss easy myself, but I remember lots complaining about it.
    Last edited by Trix; 2011-05-06 at 08:53 AM.

  5. #65
    High Overlord Heratix's Avatar
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    All Wrath heroics were complete faceroll. Cata heroics are just a little harder (still nothing a healer can't compensate for).

  6. #66
    I remember steamrolling through WotLK heroics a few weeks into the expansion. Obviously that was before the RDF so it's hard to compare.

    With the recent nerfs, the LotD buff and the incoming CC nerf, Cataclysm heroics are almost at the same level of WotLK. Not quite though yet, especially when taking the new Tier 2 dungeons into account.

  7. #67
    as of today. we are in the first tier of the expansion... and heroics are being farmed and some can be cleared in less than 30 minutes, even the t2 5 mans can be done in 30 minutes (Za timed is 20 + 5 + 5 so 30 minutes or no mount) and Zg is do able in about the same if no wipes. in wrath heroics only really went this easy after we have another tier of gear and so beter gear from the old badges. wrath was at tier 1 of the expansion harder than we have it now.

  8. #68
    Sladran and Loken were in their first iteration and people not geared at all, pretty nasty. If people fucked up, it still wiped the group. That however ceased to be an issue something like 2-3 weeks into wotlk when everyone was naxx geared already and the roflstomping began.
    9 - 11 second boss kills in 251+ gear is something that might not happen in cata due to mechanics not allowing that on almost all bosses (bar say, HoO ones), and I doubt DPS will be doing 80k+ in deathwing gear

  9. #69
    Warchief SoulPoetry's Avatar
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    the luck of the draw buff makes them easier, without that i think they were harder. i only recall loathing AK in 3.0 in blues and that was only because of the trash.

  10. #70
    The dungeons itself are harder, no dought, but we also have a lot of people who literally suck. The current power creep level is so hight that you can "overgear" the heroics in quest items from deepholm and uldum as a DPS. For tanks it almost the same, but it relies a lot on the proper cooldown usage. Only the healers have harder time overgearing the heroics, simply of how terrible mana regen is on lower gear levels.

    TL;DR you can perform way better than you are expected with crappy gear, if you know what you are doing. If you don't, than heroics are hard for you and you have to CC 3 mobs in the every pack to survive.

  11. #71
    From my pugging cata heroics, there seem to be way more runs where people leave right away. I only remember oct in wrath that was like that. Blizzard should maybe learn a thing from this, that instead of doing the content they make, alot rather not deal with it at all and it reflexspoorly on their end. Make fun content people will do not leave the moment it pops.

  12. #72
    I am Murloc!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zephyr Storm View Post
    I would love to see you and a full 5 man group in nothing but ilvl 200 gear breeze through Heroic Halls of Reflection. And I've seen plenty of groups that are ilvl 346-348ish clear ZA and ZG. So I think your statement is pretty far off the mark. Please come again.
    Halls of Reflections were "hard", because it was an instance that promoted single target dps in expansion where you AOEd everything. Pretty much all 3 ICC five mans did that, but HoR was most obvious in that one, since there was "time limit", and trash was actually threatening. Bosses? Trivial by comparison.
    I mean, hiding in a corner was a common strategy, since tanks/dps weren't used to trash which didn't come at then in one nicely packed group, ready to be AOEd immediately after pull. Says a lot about how average instance looked back then.

  13. #73
    WotLK dungeons were much harder in first tier of WotLK raids. Lets wait another 2 tiers and we will laugh are asses of at facerolling. People tend to forget, funny.
    Last edited by mmocc58fab458b; 2011-05-06 at 01:18 PM.

  14. #74
    Wrath Heroics weren't easy when Wrath first launched, either. Over 70 item levels make a huge difference.

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