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  1. #1
    I am Murloc! Anakso's Avatar
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    which spec would you be if your druid was your alt?

    I imagine most people in the druid forum would have a druid as their main, so are probably whatever spec they are used to playing or their guild needs etc, but if your druid was your alt what spec would you be? things to take into accout are viability/ease of finding pug raids, fun, ability to learn without putting in 50 hours of muscle memory.

    Reason I'm asking is, my druid was always my main alt in wotlk (2nd 80, most geared alt and only alt doing heroic 25s etc) all through wotlk I was resto, My OS started of feral, but moved to boomkin for viability as the OS Heals/DPS in raids. never bear tanked, though it looks fun. I just leveled my druid finally, my 4th 85. I put it off as the healing changes in cata don't look all that fun to me, especially when I see so many people saying things like "All druids struggle to keep people up at the start" etc


  2. #2
    Play the spec YOU want on YOUR alt.

    Otherwise, live your life asking ppl whats best for you... :P

  3. #3
    Yeah...just stick with heals, or if you're a good tank there's always a need for them, or as everyone else would say, just do what you consider fun! I personally like feral for solo and resto for raids.

  4. #4
    Bloodsail Admiral Musra's Avatar
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    I would still be boomkin/resto on it like I were in WOTLK. Right now I am feral DPS/resto/feral tank. <_<
    ''Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack'' -Sun Tzu

  5. #5
    Druids struggle keeping people up at the start?

    Knowing the encounter and reacting to situations will make any class of healer good. I may be biased but druid healers are pretty much fine atm, clever use of CD's usually wins out.

    No healers, no matter what class have a button for healing other peoples stupidity, if people cannot move out of the fire, thats their problem.

  6. #6
    Playing resto is fun and druids don't really struggle to keep people up at the start. Assuming you already know your enounters, it's just a matter of knowing which spell to cast at what time (planning). Especially since you can reach ilvl 355 more or less without stepping into a raid these days, in which case you would have enough haste/regen to not struggle with mana (unless people are REALLY retarded)

  7. #7
    My main is a Druid tank.

    I don't play it much because, well it just seems to suck.
    If it was an alt, I'd go kitty, because that is fun. I've recently resorted to kitty in my tank gear switching out some trinkets and found I can keep up with most dps and shatter others and just enjoy the game instead of worrying what everyone is doing.
    I don't know why, but when I'm kitty, the dps is good. Watching others they aren't pulling random mobs, they aren't AFK'ing while standing in fire...

    As a tank -... I think somehow blizzard wants to punish me for not playing much because yer. Bad DPS, heals is always out of mana healing them. Very rarely do I get a good group, then I'm like yay, this isn't so bad.. then try again get a terrible one and want to close my account again.

  8. #8
    My main is also a Druid tank and my OS is Resto which in a raid when i'm the MT is hardly ever used.

    If my Druid were an alt i'd definitely go main spec Feral DPS PVE and O/S resto PVP. But i spend half my time tanking HC's for the guild and such. I'd love to just log my Druid, queue for DPS whilst i do some dailies then log off for the night. Maybe some PVP if i'm on for longer than usual. Plus feral DPS is awesome in raids at the moment. At least our Cat is doing about 2-3k more than the average in my guild. Could quiet easily be the player ofc but he's doing well.

  9. #9
    kitty, because hitting bleeds a lot is fun

  10. #10
    The Patient
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    It's pretty easy to answer for me as I have a druid as my main but also an alt druid. My main is resto/balance so made my alt feral

  11. #11

  12. #12
    i have a holy priest and a resto shaman, so if anything, my druid would simply be my "farm whore" with herbalism and mining.

  13. #13
    I am Murloc! Balduvian's Avatar
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    What's the difference between a char being your alt or main when choosing specs?

    I'd always pick the spec I like the most: Feral.

  14. #14
    Feral all the way!

    If I had to choose an off-spec though it would probably be Resto, never liked casting DPS really on any toon.

  15. #15
    Probably resto, but i'm not sure i would step into raids with it. 5 mans and all that stuff - yep.
    Feral dps :3
    Bring back ArP rating!

  16. #16
    Troll feral druid. I'd play it for the looks and not the class mechanics.

  17. #17
    I personally made a druid alt, from my main druid, because my main had feral tanking as main spec, with feral kitty spec for both pvp and pve dps, so i made a alt with resto and boomkin specs, so i didnt have to respec constantly, 1's ofcourse better geared generally than the other, but its gettin quite good

    What can i say, druids is the only fun class for now imho

  18. #18
    The Lightbringer eternalwhitemoon's Avatar
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    My druid IS an alt, as a matter of fact, and she's a bear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crede View Post
    I personally made a druid alt, from my main druid, because my main had feral tanking as main spec, with feral kitty spec for both pvp and pve dps, so i made a alt with resto and boomkin specs, so i didnt have to respec constantly, 1's ofcourse better geared generally than the other, but its gettin quite good

    What can i say, druids is the only fun class for now imho
    With a name like Bacon, I hope your alt is something clever like Ator or something?

  19. #19
    Bacontwo :P nah jk aside, its actually a completely different name, i do play my "main" the most, mainly becus its exalted with all factions, and its got all the fun stuff and acces to various stuff on it

  20. #20
    i have a druid alt...two acctually lol. one is bear/boomkin the other is cat/resto.

    i play my bear one more as i love bear tanking.

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