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  1. #61
    It gives major advantage. If you can manage to stay behind your enemy they won't be able to hit you, melee or otherwise. If a warrior keeps keyboard turning and you stay behind him, you take 0 damage he takes full damage, you win. If a caster is casting while you smack his bitch up, and you manage to get behind him faster than he can turn with, his casttime is wasted since he's facing the wrong direction.

    Pretty much the same in the less realistic shooter (i.e. Quake), moving target = harder to hit, and you don't lose anything by moving granted you know how to aim.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Hauntdshadow View Post
    U do realize that all u have to do if some of these melee ppl who love to jump n run like morons are training you, all u has to do is keep walking backwards
    ahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahah aahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahaha haahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahah ahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahaha defo a troll

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