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  1. #1

    Confounded Complicated Currency Confusion!

    Points for aliteration? Anyway, I've recently returned to rift (I played about a month only but left due to school committments). Don't worry, I'm not here to ask what are the changes - I did use the search and read up on patch notes and such.

    But even back when I was subbed, I still have the same confusing feeling as what I have now - Can someone teach me about the game's currency and gear progression?

    I mean, I know there's gold. and planarite. and favour. Those are simple enough and I get it. The rest... it seems impossible to keep track. Embers of Whatsits. Shards of doodads. Crystalline whatevers. Marks of gobbledygook. Glass Beads. It's kinda unintuitive and I'm just lost.

    Can someone list out (or link to a proper, comprehensive article) where to get my currency, how to get it, and what it's redeemed for?

    My second query is linked to the currency - can someone tell me how gear progression is, and what currencies are used to redeemed those gears at which level?

    My third and last query is regarding endgame PVE. Aside from Instant Adventures, typical Raids, and that 2 person Chronicles, what else can I do in PVE? I don't really know what raiding rifts are, I've heard of them in passing.

    Thanks so much for your time

  2. #2
    Okay, here is a comprehensive list:

    Silver, Gold, Platinum: Your basic money to buy stuff with from vendors, the AH, etc.

    Raid and Dungeon Currencies:

    Plaques of Achievement: Drop from Expert Dungeons. Used to buy your first set of epic level gear.

    Marks of Ascension: Drop from Tier 1 Raids (GSB, RoS, DH, GP). Used to buy Tier 1 or equivalent raid gear.

    Greater Marks of Ascension: Drop from Tier 2 Raids (HK, RotP). Used to buy Tier 2 or equivalent raid gear.

    Infernal Marks of Ascension: Drop from Tier 3 Raids (ID). Used to buy Tier 3 or equivalent raid gear.

    Planar Currencies:

    Planarite: Basic currency that drops from any invading mobs, rifts, footholds. Used to buy gear while levelling, some lesser essences for sigils, ascended powers.

    Corrupted/Cursed/Vile Sourcestones: Epic level planar currency used to buy very good gear. Used to buy gear as you level, each currency drops for roughly a 15-20 level bracket.

    Inscribed Sourcestones: Level 50 epic level planar currency, used to buy L50 epic gear, and most commonly the BiS lesser essences used in sigils. Large amounts can be used to buy T1 raid equivalent gear.

    PvP Currencies:

    Favor: Obtained by killing other players, playing in Warfronts, and closing PvP Rifts. Used to buy PvP gear.

    Prestige: Not actually a currency per se, as you can never spend it, only obtain it. You never see it in your bags, instead as this goes up your PvP rank increases allowing you to buy better PvP weapons and trinkets, and obtaining military rank titles.

    Marks of Retribution: Old PvP currency rarely seen anymore, currently the only way to obtain this is to complete the weekly PvP quest to close PvP Rifts.

    Crafting Currencies:

    Artisan's Mark: Obtained by completing daily crafting quests, used to buy new crafting recipes from vendors.

    Master Craftsman's Mark: Obtained by completing weekly crafting quests, occasionally also drop from Crafting Rifts, or appear in a rewards bag from daily crafting quest. Used to buy recipes to craft epic level gear that is often equivalent to expert dungeon or raid quality.

    World Event Currencies:

    Otherworldly Sourcestone: First world event currency, used to buy mostly fluff items with a few useful pieces of epic gear and lesser essences. No longer obtainable.

    Rune King's Seals: Second world event currency, used to buy mostly fluff items with a few useful pieces of epic gear and lesser essences. No longer obtainable.

    Dragon Tear: Third world event currency, used to buy mostly fluff items with a few useful pieces of epic gear and lesser essences. No longer obtainable.

    Magma Opal: Fourth world event currency, used to buy mostly fluff items with a few useful pieces of epic gear and lesser essences. No longer obtainable.

    Unique Snowflake: Christmas world event currency, used to buy mostly fluff items with a few useful pieces of epic gear and lesser essences. No longer obtainable, but may reappear next Christmas.

    Prize Ticket: Reward for completing minigames and quests that have appeared as part of the one year anniversary of RIFT. Used to buy mostly fluff items.

    Glass Beads: Current world event currency, used to buy mostly fluff items with a few useful pieces of epic gear and lesser essences. Currently this world event currency can be traded in for previous world event currencies to buy item's that are no longer obtainable. This is a limited duration opportunity.


    Lucky Coin: Obtained by handing in completed artifact sets, used to buy pets and other fluff items.

    Plaque of the Mountaineer: Currency obtained by completing quests for the Icewatch faction, used to buy a costume set of gear.

  3. #3
    A link I can't give you, for loads of information. But I can try to sum it up for you, with the different things you need to know.
    Let's start from the top.

    Platinum, Gold, Silver : The all around currency, have alot and you win the game! (Not really, but sounds good)

    Planarite : Earned from doing invasions, rifts and such. This you use for various this. Planar charges, different lesser/greater essences. Check the mercants in side middle of Sanctum (7470,3018), for various of mercants with items.

    Scourestones : The kind you want to set your eyes on, are the Inscribed Sourcestone. These are currency for the better and more highend planar essence, which you should fill your sigil with. These vary from prices from 20, to 100 each, and can be found the same place as mentioned above.
    Can as well be used for various items, which as well can be bought at that location.
    These can be earned by doing the larger zone invasions, daily raid rift quests, instant adventures and such.

    Favor : Currently only PvP currency ingame. It's simple, kill stuff and win warfront, earn this and browse the gear at the PvP area of Sanctum. 7410,2896)

    Plague of Achievement : These are earned by doing expert dungeons. Can be spend on gear, 7603,3105. This is the first rank of PvE equipment, but really, it's terribad.

    Mark of Ascension : Marks from the first tier of raiding, this you will earn from the following raids : Greenscale, River of Souls, Drowned Halls and Gilded Prophecy. Can be spend on gear, the same location as Plague of Achievements.

    Greater Mark of Ascension : These are earned by the currently highest tier of raiding, Hammerknell. The mercant is located in Moonshade Highlands, 6298,1596.

    Master Craftsman's Mark : Earned by either doing daily crafting quests, and/or the weekly quest for Crafting Lures. The npc giving these, are to be found at 7400,2996.

    Artisan's Mark : Same location as above, only the daily quests awards these. Both type of marks, can be spend at 7501,2986. Find the vendor with your proffession recipies.

    Lucky Coin : These are rewards for completing artifact collections, and turning them in. Mercant can be found at the same location, as the turn in.

    Everything else, Glass Beads, Magma Opal, Dragon Tear, Unique Snowflake, Rune King's Seal, Otherwordly Soucestone and what not, are world event currency. Currently Glass Beads can be awarded from either daily quests, or doing rifts.

    Might have forgotten something, if I did, feel free to ask.

    On the PvE side, and what you can do? Let's make another list.

    Experts : "I" -> You can queue to either specific experts or randoms. The bosses awards you Plague of Achievements. The first 7 you do weekly, will award you either Plague of Achievement, Mark of Ascension or Greater ones. (I'd pick one of the last 2, depending on your current gear)

    Instant Adventure : This you know it seems, so nothing to add. Besides it's fantastic XP for Planar Attunement, and farming of Rift currency.

    Chronicles : These you know as well!

    Rifts : 2 kinda of standard rifts. Major/Minor ones, which are all around, awarding you Rift currency. As well as the Expert ones, which have a loot table, and having a daily quests. The loot ain't fantastic, but the daily gives you 3 ISS, afaik.

    Raid Rifts : Rifts opened by a lure (Can be bought at the place you spend your planarite, for each type of elements) These are made for 10-20 people, and does drop either epic items or planar essences. Daily quest as well for these, and 2 different tiers. Tier 1 = All elements, in specific zones (listed on the lure), and Tier 2, which are ember island ones, and with some fairly decent gear. Lures for the T2 ones, can be bought at Ember watch, on ember Isle.

    Raids : The most enjoyable thing! There are currently, 6 different raids you can do.
    Tier 1 : Greenscale (20), River of Souls(20), Drowned Halls(10), Gilded Prohecy(10). All these are pugged fairly often, and pretty easy as well.
    Tier 2 : Hammerknell Fortress(20) and Rise of the Phoenix(10). A tad higher on the difficulty curve, and designed for people with Tier1 equipment. will you give you tacs for pretty much all encounters, and all you need to know about them.

    I proberly forgot something, and if your playing defiant, well then my cords wont help you at all.
    Any more question? Something I left out? Didn't describe good enough? Then feel free to ask!

    I hope you'll enjoy your time in Rift, it's an awesome game for sure.


    ---------- Post added 2012-04-04 at 01:35 PM ----------

    Meh, I write to slow it seems
    Gazelli 50 Cleric, Oooo 50 Rogue, Actionhelten 50 Warrior.
    Hiccup, 85 Feral tank and Resto druid. <-- Retired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nukeleo View Post
    "Not everybody wants to heal or tank!" And that's why you have the other specs to fiddle with, like every other class in the game. It means as a pure you had BETTER be doing your job better than the rest because that druid over there is about a 10 second cast and a gear macro away from replacing you if we let him. No excuses.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Booniehat View Post
    My third and last query is regarding endgame PVE. Aside from Instant Adventures, typical Raids, and that 2 person Chronicles, what else can I do in PVE? I don't really know what raiding rifts are, I've heard of them in passing.
    Thanks so much for your time
    The responses above are golden.

    PvE content-

    Quests: Leveling quests, daily quests for faction rep, epic storyline quests, holiday/event quests, Ember Isle storyline, Instant Adventures (grind-athon 9000)

    Rifts: Regular rifts in zones, Rift invasion events, PvP rifts, Ember Isle onslaughts (rift invasion forces trying to overcome siege areas on Ember Isle)

    Dungeons: Level-range appropriate dungeons during leveling, Expert dungeons (aka heroic-esque dungeons), Master Mode dungeons (higher difficulty), Chronicles (solo/dual player dungeon/raids)

    Raids: T1 Raids, T2 Raids, Raid rifts (10 man raids)

    Professions: obvious, with Fishing and Survival coming soon

    Exploring: Artifact collecting (400 sets of artis), Cairns & Puzzles, future incoming profession to gather noncombat pets

    Achievements: Over 10k pts to work toward through various means, same as WoW.

    Alternate Advancement: Planar Attunement is points rewarded for any experience you gain after level 50 which goes towards buffs/stat bonuses, up to (unofficially) level 1000. Even higher when tier 3 is introduced soon.

    It seems like there's just too much stuff to make sense of, but seriously, don't worry. Everything is tiered in one way or another. The seemingly thousands of currencies are simply 5 or 6 types of currency with names differentiating their level or difficulty range. Profession currencies, rift currencies, pvp currencies, collecting currencies, dungeon/raid currencies. The longer you spend in game, the more sense it makes. On their own, any one is simple to understand. As a whole, they can incite Information Overload. Slow and steady will win you this race, we promise.
    Last edited by Acquiesce of Telara; 2012-04-04 at 02:35 PM.

  5. #5
    /boggle at the sheer amount of currencies.

    Nonetheless thanks to all 3 of you for spending the effort to make such a comprehensive guide/list. I've been lurking on MMOC's rift board for months, and the helpfulness and passion of the rift fans here never ceases to impress me. In fact it's what's made been keepin me reading these boards and caused me to come back with a 6 month resub.

    Kudos to you guys for the helpful currency and gear guide! I'm sure plenty of noobs like me will also find this a great help.

    Some extra clarifications for now:

    1. Expert Rifts - Are these a level 50 thing? When can I do these?
    2. Raid Rifts - Are these dailies? Do you have to have a group to do them? And whats the diff. between them and actual raids if they offer largely the same gear?
    3. Expert Dungeons and Raids in rift - How much of a time committment and difficulty are these compared to WOW? Are they early Cata-hard with 100 CCs every 5 metres, or WOLTK faceroll? I've heard Rift's PVE is possibly the best out there now though.
    4. How do I start farming Sourcestones (and other Rift Currencies like Planarite)? Are they scarce, especially at lower levels? I do recall the last time I played, even simple Planarite had really small drop rates (heard it's been buffed since) and despite hours and hours of grinding I still couldn't buy much, if anything..
    5. Are Source Engines (those belt-like things you store essences on right?) and essences hard to come by? I'm in my mid 30s and I've got like 2 of them (and they don't seem to add much ).
    6. What do you guys recommend as a the best way for steady income? I've done crafting the last time but that was a pain, and it costs alot to level. I went broke after my mount The professions don't seem that good and I wonder if its like WOW where you should leave it till you're max level and have the cash to spend on levelling it up. Any tips for a new player on how to go about earning some coin?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Booniehat View Post

    1. Expert Rifts - Are these a level 50 thing? When can I do these?
    2. Raid Rifts - Are these dailies? Do you have to have a group to do them? And whats the diff. between them and actual raids if they offer largely the same gear?
    3. Expert Dungeons and Raids in rift - How much of a time committment and difficulty are these compared to WOW? Are they early Cata-hard with 100 CCs every 5 metres, or WOLTK faceroll? I've heard Rift's PVE is possibly the best out there now though.
    4. How do I start farming Sourcestones (and other Rift Currencies like Planarite)? Are they scarce, especially at lower levels? I do recall the last time I played, even simple Planarite had really small drop rates (heard it's been buffed since) and despite hours and hours of grinding I still couldn't buy much, if anything..
    5. Are Source Engines (those belt-like things you store essences on right?) and essences hard to come by? I'm in my mid 30s and I've got like 2 of them (and they don't seem to add much ).
    6. What do you guys recommend as a the best way for steady income? I've done crafting the last time but that was a pain, and it costs alot to level. I went broke after my mount The professions don't seem that good and I wonder if its like WOW where you should leave it till you're max level and have the cash to spend on levelling it up. Any tips for a new player on how to go about earning some coin?
    1. Expert rifts... gosh, forgot about those. Expert Rifts are like the normal rifts you find scattered about the world, but they're like pre-raid difficulty 10 man rifts. Think of them as a small WoW world boss that requires 10 players (or 5, once you're overgeared). You purchase rift lures from a rift faction vendor to open them.

    2. Raid rifts are weekly quests. The quests are the equivalent of WoW raid weeklies: "Go kill Patchwerk in Naxx". The weekly exists to keep players running the old 10 man content. There's also a weekly raid quest to hit up the old T1 raids as well.

    3. Expert Dungeons are various lengths, but the majority of them are rushed through in 15-30 minutes these days, all depending on group composition or the quality of your tank. They're fairly simple now with gear inflation over the last 6 months. ETA: There's no real CC involved in dungeons. As for Raids, they're challenging if you're new, but they're not hard to wrap your head around. Any guild that's been raiding for awhile can knock out both T1 raids in 1.5-3 hours each. Many guilds can knock both T1 raids in a single night. Hammerknell, the current top raid, was fun and could be extremely difficult. Trion waited 6 months before nerfing the difficulty. Even then, there's probably less than 10k players who have seen Akylios, the final boss, die.

    4. Sourcestones come from Rift events. You know, when the sky turns ember red and zone objectives pop up on your screen to close X number of rifts, etc? Killing mini-bosses during those events, and/or the final boss of the event will award you a number of sourcestones. Trion went out of their way to adjust the currency requirements for gear rewards during leveling; it's a lot easier to get blue/purple quality gear while leveling by only requiring a few events to be completed. Best advice: as you're questing and leveling up, never avoid participating in a zone event. between planarite and sourcestones, you want everything you can get.

    5. Sigils/Source Engines are primarily purchased in your faction's main city. Essences can drop during zone events, instant adventures, and can be purchased with planar currency. At level 50 you'll spend a lot of time farming zone events in Ember Isle to purchase the best essences for your Sigil/Source Engine

    6. The single best form of income is in selling Artifacts, though there are two major problems: 1. Due to current AH limitations, they're annoying to list. 2. People had TONS of excess artifacts to sell up until a few weeks ago. Prices and values declined ridiculously. They'll improve again soon. In the meantime, grab a couple of gathering professions. You see low prices and think it's not worth it, but you'd be amazed. The money inflation isn't there because money is almost (but not quite) inconsequential in Rift. It only means anything when you're starting out and gearing up your first character. Just collect everything you can, sell everything you can, and keep working on progressing your character. You'll be good to go in no time flat.
    Last edited by Acquiesce of Telara; 2012-04-04 at 03:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Booniehat View Post
    Some extra clarifications for now:

    1. Expert Rifts - Are these a level 50 thing? When can I do these?
    2. Raid Rifts - Are these dailies? Do you have to have a group to do them? And whats the diff. between them and actual raids if they offer largely the same gear?
    3. Expert Dungeons and Raids in rift - How much of a time committment and difficulty are these compared to WOW? Are they early Cata-hard with 100 CCs every 5 metres, or WOLTK faceroll? I've heard Rift's PVE is possibly the best out there now though.
    4. How do I start farming Sourcestones (and other Rift Currencies like Planarite)? Are they scarce, especially at lower levels? I do recall the last time I played, even simple Planarite had really small drop rates (heard it's been buffed since) and despite hours and hours of grinding I still couldn't buy much, if anything..
    5. Are Source Engines (those belt-like things you store essences on right?) and essences hard to come by? I'm in my mid 30s and I've got like 2 of them (and they don't seem to add much ).
    6. What do you guys recommend as a the best way for steady income? I've done crafting the last time but that was a pain, and it costs alot to level. I went broke after my mount The professions don't seem that good and I wonder if its like WOW where you should leave it till you're max level and have the cash to spend on levelling it up. Any tips for a new player on how to go about earning some coin?
    1) These are for 50's, roughly 5 people. People don't bother much as the rewards aren't great.

    2) The quests for these are daily I think, been a while since I did any. You can do em every day if you want. Built for 10, usually people just zerg them with 20. They're a good source of essences until you can afford your BiS ones using Inscribed Sourcestones.

    3) Generally CC is used a lot less in dungeons, except maybe interrupts and silences on casting mobs. At this stage with so many geared people about, Experts are very easy. Tier 1 raid is also very easy now, and even Hammerknell is after so many nerfs and so long for people to gear up in there, not too hard. However when HK first released it was tough, and we fully expect Infernal Dawn to be a real challenge.

    4) Best way is watch the world map, and attend any zone invasions in Iron Pine, Shimmer, Stillmoor or Ember Isle. You get 5-15 ISS per invasion, depending on your level of involvement (ie did you help with all stages, or just kill last boss).

    5) At max level they are easy to get. Spend your 45-50 levels doing Instant Adventures, and you should have enough planarite to get the 6-slot engine. With the BiS essences (these take a while to farm, 100 ISS each, you generally need 5-6 of em) they can add a LOT to your stats. Mine adds somthing like 100+ spellpower, another 100SP through int and wis stats, about 20 or so for each resistance on average, and about 100 spell crit.

    6) Artifact hunting, post them on the AH. I know people who made thousands of Platinum that way. Weird I know, but people will pay 10, 20, 50 plat for that last item for a super rare artifact collection that rewards a rare title, pet, mount, or fluff item.

  8. #8

    There's 2 different types of raid rifts, and I forgot. There are 'regular' raid rifts that require 10-20 players (think of them as much more difficult normal rifts) and then there's the 10 man RAID dungeon rifts that are instanced, and take place in an alternate reality.

    Sorry for the confusion/mistake there. "Regular" raid rifts can be done infinitely. Instanced raid rifts are done with weekly lockouts, like regular raids.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Acquiesce of Telara View Post

    There's 2 different types of raid rifts, and I forgot. There are 'regular' raid rifts that require 10-20 players (think of them as much more difficult normal rifts) and then there's the 10 man RAID dungeon rifts that are instanced, and take place in an alternate reality.

    Sorry for the confusion/mistake there. "Regular" raid rifts can be done infinitely. Instanced raid rifts are done with weekly lockouts, like regular raids.
    10mans aren't really Rifts, and I have never heard them referred to as such. Slivers is their official name.

  10. #10
    So lets see if I can summarize:

    While levelling, do zone events for epic sourcestones and planarite, battlegrounds for favour, and crafting dailies for artisan's marks, each of these currencies will buy you pretty solid PvE, PvP, or crafted gear respectively. Alternatively, you can do dungeons and get your gear from bosses, up to you. While levelling I combined all four paths and I had a blast.

    At 45, instant adventure becomes available, and honestly it's both the fastest and the funnest way to level in my opinion.

    At 50, you start with the level 50 dungeons (Plaques of Achievement), expert dungeons (Plaques of Achievement, and Marks of Ascension/Greater Marks of Ascension once/day), chronicles (Plaques of Achievement), and expert rifts, as well as instant adventure (planarite/ISS) and zone events (planarite/ISS). Your first stop should probably be the solo chronicle, as it gives hefty rewards the first time through. You're technically not supposed to do expert dungeons and expert rifts until you have 100 hit/focus, but honestly they'll be a zergfest at this point anyway and nobody will care.

    Once you are nearing 200 hit/focus you can do daily raid rifts (drr) and the tier 1 raids (gsp/ros/gp/dh, Marks of Ascension) and things start to slow down. At this point you'll want to use your planarite/ISS for A) raid level gear from the planarite vendor, and B) lesser essences from the rift faction vendors. You should also start working on 'resist sigils/source machines' (mostly just water is important). You can also get lesser essences from running raid rifts. Keep in mind that while there is a 'daily' raid rift and a 'daily' expert rift, as long as your group has the lures you can keep doing raid and expert rifts as many times as you like, and their gear is on par with that of expert dungeons.

    Once you hit 300-320 hit/focus you can get into the tier 2 raids (Greater Marks of Ascension), and the Ember Isle raid rifts, and start on progression business. Here your goal is to get your BIS pieces as well as to keep accruing hit/focus until you hit ~400 (which will be needed for ID soon).

    You can give yourself a huuuge headstart by buying the crafted gear sets though, and you can get t1 raid-level gear from planarite/ISS if all you want to do is zone events/instant adventure, or you can PvP, which has its own separate advancement through 40 mini-tiers called prestige levels. This entire time you will gain Planar Attunement levels, which are a nice little boost every now and then, and it can sometimes be fun just to do grinding-type activities just to get these levels if you are so inclined. Importantly, all of these activities can/should be combined, so you don't feel like you have to grind experts, because you can also benefit your character by doing instant adventure/zone events/crafting. Also, completing the Ember Isle quest line gives rewards that will last you well into ROTP/HK, so that can be a great activity to do as well, but be careful as EI can be annoyingly hard right when you hit 50 before you have some solid gear upgrades.
    Last edited by gonterf; 2012-04-04 at 10:54 PM.

  11. #11
    Thanks again for the in-depth explanation. Really clears up my levelling path.

    You know, a lot of Rift players aren't complete MMO noobs - many are sick of WOW and disappointed with SWTOR (Just an observation, no offense intended). So what they need is really what you guys have mentioned - a new Rift player guide for experienced MMO-ers so they dont have to trawl through tons of outdated wikis trying to figure out what's what. You could've easily translated a lot of this into a nice guide for players, or sticky this

  12. #12
    There is a Newcomers sub on the Rift Forums, but I admit, I've considered starting my own fan site to compile answers and videos for the various questions/concerns we see from potential newbies on forums like this one.

    I'm glad to see you (and others) have been able to find the answers to your questions though. Don't hesitate to keep the questions coming.

  13. #13
    Can't believe this is a real problem.

  14. #14

    I think it's a lot like learning another language. If you're only familiar with your native language, learning a second language can be difficult. After that, additional languages are easier and easier to learn. Once you've got a romance language or two under your belt, you can pick up another 9 of them and write off the differences as stylistic. If Wow, for example, is the only MMO someone knows, there are things you have to adapt to and learn anew. Someone who's played multiple MMOs knows what to look for and how to adapt to (what are really) minor differences.

  15. #15
    You are correct, Acquiesce. One thing people need to realize is not everyone has the experiences of everyone else. Some people have played loads of mmos, some only one. Just because one person knows loads about various things, doesn't mean someone else does. Don't project your experiences onto others and expect that person to know exactly what you do. And it's not just Fencers that seems to do this, but a large number of people in various areas of interests do the same thing. Not everyone knows the actual names of your favorite band, so don't go on and on about a certain member of a band and be astonished that someone doesn't know who the hell it is.

    A game with a large amount of various currencies, such as Rift, can be a bit confusing. Same with the soul system, with 8 different souls per class when people are used to 2 or 3. I personally have no problem understanding it and find it rather easy to comprehend. But I don't project that understanding onto others.

  16. #16
    Scarab Lord Azuri's Avatar
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    I'm pretty much in agreement with many of the statements above. Rift for someone playing an MMO for the first time can be very overwhelming I'm sure. I'd say a big chunk of the players that actually play Rift are "veteran" players of MMOs due to it's complexity of currency, reputations and class/soul building and this appeals more to a seasoned MMO player which is a reason it's more of a niche type MMO opposed to say WoW which I kind of nicknamed the "Walmart" of MMOs which pretty much anyone can muddle their way through with little or no knowledge of an MMO. It seems to me anyways that's the direction Blizzard wants to go which does make business sense so I can't knock them for that.

    This is where Rift can come into the picture for people who still like a trinity system type game but want a bit more complexity and a time sink character/gear based progression model which older traditional MMOs used to cater too. I believe that Rift's target audience will consistently and slowly continue to grow for Rift as people can no longer get their challenge fix from other MMOs. By challenge I don't mean running LFR then normal then heroic raids this system doesn't appeal to many Rift players. I hear it time and time again that some people prefer separate raid lockouts like Rift's 10 and 20 mans (like wow's old raid lockout system) and completely different content to boot.

    The other comment from more casual raiders is when they did LFR and possibly normal version of WoW raids they were done with the content and heroic version didn't appeal to many for a 3rd more difficult clear which in turn leads to the current content cleared in very fast period of time. (As fast as 2 weeks for some more hardcore/casual raiders) Raiding a side for a minute I also predict that Rift's devolpement team is looking at the big picture and the following patches will now focus on a 10man, 5man, PVP and RP content going forward as well as improving leveling options. (Lower level instant adventures for example). To close this out, Rift will either be way to involved for some while others will just welcome the feeling of exploring all the intricate details of this MMO.

  17. #17
    The Unstoppable Force Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Can't believe this is a real problem.

    As someone that started not long ago i can see very much how this is a problem. I'm 2 months into the game and i'm still trying to find where vendors are and what i can buy with what currency.
    MMO-Champ the place where calling out trolls get you into more trouble than trolling.

  18. #18
    What I was commenting on was the excessive bloat of currency not confusion over currency. Which is justified, as Trion saw fit to make currency a pain in the ass.

    Rest assured I found posts #14-17 to be sumptuous, dears.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2012-04-05 at 11:38 PM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    What I was commenting on was the excessive bloat of currency not confusion over currency. Which is justified, as Trion saw fit to make currency a pain in the ass.
    Haha, even I thought that you were commenting on people's confusion

  20. #20
    I did too, Tarien. That's what it came off as with the wording. It made it sound like you (fencers) couldn't believe people were confused over the currencies.

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