1. #1

    cyberpower PC.. I've got a $900 budget.

    I am a pretty big noob when it comes to building a pc, so i dont want to go through the trouble of buying each individual piece and failing when it comes to assembly.

    So out've these PCs: http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/LandingP...al/summer2011/

    which one would be the best for a $900 budget.. and how should I customize it?

    If you guys have any suggestions on where i could buy a pre-built gaming PC, please do tell!

  2. #2
    Don't go with cyberpower they are awful. Their customer support is atrocious and it caused ke to have to tear down and rebuild my computer several times. The only good thing that came of it is I learned how to work on computers inside and out.

    Go to newegg if you want to get decent parts at decent prices

  3. #3
    Cyberpower is for the most part a decent place to get something. While it may cost you about $100 more for them to do it for you it isn't as bad as going down to the local retail store and picking something up. What all do you plan to play on this and what kind of quality do you expect?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Docphil View Post
    Cyberpower is for the most part a decent place to get something. While it may cost you about $100 more for them to do it for you it isn't as bad as going down to the local retail store and picking something up. What all do you plan to play on this and what kind of quality do you expect?
    Im going to be buying a lot of the new games coming out in the near future (MW3, BF3, etc). im expecting low to medium quality on games like those.. but games like WoW and older ones, I expect high quality. Retail? Hmm.. the local fry's doesnt have any decent pre-built computers, and best buy is just too expensive

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