This is something that has been gaining popularity among several EVO qualifying tournaments for a good while now. Basically, there is a separate tournament that people pay to enter that features random or augmented games. Almost every time I've watched the streams, it has been ridiculously entertaining. Although it is long, I encourage everyone to check out the video taken from the Mystery Game Tournament at UFTG7. The beginning time for each match is included in the top comments.

Street Fighter 1 and New Super Mario Bros. was hype as hell. You HAVE to watch those.

Quote Originally Posted by TheColonelDarren
Pong Round 1- 0:00:59 / Round 2- 0:03:38 / Round 3- 0:05:33
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Match 1 - 0:10:41 / Match 2 - 0:21:31
Street Fighter 1 Match 1- 0:30:51 / Match 2- 0:35:43
New Super Mario Bros Wii Match 1- 0:39:03
Fighter Destiny 2 Match 1: 0:50:05