1. #1

    What webcam/camera

    So im planning to broadcast from my bands studio to a website called blogtv.com

    But I have no idea what camera i should use, got a Logitech C270 Hdcam, but have no idea if that is enough. Want to have as good picture and sounds aswell, so will probably need a better mic aswell.

    Anyone got any suggestions how to set it up and what cam to use etc?

    "Remember there is always something cleaverer than yourself"

  2. #2
    If you're trying to broadcast band audio - I'd assume you'd have some form of more traditional recording equipment. Most of the time, it should be possible to connect the equipment at some point to the line-in port at the computer. That'll ensure that what your recorder hears, is what your viewers hear. (Compression loss aside)

    The microphones of webcams are not at all attuned for recording music audio; they're commonly tuned solely for frequencies of human speech.

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