1. #1

    BankStack addon macro

    I have been trying to get rid of all the icons on my mini map, and the Bankstack icon is my last one. What I want to do is make a macro where I can left-click to /sort, and right-click to /sort Bank. I have tried a few different things and have not gotten it to work. I need this in one macro if possible.

    Quick command reference:
    /bankstack : show configuration
    : rearrange your bags
    /sort bank : rearrange your bank
    /stack : fills stacks in your bank from your bags
    /stack bank bags : fills stacks in your bags from your bank
    /stack {group1} {group2} : fills stacks in group2 from group1
    compress : merges stacks in your bags/compress bank : merges stacks in your bank
    compress {group} : merges stacks in group/fill : fill empty slots in your bank from your bags
    /fill {group1} {group2} : fill empty slots in group2 from group1

    The ones in bold is what I need put into a macro
    Edit* A modifier might also work.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by PhantomAgony; 2011-07-15 at 10:29 PM.

  2. #2
    /run for key,func in pairs(SlashCmdList) do local c,d=1,_G["SLASH_"..key..c] while d do if d == "/sort" then func((GetMouseButtonClicked()=="RightButton") and "bank" or "") return end c=c+1 d=_G["SLASH_"..key..c] end end

  3. #3
    Thank you so very much

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