Hey guys I was just wanting to share some strategies that are lock related and see what you guys think.

Shannox, Multi-dotting rageface/shannox/riplimb, usually I will mostly focus on rageface to burn him asap while multi dotting only when I have CDs up, I know I could go higher on the meters, but I find it important to kill rageface asap.

Beth'tilac, I go up to dps beth because I don't think AFF locks are particularly effective on the ground, a full cycle of my dots does around 50k or 85k(approx) with bane of agony, which is really sad for multidotting spinners, so I go top and put a portal there, multidot inbetween spits with just UA and Corruption spinners and port back up always leaving my pet on beth permanently - refreshing BoD UA and Haunting before I jump down.

Rhyolith, I go on the legs with a melee and have basically an additional floater that prioritizes the legs and can easily throw a few dots onto the shards if there is space for Rhyolith, I feel warlocks are good on legs because we can multi dot to keep him going straight and pump shadowbolts and have pet autos to turn him.

Just starting Baleroc next tuesday, share any tips if you have them.
I'm liking affliction and excited to get my 4 piece asap, but I feel like I might be impoperly multi-dotting several high priority weak targets such as spinners, I'm using only Corruption and UA, saving my GCDs to spread it to more targets instead of using BoA would u guys agree this is correct?