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  1. #21
    MALE NIGHT ELF. Coz nothing beats melding after a wipe and mass ressing everyone.

  2. #22
    Gnome if you care about the minor differences that are racials.

    Female NE/Draenei cause theyre legit.

  3. #23
    If I were Alliance, I would probably go Dwarf, because many times there's a hard ticking bleed that cannot be removed unless you have Stoneform.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Larwood View Post
    Ignore racials. Pick the one who's ass you want to stare at the most.
    I never understood the logic behind this. Why are you staring at your character's ass? When I play, that's the last thing I notice.

    @Shadowkissed: I would go with a Human, if you're interested in the best combat/casting animations as well as a decent racial specific to healers (especially priests). If you're not concerned with looks or the animations or a free "PvP trinket" (it has several uses outside of PvP, mind you) then go with the Gnome. 5% bonus to your mana will help in those fights that require a little more from you such as heroics where the tank or DPS are... for a lack of a better word, "bad".

  5. #25
    Thank you all ... It really is a tough choice.. I am very torn between Human and Gnome. The gnomes are very cute and the 5% mana is huge. I am mostly a healing priest and disc is my main healing spec. I do go Holy when needed. I play shadow when I quest/ do dailies or ofcourse am asked to. And I PVP as Disc. Tho we are considering Shadow PVP this season. So that being said I know that Human would be the best choice. I really dont like the humans as far as looking at them, their laugh and oh god their dance * cringe* LOL... Please keep the feed back coming I really do appreciate it.. Now to come up with a name * sigh*

  6. #26
    Coming up with a proper name is far harder than any raid in this game. Yes, most players are content with idiotic dribble such as "Lolownedu" or "Shadowbakstbbr" (as if what you do isn't already apparent by your class choice) but to come up with something truly original, truly unique and something that genuinely fits the "RP" side of an "MMORPG", it takes a great deal of effort. So I wish you the best of luck in that regard.

    Also, compared to most races, the male Human emotes are far superior and less obnoxious. Case in point; female Humans' laugh. Listen to it a few dozen times and you'll wish you had been born without ears.

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